HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/03/1994CITY COUNCIL 3 October 1994 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 3 October 1994, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Robert Chittenden, James Condos, David Maclaughlin Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Brian Searles, Police Chief; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Joe Weith, City Planner; Eve Thorsen, Free Press; Frank Murray, Joan Britt, John Briggs, Jacqueline Marceau, Frank Mazur, Lori Gleason, John Finnigen, Leonard Locke, Gary Santy, Joseph Oppenlander, Joe Segale, Art Hogan, Vail Leach, Dean Economou, Dean Zoecklen, Thomas Chittenden, John DeLucco 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Maclaughlin noted that he and the City Manager had attended a meeting of the Friends of the Hort Farm at which recent changes to the Comprehensive Plan were discussed. Mr. Hafter reported the following: a. 4 October - inspection trip for commuter rail b. 5 October - alternative wastewater conference. Mr. Hafter noted that school people are very excited about this concept. c. VLCT fair this week d. 13 October - site walk of the Exit 13 proposal e. 1 November - new state law goes into effect allowing the city to enforce ordinances through civil proceedings f. The City Attorney has put together a book of all the city's ordinances. These need to be re-adopted. g. The city has filed an appeal in the Cynosure case claiming that the contesting party has no interest in the proceedings. h. The Economic Development Committee is drafting proposals which will be brought to the Council in November. i. Fire Department Open House will be on 9 October. The city is looking for a way to handle political candidates. Mr. Maclaughlin felt they should not interfere with the purpose of the day. j. The Solid Waste drop off site on Patchen Rd. will accept leaves free. Also, on 22 October, they will have an "Appliance Roundup Day" at the Williston and Essex sites. k. Messrs. Flaherty and Condos noted they will not be able to attend the next meeting. 3. Acceptance & Signing of Resolution of Appreciation for the Career of Christian Hansen, Jr., upon his retirement as U.S. Marshal: Mr. Condos moved to accept and sign the Resolution of Appreciation for the Career of Christian Hansen, Jr., as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Interviews for Appointments to Recreation Committee and Recreation Path Committee: The Council interviewed John Finnigen and John DeLucco for the Recreation Committee vacancies. Mr. Finnigen said he worked as a volunteer for various events. He is a teacher and likes the direction in which the Recreation Dept. is going in the city. He foresees many new opportunities for the new park. Mr. DeLucco got involved via an internship and came to love the community. He majored in Recreation Facilities Management. 5. Presentation of Reports from Golf Course Operations and Golf Course Finance Committees: The Finance Committee reported first. Ms. Britt reviewed the background of the committee's appointment. There are 400 acres of land involved, 200 of which would be for the golf course, 100 for residences, and 10 for a future school, and about 90 reserved for wetlands, etc. The committee considered whether it would be feasible for the city to become involved in the project, and if so, could the facility be self-sustaining. The cost of the facility would be about $5,000,000, if the owner gave the land which is valued, at the owner's estimate, at $7,000,000. Ms. Britt stressed that the Committee did not get into price negotiations. Several financing concepts are possible: a. The owner could dedicate the land for the golf course (which would increase the value of his remaining land) b. The City could pay something for the land and also transfer its development rights to the remaining developable land c. There could be a sale/leaseback arrangement d. The City could buy the land and contract for the building of the golf course. e. Any combination of the above. Ms. Britt said the committee feels very strongly that this a great opportunity to preserve 200 acres of open space and feels that the course should front on Dorset St. and be highly visible. The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations would have to be revised to accommodate the golf course, though the Southeast Quadrant study already suggests a golf course. The course would result in added value to the city with enhanced business opportunities, increased quality of life, and increased property values, especially near the course. The Committee felt the city shouldn't be developer/manager as there are professionals who could probably do it better. Mr. Murray reported for the operations committee. This committee felt it would be a feasible project in spite of environmental and planning hurdles that would have to be overcome. The cited successful models with both public and private ownership/operation and withheld judgment as to a preference until there is a likelihood of the projects reality. The Committee felt the demand for the course was already existent and felt the city should move quickly. They felt the community would support the project as there is strong sentiment to preserve open space. In addition, with fewer houses, the cost to support education would be reduced. There would also be an opportunity for winter use of the course for sledding, etc. The Committee noted concerns with soils, setbacks, view protection, etc., which would be faced at Act 250. Mr. Cimonetti thanked both committees and noted that more than 15 volunteers served on each committee. Mr. Condos, who served as Chair of the Operations Committee, added that about half of the members were golfers, half not. Mr. Flaherty supported the continued effort to have a golf course as it would lower taxes by not having homes built there with children who would have to be educated at community expense. Mr. Chittenden opposed the city using voter money for the golf course. Mr. Cimonetti noted there are many possible options, and did not feel the taxpayers would be put at risk. Mr. Hafter said the city's borrowing capacity is about $27,000,000. Mr. Maclaughlin felt the private sector should do the project as they, he felt, can do it more efficiently. He asked what the impact would be on changing the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Cimonetti noted the Planning Commission is about to begin a review of the whole Comprehensive Plan as part of the ongoing process of updating and revision. Mr. Cimonetti then reviewed the recommendations, noting that he felt there has been enough study done to suggest that further discussions regarding negotiation of price be conducted. Mr. Chittenden felt discussions should stop now. Mr. Flaherty felt it was valid to continue as there may be a structure that will be beneficial to the city. Mr. Maclaughlin didn't feel the city should get any more involved as he didn't think it was economically feasible. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the reports of the Committees with thanks and to continue discussion at a further date. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Information Meeting on Preliminary Scoping Report for Northbound Access to I-89 at Kennedy Dr., Webster-Martin, Inc: Mr. Hafter said a study has shown that this access would alleviate traffic at Williston Rd/Dorset St. The project will involve federal funds, so this public information meeting is required. Mr. Segale of Regional Planning then advised that the final scoping report will have schematics, etc. The project would then go to design (anticipated in FY '95). Construction would be in FY '96. Mr. Santy of Webster-Martin said they had been hired to look at the feasibility of the access. They considered the overall location, background, and environmental concerns. The corridor would involve an immediate right after the turn toward I-189. There could be a regular interstate ramp or a curbed ramp, and there could be retaining walls to reduce the impact to properties. Costs will be available at the final report. The ramp would have to have two lanes, so the acceleration lane would have to be lengthened. Improvements to the Dorset St/Kennedy Dr. intersection may also be required. It is anticipated that construction would take 2 years. Mr. Hafter asked about the impact on property. Mr. Santy said they are not sure, but it could be limited to a few feet off the curb line. Mr. Condos recommended noise abatement be considered because of the close proximity to homes. Mr. Hafter said that will be considered in the larger study. 7. Discussion of Problem of Commercial Use of Parking in Residential Neighborhood on Laurel Hill Drive: Mr. Hafter said business owners had instructed employees to park 300 ft. up the block since the new no parking zone was put in. Residents are annoyed by this. Mr. Maclaughlin felt the businesses are terribly wrong in flaunting the law and going against the spirit of the law. Mr. Hafter noted that residents are concerned that children will dart out between cars to get to school buses. Mr. Cimonetti noted that the street is being paved now and that this is a good time to have discussions with business owners. 8. Consideration of Submittal of City Comprehensive Plan to Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission for Approval: Mr. Hafter said submittal would be to the city's benefit as it would help in defenses against some Act 250 arguments. Mr. Weith concurred. Mr. Flaherty moved that the city's Comprehensive Plan be submitted to the Regional Planning Commission for approval. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of Request for Council/Staff Volunteers to Work with Skating Facility Citizens Group: Mr. Hafter agreed to do this. 10. Review of Zoning Board Notice for 10 October: No issues were raised. 11. Review Minutes of 6 September and 19 September: Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 6 September and 19 September be approved as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Disbursement Orders: Disbursements orders were signed. 13. Other Business: Mr. Condos asked when the question of impact fees will be considered. Mr. Hafter said it is on the agenda for 7 November. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to consider appointments to boards and commissions and contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to make such appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council resumed regular session. Jim Condos moved the appointment of John Finnigan and John DuLucco to the Recreation Committee for three-year terms. David MacLaughlin seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.