HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/14/1994JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION 14 MARCH 1994 The South Burlington City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting on Monday, 14 March 1994, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: City Council: James Condos, John Dinklage, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Planning Commission: William Burgess, Chairman; Mary-Barbara Maher, David Austin, Terrence Sheahan, Mac Teeson, Catherine Peacock Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Brendan Kelly, Pete Senus, Gary DuBrag, Lynne Alden, Yvonne Clark; Erika & E. Valgor, Joe Segale, Paul Wamsganz, Bruce Rigi, Joseph Frank, James Rameska, Richard Hamlin, Brian Precourt, William & Lee Bissonette, Ron Allbee, Fred Ralston, Peg Perkins-Rickey, Sara & Ann Barber, Jim Vaughan, Jim Edwards, Walt Levering, Gary Farrell, Dave Maclaughlin, Dana Alling, Harry Wallace, Mark Kerrigan, D. Eddy, R. Miner, John Hayes, Dave Brussard, Steve Smith, Jack Russell Mr. Weith said the Agency of Transportation has been working on an improvement plan for Williston Road. The start date for the project is anticipated for spring of 1997. The project will widen the road, creating a shared 5th center lane. One component of the project is an access management plan which would minimize the number of access points. Mr. Weith noted that it has been documented that as access points increase, accidents increase. There are several techniques for access management including: closing or relocating curb cuts, frontage roads, medians. Access management is particularly for roads with a shared center left turn lane because cars are being put in a head-on situation. Mr. Weith then introduced Brendan Kelly to present the proposed plans: Mr. Kelly said they have proposed two alternatives, the first would maximize safety and travel efficiency while the second would have minimal impacts on landowners. The primary problem is existing land uses. Mr. Kelly said they would like to encourage access between lots and use of exclusive entering and/or exiting lanes. Mr. Kelly then outlined the specifics of Alternative 1: On the south side of the road, the Interstate Shell driveway would be consolidated with the Arby's lot, eliminating 1 curb cut. One curb cut would be closed at the Ramada and access combined at the property line. At the Sunoco, the hope is to line up access with the Econolodge across the street and combine access with the Ramada. Mary Street would be closed and its access relocated. The Central School access would be for emergency use only. Video World would remain unchanged. At McDonald's/Citgo, a traffic signal would be warranted if the access were lined up with the use across the road. One curb cut could be closed. The easterly access of Citgo would be unchanged. Al's French Fries would have an exclusive right turn lane. The Midas Rd. would exist as it presently does. The mixed commercial use would be the same with no left turn out at the easternmost point. On the north side, the width of the access to the residence would be increased to 35 ft., anticipating a potential commercial use. The Dentist and Vt. Color Lab would access through the eastern access of the gas station. Traffic would exit at the signal. There would be no change at Bernie's or at the Dolan Variety development. One access would be closed at Snowflake Chocolate. There would be one access for Cheese Traders and the Alpine Shop and would continue having vehicles moving between these uses. Burger King would have an "entrance only" at one location and traffic would be forced to the traffic signal. KFC would have reconfigured parking and circulation with traffic forced to the signal. Dunkin' Donuts would be reconfigured with an exit at Zachary's and the traffic signal. There would also be a provision for getting to Haircuts for Less. White Street would be aligned with Midas Rd. reguiring the removal of the Accent Travel building. The access between the Post Office and Merchants Bank would lead to parking behind various Williston Rd. businesses (one house would have to be removed for this). The accesses at U-Sav and Mobil station would be combined. Alternative #2 would close almost no curb cuts and would not provide a signal at McDonalds or the theater. Comments were then solicited from the audience. Mark Kerrigan of McDonalds asked why there would be no light in Alt. 2. Mr. Kelley said warrants would not be met without combining accesses. Mr. Alling, owner of the McDonald's/Citgo land, suggested a lane behind the businesses to Mary St. Mr. Kelly noted a future plan to connect Mary St. to Corporate Way. Mr. Levering asked about a feeder road behind Econolodge to Patchen Rd. Mr. Weith noted this is still in the official city map. Mr. Audette noted this road had problems because of illegal filling. It also infringed on J.C. Park. There was also encroachment in a Co Zone. Mr. Field questioned the 35 ft. curb cut at the residential property. Mr. Burgess agreed and noted the Commission would ask for it to be narrowed if they came in for development. Mr. Farrell said he opposes Alt. 2 because it moves Mary St. into their parking lot. He also didn't want to see a 3-year building process. Jim Vaughan also opposed Alt. 2. Mr. Edwards asked what is gained by relocating Mary St. Mr. Kelly said it allows traffic to use a signalized intersection. Mr. Cimonetti said he wasn't convinced the Mary St. realignment is the most appropriate. He would like to see Mary St. with access to both Corporate Way and Williston Rd. Mr. Audette said 100% of the people on Mary St. don't want that. Owners of the Swiss Host Motel felt the one way in and out doesn't work with their horseshoe arrangement. Mr. Teeson asked if any consideration had been given to reduction of traffic volumes on Williston Rd. when Corporate Way is open. Mr. Kelly said that was not part of the study. Mr. Cimonetti asked if any level of service predictions had been made. Mr. Kelly said they had not but there would be improved capacity of through movements. Mr. Frank, legal counsel for Burger King felt Alt. 2 may be workable for them but there was a serious problem with Alt. 1. First is a legal problem in that Burger King has no vested right to use the area in front of KFC for ingress and egress. He noted it is a very narrow area and doubted KFC owners would give such a right. There is also a layout difficulty as the proposed clockwise circulation is counter to all fast food operations. He suggested one access point opposite Gigabites which could be a 2-way access. This would reduce curb cuts and legal problems. Mr. Condos stressed that everyone needs to work together and consider the whole area, not only one business. Mr. Cimonetti felt service roads on the north side and a possible service road between Williston Rd. and Corporate way need to be considered as well as the connection of Mary St. and Corporate Way. Mr. Hafter advised attendees that the state is doing a $400,000 study on the feasibility of bringing light rail service up the middle of Williston Rd. This would virtually wipe out all existing businesses. He said people need to voice their opinions on this. Mr. Cimonetti noted that one thing that added a full construction season to Dorset St. was the undergrounding of utilities. The city has taken the position that it believes utilities on Williston Rd. should also be undergrounded. The state does not agree with this. Mr. Hafter said the city has suggested undergrounding behind buildings, not in the right of way. Mr. Bissonette asked what the next step will be. Mr. Weith said the city has to give the state a recommended access management plan. Mr. Hafter said there will be at least 2 more public hearings on this. Mr. Dinklage noted the project can't be built without match funds from S. Burlington, so the plan will have to be approved by voters. As there was no further business to come before the bodies, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.