HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/07/1994CITY COUNCIL 7 MARCH 1994 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday 7 March 1994, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Channel 17; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Joe Chastenay, Marty Keene, L. Long, Bob Hest, Ron Boucher, Nancy Bell, Sarah Krueger, Dean Zoecklin, Dean Economou, Michael, Craig & Stephen Shand, Joe Meroni, Lynda Kingsbury-Ring, Michael O'Conner 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Presentation of Golf Course Feasibility Study: Mr. O'Conner thanked Dean Economou, members of the sub-committee and members of the City Council. He then read the Executive Summary of the study. The principal recommendations are: an integrated golf course and residential development, a larger parcel than originally considered (since the original parcel was deemed too small to support the proposal), the setting aside of 20 acres for a future city school, and preservation of wetlands and open space. The golf course would encompass 160 acres with 80 acres of residential development with about 240 residential lots. Mr. O'Conner said it is their belief that the plan is in compliance with all state and city regulations and would result in a golf course that is "spectacular, playable, profitable." Mr. O'Conner then showed the proposed plan and said they feel there is sufficient demand in Chittenden County for another golf facility. He added that he felt it would produce a positive cash flow in the first year though there would be a need for capital in the first years of operation. The facility would be designed to allow for off season activities such as sledding and cross-country skiing. Mr. Cimonetti said his quick opinion is that the study has optimized a central part of the city and incorporated housing and recreational use. He added that because of the proposed layout, a person travelling through would be impressed by the open and managed space. Mr. Dinklage asked what Mr. O'Conner's plan would do differently with regard to run-off and pesticides that would preclude the permitting problems happening with the proposed golf course in Huntington. Mr. O'Conner said there is a process that would first go through the state and then through Act 250, so potential problems would be addressed before the Act 250 process. He said he was confident this project could be permitted. He said it meets all setbacks and other criteria and believed it would not adversely affect the environment. Mr. Chittenden noted there were no costs included in the proposal for land acquisition. Mr. Hafter said those costs are not known and there is a possibility the land can be transferred to the city as part of a development plan. Mr. Chittenden then asked why such a facility can't be built by private enterprise. Mr. Hafter cited as one reason the lower interest rates available to municipalities. Marty Keene said that each new golf course creates new golfers who then circulate among all courses. He said there is also a potential for youth golfing programs. He felt the concept was excellent from a size capacity. Mr. O'Conner said that with regard to youth programs, with additional acres a par-3 facility could be built for youth or senior citizen programs. Mr. Boucher asked if local citizens would be able to play on the course. Mr. Hafter said that to take advantage of tax-free financing, the city couldn't limit the course to its own citizens but that there are local incentives that can be considered. Mr. Flaherty said the Council would like to form a review committee and also a finance committee. He also said there is a possibility of an advisory vote in the May election. Mr. Condos will serve on the advisory committee and Mr. Cimonetti asked to serve on the Finance Committee. 3. Continued Review of Solid Waste District Budget; Consideration of Approval: Ms. Kingsbury-Ring said the salaries showed a 3% cost of living increase and a 2/5% step increase for a total of 5.5%. Mr. Cimonetti didn't find the comparable salaries presented to be out of line but was concerned where this kind of increase could lead. Ms. Kingsbury-Ring said this increase is not the highest proposed in the area (Essex step increase is 4% and Colchester's 2.5%). She noted the Solid Waste District's base is lower than both of those. She said it is felt the increase is one way to avoid having to deal with a bargaining unit. She also noted that the CWD increase for 1994 was 5.5%. Mr. Dinklage said he agreed with Mr. Cimonetti that this increase is too high. Mr. Cimonetti moved to disapprove the proposed budget and to encourage the Solid Waste District to come back with an altered budget in the area of compensation. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of appointment to Natural Resource Committee: Mr. Flaherty noted there are 2 vacancies and one applicant. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like the Council to talk with the applicant. Other members agreed. 5. Review Planning Commission 3/8 and Zoning Board 3/14 Agendas: Mr. Dinklage noted that Planning item #3 and Zoning item #1 relate to the same proposal and asked staff to make public at both meetings how the proposal would be handled under present zoning with and without the Dorset St. median. With regard to Planning Item #5, Mr. Dinklage asked that the Planning Commission be encouraged not to waive any parking requirements. 6. Review Minutes of 14 February, 22 February, and 3 March: Mr. Chittenden moved the Minutes of 14 February be approved as written. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved the Minutes of 22 February be approved as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Dinklage abstaining. Mr. Dinklage moved the Minutes of 3 March be approved as written. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 8. Other Business: a) Williston Road: Mr. Cimonetti said he doubted there is any logical probability of bringing the project in within an 8-year window in time to avoid resurfacing. Mr. Dinklage said he checked with staff of the MPO and the project seems to be hung up in the Agency. He suggested Mr. Cimonetti push for resurfacing. b) 1994-5 Budget: Mr. Dinklage asked that in the list of items suggested for further consideration an increase in Planning Commission salaries be included. As there was no further business to come before the City Council the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.