HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/18/1994CITY COUNCIL 18 JULY 1994 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Tuesday, 18 July 1994, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, James Condos, Robert Chittenden, David Maclaughlin Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Dick Ward, Zoning Administrator; Brian Searles, Police Chief; Wallace Possich, Fire Chief; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Toby Dion, Michael Sheridan, Channel 17; Shelley F. Snyder, Bill Schuele, Natural Resources Committee; Frank Mazur, Ann Hallowell, Peter Taylor, Pat Reed, Robert Donahue, David Heleba, George Bosworth, Lenore Budd 1. Continuation of Interviews for Appointments to Boards and Commissions: a) Chittenden Correctional Center Liaison Committee: The Council interviewed incumbents Clarence Meunier and Ann Hallowell for two vacancies on the Committee. Ms. Hallowell said she became interested a year ago when there were some concerns raised about the facility. She has found the Committee to be a very worthwhile experience, especially as it links South Burlington and Burlington in issues that could arise at the facility. She can also explain to citizens of both communities how the facility operates and how it affects the communities. Mr. Meunier said he lives in the area of the facility and feels the experience of serving on the committee has been worthwhile for him. Council members praised the cooperation between the two cities. Mr. Cimonetti asked about the public alarm that was to be installed. Ms. Hallowell said the new Superintendent said he would be interested in discussing this. Mr. Hafter said there has been a commitment on the part of the Corrections Dept. to install the alarm. b) Natural Resources Committee: The Council interviewed Shelley Snyder and Bill Schuele for two of the openings on the Committee. Ms. Snyder said she enjoys working with the schools and also feels the committee works well together. Mr. Maclaughlin raised the question of erosion in the Bartlett Brook area. Ms. Snyder said she would bring it to the Committee's attention. Mr. Schuele said he had served on the Committee for 25 years. He felt this longevity contributes to continuity and carry over. He noted the Committee now serves mostly in an advisory capacity to the Planning Commission. c. City Charter Committee: The Council interviewed Peter Taylor, incumbent, for one vacancy on the Committee. Mr. Taylor said he has served on the Committee for 8 years. He said he has heard people express concern about budgets going up, and he noted he was very impressed with comparisons between S. Burlington and other communities the last time the City Charter Committee visited this issue. He noted that S. Burlington's rate of increase was a much flatter line than in other communities and felt this allowed for better budgeting. He felt there was a need to educate the public as to how the City Charter works. 2. Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to Agenda Items): Mr. Bosworth raised the issue of removal of animals who have been killed on city streets. He noted that in one instance, it was almost a week before an animal was removed, and then he had to do it himself. Mr. Hafter said this is the responsibility of the Public Works Dept. (which is now doing this work on State roads since the State does not do it). He said there are training sessions being held right now because of the rabies situation. Mr. Hafter stressed that the city doesn't want untrained people dealing with these dead animals. He apologized for the miscommunication in the incident cited by Mr. Bosworth. 3. Announcements; City Manager's Report: a. Mr. Maclaughlin said he attended a UVM Buildings and Grounds session this past week which involved a tour of the physical facilities. b. Mr. Maclaughlin also noted that on Saturday, he and the City Manager attended a dedication ceremony for UVM's new ambulance. Police and Fire Dept. people also attended. Mr. Hafter then showed a plaque presented to the City commending its participation in the purchase of the new ambulance. He said the city is very fortunate to have UVM's ambulance service as the city gets excellent service at a very cost effective price. c. Mr. Maclaughlin also noted a meeting tomorrow at noon of the Channel 17 Board of Trustees. The meeting will include a ceremony for 5 departing technicians and one outgoing Board member. d. Mr. Hafter noted the following meeting schedule: 1. S. Burlington Economic Development Committee, 7/19 at noon 2. Regional Economic Development Committee, 7/20, 2 PM 3. MPO, 7/20, 2 PM followed by a hearing on the transportation plan at 4 p.m. (meeting to be held in S. Burlington City Hall) 4. Shelburne Rd. Committee, 7/21 at 5 p.m. 5. State Presentation on Shelburne Rd. project, 8/4 at 6 p.m. e. Mr. Hafter said he heard from the Agency of Transportation. Bridge 68 has been removed from the road projects, and the A of T is working on bicycle crossings and are coming up with a plan. Mr. Hafter said he had gotten considerable information on this through Internet. f. Mr. Hafter advised that the city has received a $30,000 grant which will be used to pave the shoulder of Spear St. for a bike path. g. Dorset Park Playground opened today. Seeding will be done in other areas of the park this week. Work by the Youth Conservation Corps on the Calkins property part of the park will begin next week. h. Work on Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Rd. is almost complete. Paving will be done Wednesday or Thursday. i. Fire Dept: Chief Possich reported that 4 members of the Department went to Florida to tour the E-1 plant to see the new line of commercial apparatus. He noted the city's aerial apparatus is 24 years old. There will be a need to replace this and other city apparatus soon. j. Mr. Ward reminded members of the Firefighters Convention at the Sheraton this weekend and the parade at noon on Sunday. 4. Public Hearing: Ordinance to Amend the South Burlington Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations: Establish a No Parking Zone on Laurel Hill Drive for a Distance of 300 ft. east of Shelburne Rd. and a No Parking Zone on Harbor View Road for a distance of 500 ft. east of Shelburne Rd; consideration of second reading of same: Mr. Cimonetti read the proposed amendment and noted it would take effect upon passage. Mr. Maclaughlin said he has gotten a number of calls on this, all favoring the amendment. Mr. Hafter said he has had no negative response. Mr. Flaherty moved the Council approve the second reading of the Ordinance to Amend the South Burlington Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations as presented. Mr. Maclaughlin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Adoption of S. Burlington Alternative Transportation as a Portion of MPO Alternative Transportation Study; Presentation from Recreation Path Committee: Mr. O'Neill said this is the list from which future projects are selected. He noted the Rec Path Committee has been working with consultants on this plan. Ms. Budd said the MPO is asking each community to review and adopt its particular part of the Alternate Transportation plan. There is no money commitment involved. She noted that only one part of the path is near construction stage. Ms. Budd then showed the location of various parts of the path on the map and outlined the committee's priorities: 1. The need to serve the northern part of the community 2. A crossing at I-89 on Williston Rd. 3. The "railroad corridor" (if it is determined this can be used) 4. City Center Corridor (to connect areas to schools) 5. Alternate connection to Williston near Muddy Brook 6. Swift St. Extension Mr. Cimonetti noted that on the new Shelburne Rd. plan, there are bicycle lanes separated from traffic only by drawn lines. Mr. Weith noted that UVM is concerned that a part of the path may be in Centennial Woods which UVM doesn't allow. Mr. O'Neill said this name has been changed to "Patchen Rd. Corridor." Mr. Condos moved to accept the proposal as presented by the South Burlington Recreation Path Committee known as the South Burlington Alternative Transportation Plan. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Proposed 1994 Zoning Regulations and Amendment to the 1991 Comprehensive Plan; Scheduling of Public Hearings for Same: Mr. Weith reviewed the proposed changes to the Zoning Regulations. The highlights were as follows: a. New Institutional-Agricultural District: This district encompasses UVM-owned lands in various parts of the city. These lands are now zoned Agricultural-Rural Residential. Mr. Weith said the Planning Commission recognized the historic use of these lands and felt continued educational use would be important to the community and to the region. Permitted uses would be: 1 residential unit per farm, agriculture and forestry. Conditional uses would be: educational facilities, educational support facilities, research and testing, public utility substations. There would be no residential use. The zone would require a buffer zone to protect against incompatible land uses. b. Conservation-Open Space Zone: There are boundary changes in this district and also changes in how streams are dealt with. Permitted uses have been expanded to include agriculture, horticulture, public recreation path, stormwater detention, roadways and access drives, utility lines. Conditional uses are: outdoor recreation, research and educational activities, hydro-electric power generation. The Planning Commission could approve encroachment into the CO Zone to rectify a natural catastrophe or to improve public facilities. The Commission could also approve relocation of water courses if certain conditions are met. c. Southeast Quadrant: The 25% density bonus has been eliminated, and in its place basic density has been increased from 1.1 to 1.2. Permitted uses in restricted areas have been revised to include recreation paths. No buildings, roads, etc. would be allowed in restricted areas. d. Central District: Setbacks: the 20' setback would be maintained along Dorset St. The building envelope would be measured from the planned public street right of way. Coverage: There would be 40% building coverage and 90% overall coverage. However, if a parking structure is proposed on a lot, building coverage would be allowed to 90%. If land is acquired for a public parking facility, the remaining lot could be built at 80% building coverage. Density: The difference between base and bonus densities has been narrowed to be sure there is enough room for parking. Building height: The minimum height is 25' and the maximum 35' for flat roofed structures. Roof top apparatus must be screened from the public street. e. Traffic overlay District: The most significant changes deal with boundaries. The zone boundary will now be measured from the point of intersection of the street centerlines at major intersections. Boundaries will be related to the length of the average queue occurring at major intersections. Traffic overlay zone 6 (City Center) has been eliminated. f. Bartlett Brook Watershed Overlay District: This is a new district whose purpose is to control stormwater runoff and prevent erosion. Developers will have to submit stormwater management design to the city for review by the city's consultant. Developers must show that peak discharge velocity of stream flow will not increase over pre-development conditions. Mr. Hafter asked if eliminating the 25% density bonus in the Southeast Quadrant and increasing density to 1.2 changes the full buildout of the area. Mr. Weith said it does not. Mr. Flaherty moved to Schedule a public hearing on 22 August at 7:30 p.m. for the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Maclaughlin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Weith then reviewed the one change to the Comprehensive Plan which involves Map 8 (land use) and the UVM lands. This change is necessary so the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations are in agreement. Mr. Flaherty moved the Public Hearings for changes to the Comprehensive Plan be scheduled for 22 August and 6 September, both at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion of City Center Plan and Proposed Road Connector between Mary Street and Corporate Way; Development Proposal in Conflict with Official City Map: Mr. Weith noted a proposed building is being planned in the City Center zone that partly infringes on the right of way for the Mary St. connector which is shown on the Official City Map. The city could pursue condemnation or change the map to eliminate the road. The proposed building also violates the 80 ft. building envelope. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there is a way to connect Mary St. and Corporate without creating the infringement situation. Mr. Weith showed one possibility but noted it eliminates the possibility of continuing Mary St. between the "blue mall" and China Lite. The road would have to be shifted 60 ft., and the proposed road would require a 60 ft. r.o.w. Mr. Judge said he could shift his building 15 or 20 ft. He said the proposed road would create non-conforming lots. He also suggested some of the land for the proposed road come from the adjacent landowner (Munson). Mr. Condos said he was concerned that Mary St. have a way to come through to Corporate Way. Mr. Flaherty felt the city should take advantage of Mr. Judge's willingness to compromise. The consensus of the Council was to have staff, including the City Engineer, look at the possible extension of Mary St. to see if it can be more accommodating. 8. Consideration of Approval of Capital Equipment Note and Related Documents for Purchase of Scott Air Packs for Fire Dept: Mr. Hafter noted the current budget includes this item. This would be the first year of a 5-year plan. The loan would be at 4%. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Capital Equipment Note, Resolution on Capital Equipment Borrowing, and Non-Arbitrage Certificate at a first year rate of 4%. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Acceptance of Resignation of William Laliberte from the Natural Resources Committee: Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the resignation of William Laliberte from the Natural Resources Committee and to direct the City Manager to send a letter of appreciation for Mr. Laliberte's services. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Review Zoning Board Notice for 7/25/94: No issues were raised. 11. Approval of City Council Minutes of 5 July 1994: Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 5 July be approved as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Committees and Contract Negotiations and to resume regular session only to make such appointments and/or approve a contract and/or adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular meeting. Mike Flaherty moved the following appointments, which were seconded by Bob Chittenden, all for three-year terms: Chittenden Community Correctional Center: Ann Hallowell Clarence Meunier Charter Committee: Peter Taylor Natural Resources Committee: William Schuele Shelley Snyder The motion passed unanimously. Mike Flaherty moved the approval of the 1994-95 contract with the Highway Worker's Association. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed 3-2 with Bob Chittenden and Dave MacLaughlin voting in the negative. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM image Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.