HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/05/1994CITY COUNCIL 5 JULY 1994 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 5 July 1994, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, James Condos, Robert Chittenden, David Maclaughlin Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Leonore Budd, Gayle Barone, Harriet Long; Michael Sheridan, Channel 17; Eve Thorsen, Burlington Free Press 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements: a. Mr. Cimonetti reminded members of three Board of Civil Authority tax appeal hearings to be held on 6 July, 20 July and 27 July, all at 7:00 p.m. b. Mr. Cimonetti reported on a meeting held last Friday regarding concerns raised by Bill Norful of winooski about the number of County governmental organizations (e.g., Regional Planning Commission, Solid Waste District, MPO, etc.). Duplication of efforts had been a concern, but after discussion, it seemed that there was not a tremendous amount of duplication. A recommendation that came from the meeting was that since the Regional Planning Commission is concerned with the integration of various governmental organizations throughout the county, they be asked to put on their agenda a discussion of possible coordination of efforts by these various groups. The Council will ask its Regional Planning representative to report back on this discussion. Mr. Flaherty expressed concern that yet another layer might be formed to oversee what exists now. Mr. Condos noted that money could be saved by these organizations by group buying. He said there has been a lot of saving by sewage treatment people by the group buying of chemicals. c. Mr. Condos reported that he had been elected to the Executive Board of the Solid Waste district. 3. City Manager's Report: Mr. Hafter reported as follows: a. The Golf Course Finance Committee will meet on 13 July, 7:00 p.m. b. The Steering Committee will meet on 14 July at 7:30 p.m. c. The Economic Development Committee will meet on 19 July at 4:00 p.m. d. The MPO's 1995 TIP Public Hearing will be held at S. Burlington City Hall on 20 July e. There will be a Shelburne Rd. project 502 hearing at S. Burlington City Hall on 4 August, at 7:00 p.m. f. The first installment of property tax is due 15 July. There is an 8% late penalty. g. Ms. Picard showed members a welcome/information packet which her office put together for new property owners in the city. h. Ms. Picard also reported that more money is being invested as rates are going up. i. Mr. Hafter advised that recreation programs at all playgrounds started today with an excellent turnout. j. The Police have purchased 2 new cruisers and are selling the old ones. k. There will be an Air Show in the city on 17-18 September which will feature the Navy Blue Angels. Mr. Flaherty added that if the show is financially successful, funds will be contributed to charitable organizations in the city. l. Mr. Audette reported that the Kennedy Dr./Hinesburg Rd. intersection work is almost done. The whole section will be overlayed and then the state will do the restriping. m. Mr. Audette noted the city was very fortunate this past weekend not to sustain much serious damage from the mini-hurricane. n. Mr. Hafter reported that the 105th Vermont Firefighters Association convention will be held at the Sheraton this year on July 15-17th. 4. Further interviews for appointments to Boards and Commissions: a) Recreation Path Committee: The Council interviewed incumbent Lenore Budd. Mr. Cimonetti asked Ms. Budd what she felt had been accomplished by the committee and why she wished to continue to serve. Ms. Budd said she has been involved with the Rec Path since the beginning of efforts several years ago. She noted that now there are many new processes, especially with regard to funding. Mr. Condos said he had gotten a great many compliments from nonresidents who also use the path. He asked Ms. Budd if the Committee was involved with the Planning Commission. Ms. Budd said they make recommendations to the Commission about location of the rec path in a particular development or subdivision. She noted there have been fewer requests this year than last. Mr. Maclaughlin asked if the Committee has considered another "Adopt a Foot" promotion. Ms. Budd said they might consider this now that people are seeing the results and using the paths. She noted that the A of T was still the most likely source of funding at present. Mr. Cimonetti noted that 2.5 miles of rec path had been added as a result of the Dorset St. project. He also noted that Phase III of the path scheduled for next year will be 100% state and federally funded. Mr. Hafter added that benches on the path have been donated by businesses. Mr. Cimonetti noted there has been the beginning of a possible response from the state on the question of a bike path on bridge 68 (over I-89) when work is done on Williston Rd. b) Planning Commission: Mr. Cimonetti noted the Council had interviewed two incumbents and one applicant for 4 openings. The Council then interviewed Gayle Barone: Ms. Barone said she has lived in S. Burlington for 34 years and wants to help guide the city into the future with something that everyone can live with. She said she knows the city as she has been a dispatcher for 15 years. Mr. Maclaughlin asked how Ms. Barone felt the planning process could be improved. Ms. Barone said until she sits on the Commission she won't know that. She acknowledged she has never attended a Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Mclaughlin asked if a Regional decision were reached by Regional Planning that conflicted with a local concern, which would Ms. Barone put first. Ms. Barone said the local. Mr. Chittenden asked if Ms. Barone felt people should be compensated when land is deemed nondevelopable because of view corridors, etc. Ms. Barone said yes, then added that sometimes fair market value is not enough. She did feel there were other possible means of compensation than money. Mr. Flaherty asked if Ms. Barone favored the 50-50 split between residential and commercial development. Ms. Barone said she did. Mr. Flaherty also asked if there were any specific good or bad actions she felt had happened with regard to Planning. Ms. Barone noted there are some problems for businesses on Dorset St. but she felt the road looks beautiful. Mr. Condos asked if there were any critical issues Ms. Barone could identify. She said there were not but felt she would have to get her feet wet and go from there. Mr. Condos also asked what role Ms. Barone felt the public should play in the planning process. Ms. Barone said she felt everyone should have a voice, and the Planning Commission should listen to them. She didn't think the public was involved enough and cited the low attendance at this meeting as an example. Mr. Condos asked how Ms. Barone would choose between what the public says and what the rules and laws require. Ms. Barone said she would do what she felt was best. She noted she has no business ties in the city and wanted the future to work for everyone. Mr. Cimonetti then explained the process by which the Council would make its decision. c. Library Board of Trustees: The Council interviewed Harriet Long, incumbent: Ms. Long noted she has been filling out someone else's unexpired term and would like to continue. She is a retired teacher, and reading is an important part of her life. She noted the Board is revising its 5-year plan. A community survey has been done and the Board is trying to address community wishes. They are specifically looking for an adult reading area and an improved children's section. Mr. Maclaughlin complimented the Library Board and staff for their efforts and concern. Mr. Cimonetti noted there is still one other Board vacancy with no other applicants. 5. Consideration of Approval of Maintenance Agreement for Interstate Bridge Repairs with Exception of BR 68, US 2, Over I-89: Mr. Hafter noted that this is not technically a maintenance agreement but simply an agreement. He asked the Council to approve it with the exception of the bridge over I-89 since there are concerns still being worked on with that bridge. Mr. Cimonetti noted that some bridges will be worked on at night and the state has acknowledged concerns for nearby residences. Mr. Cimonetti said he agreed that bridge #68 be excluded from the agreement at this time. He noted that federal law requires more than is currently being planned for this bridge and there has recently been a breakthrough and a possible solution to the questions of sidewalks and recreation paths. Mr. Cimonetti noted there was no cost to the city for this work as 90% would be federally funded and 10% state funded. Mr. Hafter noted there will be inconveniences during construction even with work being done at night. Mr. Flaherty moved the Council approve the agreement for Interstate Bridge Repairs with the exception of Bridge 68 over I-89. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The question was raised as to when work will start. Mr. Cimonetti said plans have been approved by the State, and they are waiting for federal approval. If approval comes soon enough, some work will be done by this fall. Most work will be done next year. 6. Request for Approval of Documents Related to 1994 Vermont Municipal Bond Bank Sale of $175,000 in Notes to Pay for Landfill Closure: Mr. Hafter said the city had gotten the paperwork done so they could be included in this sale. He noted that instead of the $400,000 anticipated before work was done, only $175,000 is required. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Resolution and Certification, the Arbitrage & Use of Proceeds Certification, Loan Agreement, and the General Obligation Bond in conjunction with the sale of $175,000 in notes to pay for landfill closure. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of Additional Appointments to the South Burlington Economic Development Committee: Mr. Cimonetti noted that three more people had asked to serve on the Committee. He suggested having the Committee be on an upcoming agenda. Mr. Chittenden moved to appoint Richard Posey, Philip Linton, and John Davis to the Economic Development Committee. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Information on upcoming Steering Committee Meeting: Mr. Cimonetti advised that the meeting on 14 July would include reorganization of the Committee (it is the city's turn to have one if its members serve as Chair). The schools will also give a presentation on studies of present and future needs, including a new grammar school. This will be a very important meeting. 9. Approval of Minutes of 20 June: Mr. Condos noted that it was Mr. Cimonetti who had made the announcement about the meeting hosted by Bill Norful. He also noted that he had intended to say there was limited capacity at the drop-off center, not landfill, during construction work. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Chittenden moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Commissions and to resume regular session only to make such appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to Regular Session. Jim Condos moved reappointing David Austin to a four (4) year term on the Planning Commission ending in 1998. Dave MacLaughlin seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved reappointing Mary Barbara Maher to a three (3) year term on the Planning Commission ending in 1997. Mike Flaherty seconded. The motion passed 4-0 with Dave MacLaughlin abstaining. Jim Condos moved the appointment of Mark Crow to fill the unexpired three (3) year portion of a four (4) year Planning Commission term ending in 1997. Mike Flaherty seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Bob Chittenden moved the appointment of Gayle Barone to fill the unexpired two (2) year portion of a three (3) year Planning Commission term ending in 1996. Mike Flaherty seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mike Flaherty moved the appointment of Harriet Long to a three (3) year term on the Library Board of Trustees. Bob Chittenden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved the appointment of Lenore Budd to a three (3) year term on the Recreation Path Committee. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mike Flaherty moved and Bob Chittenden seconded the rescheduling of the August 15, 1994 regular meeting to August 22, 1994 and the September 5, 1994 regular meeting to September 6, 1994. The motion passed unanimously. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment, Mike Flaherty seconded. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.