HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/22/1994City Council Minutes February 22, 1994 7:30 PM The City Council meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Flaherty at 7:35 PM. Members present: Chairman Michael Flaherty, William Cimonetti, James Condos, Robert Chittenden Also present: City Manager Charles Hafter, Assistant City Manager Peg Strait, City Clerk Margaret Picard, Public Works Director Sonny Audette, Zoning and Planning Assistant Ray Belair, Librarian Claire Buckley, Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; William Craig, S.B. Planning Commission; Rosalind Saunders, S.B. Social Responsibility Committee; Hank Lambert, S.B. Social Responsibility Committee; Barbara Hibbitts, S.B. Social Responsibility Committee; Lynda J. Kingsbury-Ring, C.S.W.D.; Fred Moody, C.S.W.D.; Jennifer Eley, Winooski Valley Park District; Sylvia Smith, Winooski Valley Park District; Jan Emerson, Lake Buick; Dick Posey, Lake Buick; and South Burlington Residents: R.G. Hest, Fred Rodsten, Dave MacLaughlin, Tom Chittenden, Al Tremblay 1. Comments and Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda Items: No issues were raised. 2. Planning Commission Request to City Council on Waiver of Patchen Road Sidewalk Fee for Kirby Place Subdivision with William Craig presenting the position of the Planning Commission. Mr. Craig presented to Council that the Planning Commission unanimously suggested that a waiver overlooking the $6,100 fee for sidewalks be granted to the Kirby Place Subdivision. The Commission did feel because of the fee the final decision should come from City Council. Amy Wright of Lake Champlain Housing explained that the sources of funding had asked that she present this request to the Council. Mr. Cimonetti was against the waiver on the basis that this had never been done before; and he would not want this development to be set aside in anyway different than any other development in South Burlington. Mr. Chittenden was against granting the waiver because it has not been done before and also because the development will have many children in it is that much more important to have adequate sidewalks. Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Condos were both in favor of granting the waiver on the auspices that it is a very small amount of money and if there is any danger of losing the project over this small amount it would not be worth the argument. Mr. Cimonetti expressed the importance that this Kirby Place Subdivision not be referred to as a project. It is a development and should be referred to as such. Chairman Flaherty asked Commissioner William Craig to take back the Council consensus and use it in their decision process. 3. Review and Consideration of Approval of Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) FY '95 Budget with General Manager Fred Moody presenting. After presenting the budget in capsule form, Mr. Moody asked if there were any questions from Council. Mr. Cimonetti expressed his concern over the way the cost of living increase was stated in the budget. Rather than a 3.5% increase he sees it as a 5% increase (3.5 inc. plus 1.5% step increase.) He felt that this increase was too high; therefore, he would find it very difficult to support the proposed budget. Mr. Moody pointed out a few of the many accomplishments at CSWD with the guidance and direction of their 12 member full time staff (co-mingled recycling facilities, 7 municipal recycling centers, lined landfill, composting program, wood chipping program, private firms hired through the bid process, etc.). The CSWD Board of Commissioners felt that the compensation offered to the CSWD employees was fair and equitable. Mr. Cimonetti also expressed his concern over the high legal costs incurred by the CSWD. He still sees a need for CSWD to go out to bid for their legal counsel. Mr. Hafter indicated that with deleting the present large law suit from the CSWD and Dorset Street from the City of South Burlington the legal costs would be comparable. Mr. Condos stated that he is still looking for answers to the high legal fees. He pointed out that Mr. Moody has been successful in getting 10% reduction in legal rates. Mr. Condo's intention is to continue to encourage putting legal fees out to bid but realizes that it is not wise to change attorney's while involved in court cases. Mr. Condos pointed out that since the opening of the landfill, tip fees have remained at 74.20. Every other phase of different activities have been put out to bid. The board in general has been very aware of costs with the support of very efficient staff. The total budget reflects about 1.1% increase. Mr. Cimonetti asked that City Manager do a comparison between CSWD and the City of South Burlington comparing salary scales, benefits, legal costs, etc. City Council has until March 12 to approve or disapprove the CSWD proposed budget. If Council has no response it will be considered an approval. 4. Councilman Robert Chittenden made a motion to appoint Thomas Chittenden to Town Service Officer. Mr. Thomas Chittenden stated as some of his qualifications: South Burlington citizen, foster parent and aware of social welfare responsibilities. Chairman Michael Flaherty read to Mr. Thomas Chittenden the requirements requested of the Town Service Officer and Mr. Chittenden's answer to all the questions was a "yes." Mr. Condos seconded the appointment and it was a unanimous decision to appoint Thomas Chittenden to Town Service Officer for the City of South Burlington. 5. Continuation of Budget Review. Sylvia Smith and Jennifer Eley of Winooski Valley Park were the first to present their budget request. Jennifer stated the many accomplishments at Winooski Valley Park and hoped that this would justify their request for an increase from the City of South Burlington. Jennifer and Sylvia also pointed out that due to a decrease in federal funding the park is in need of increase from supporting communities. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there was a way to make the park and its happenings more familiar to South Burlington residents. Jennifer suggested that she use the S.B. Rec. Dept. to place park fliers and notices. Jennifer also shared that South Burlington children are the most frequent users of the park. Mr. Cimonetti complimented the park staff for their Ethan Allen Homestead and slide show. Rosalind Saunders, of the South Burlington Social Responsibility Committee, presented the committee's recommendation for allocation. The recommendation from the Social Responsibility Committee is as follows with three (3) alternatives: 1. The first column illustrates the total requests from agencies. 2. The second recommendation is $3,400 away from the City Council cap. 3. The third recommendation stays within the City Council cap and serves approximately 2,633 South Burlington citizens. Mr. Cimonetti was reassured by Rosalind that South Burlington allocations are consistent with the United Way allocations. Mr. Condos asked whether small amounts are a benefit to agencies. Depending on the agency and their programs, Mr. Lambert pointed out that a small dollar may round out what is gained from other sources and, therefore, support a program. Mr. Flaherty thanked Rosalind, Barbara Hibbitts, and Hank Lambert for being available to City Council during the presentation. Mr. Hafter presented the administrative insurance program and stated that there was no budget increase. Employees participating in the BCBS JY Plan contribute 12% of the cost. Dental insurance and liability insurance have decrease in cost by a small amount. Mr. Hafter and Ms. Strait have chosen not to include the cost of an insurance consultant in the proposed budget at this time. City Clerk Peg Picard stated that the increase in the City Clerk budget is due to future elections. Revenues show no change. Peg also explained that they would like to network the clerk computers and add 2 more for the attorney's table. These computers would accommodate an on-line card index for the use of the information in the vault. Assistant City Manager Peg Strait presented the proposed budget for bookkeeping and payroll. There were no significant changes. Peg did remind Council that the 3-year contract with A.M. Peisch, the auditors for the city, is in its third year and the audit will be going out to bid some time this spring. Zoning and Planning Assistant Ray Belair presented the proposed budget for the Zoning Department and stated that there was no change from FY '93-'94. Mr. Chittenden expressed his concern with the continued presence of the position of Zoning and Planning Assistant. He indicated that this was to be a temporary position and should have been discontinued long ago. Mr. Condos stated that he sees a real need for the zoning and planning assistant. Head Librarian Claire Buckley presented the proposed budget for the City/School Library. Ms. Buckley expressed concern over the cutbacks that will have to take place regarding adult books ($1,000 dec.), children's books ($400 dec.) and books on tape ($400 dec.). Donald Whitten, WPC Superintendent, presented the proposed budget for the South Burlington Water Pollution Control Facility. Mr. Whitten pointed out that there is a slight increase with no revenue from the sludge control. There has been no increase in salaries with the same number of employees in the department. Don does foresee the need for three (3) new pumps next year to replace old ones. There are presently 22 pumps and Bill Szymanski is always working to keep these pumps as consistent with each other as possible. It is a federal requirement that two (2) toxicity tests be completed each year with the cost at $2,500 per test. City Manager Chuck Hafter presented the operating agencies and pointed out that there is a 6.6% increase in the County Court, and $600 decrease for CCTA, Regional Planning is the same and the MPO is showing a slight decrease. Chuck then presented the 10-yr. Capital Budget and stated that the highway plans will have an impact on this capital budget. Mr. Cimonetti expressed the need to have discussion on the Williston Road Project. This discussion should involve the State and the MPO. Mr. Cimonetti asked that this discussion be placed on the March 7, 1994 agenda. 6. March 3, 1994 has been set aside for a special meeting for the finalization of the 1994-1995 budget. 7. Mr. Chittenden suggested that the Golf Course Feasibility Study consist of the same people as reviewed the Golf Course Feasibility Study applicants including other South Burlington Residents who have shown an interest in this committee. 8. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that Council review and accept the City Council/Planning Commission Joint Minutes for January 31, 1994 and the City Council minutes for February 7, 1994. Mr. Condos seconded this motion and the Council unanimously accepted these minutes. 9. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that the meeting be adjourned and Mr. Condos seconded this motion. The motion was passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.