HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/01/1994CITY COUNCIL 1 AUGUST 1994 The South Burlington Steering Committee held a meeting on Monday, 1 August 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Robert Chittenden, David Maclaughlin Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Paul Farrar, George Mona, Ann Pugh, Mark Crow, Peter Jacob, Frank Mazur; Channel 17, Eve Thorsen, Free Press 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Hafter announced the following meetings: a) The next City Council meeting will be 22 August instead of 15 August. b) The Vermont Agency of Transportation will hold a 502 hearing on the Shelburne Rd. project at City Hall on 4 August. Plans are in the City Clerk's office. There will be a discussion from 6-7 p.m., followed by the formal hearing at 7 p.m. c. The Chittenden Correction Center Liaison Committee will meet at the facility at 4 p.m. on August 24th. Mr. Hafter then presented the following report: 1. In a month or so, the City Council will be reviewing proposed impact fees. 2. The Vermont Youth Conservation Corps is doing a great job cleaning up around the Calkins House. This week they will be making paths and picnic areas on the property. 3. People have asked about the health of the beach (in light of problems in Shelburne). Mr. Hafter said testing is done three times a week and there have been no problems this year. 4. The South Burlington Recreation Department Track & Field Team won the state meet last week. The trophy is on display upstairs. 5. Mr. Audette presented information on road work in the city. Whitcomb was low bidder on the paving contract. They just did the Hinesburg Rd/Kennedy Dr. intersection. Toward the end of August, streets that are ready will be done. These include Central Ave, Maple, Lyons, Ruth, Davis, Heath, Cedar Glen, and others. At present, work is being done on catch basins. Mr. Audette noted that the city was able to get a $30,000 grant for work on the bike path, and that will begin soon. Beginning in September, reconstruction of East Terrace will be done followed by Brookwood. If the weather holds, they want to start the Williston Rd/Kennedy Dr. intersection as well. Mr. Cimonetti said he'd had a call from a resident of Queen City Park about paving Central Ave. while there are still concerns about the water system. Mr. Audette said there is no indication when QCP is going to do anything about water, and a lot of the work can be done off the shoulder. The road is getting bad, and if it is let go, it will have to be completely rebuilt. Mr. Hafter said pedestrian lights are on order for Hinesburg Rd/Kennedy Drive. 6. Because of the good price on the contract, Mr. Hafter said they are going to try to pave the parking lot at the park. 7. Cimonetti said that while the Youth Conservation Corps is in the city, their Executive Director will visit with the group. City Council members have been invited to join them. 8. Mr. Cimonetti noted the city had been put on notice that there is an appeal on the Ramsey Farm proposal that was turned down by Act 250. The developer is appealing to the Environmental Board. 9. The State Agency of Transportation is proposing new rules for undergrounding of utilities which would make it more difficult for urban areas to do this. He asked the staff to review this. 10. Correspondence was received from Vermont Term Limits asking the City Council to consider charter amendments to put an item on the ballot concerning term limitations. This will be referred to the City Charter Committee for consideration. 3. Meet with Members of the South Burlington Economic Development Commission to Discuss Role and Tasks for Commission: Mr. Mona, Chair of the Commission, introduced Committee members who were present. He then reviewed the tasks set down by the City Council. The Commission has had two meetings and came up with 9 possible actions by the Commission. Mr. Mona asked the Council to set priorities: 1. Improve relationship with GBIC 2. Review zoning and subdivision ordinances to make city more attractive. 3. Transportation issues and a review of capital improvement program 4. Ambudsman role for potential businesses 5. Develop a South Burlington marketing plan 6. "Umbrella Permits" 7. Investigation of Infrastructure development 8. Advocate at Act 250 permit level 9. Emphasize retention of businesses in S. Burlington Mr. Maclaughlin felt #2 most important. Mr. Chittenden suggested members of the Commission be present at the public hearings on the revision of the Zoning Regs. Mr. Cimonetti stressed that there be no tax concessions made to prospective businesses. Mr. Mazur said he liked the ombudsman idea to help a business through the regulatory process. 4. Update on Activities of the Regional Planning Organization: Mr. Farrar reported on two major items. First, Regional Planning was asked to look at sub-entities in the area, and this will be taken up. Mr. Cimonetti said the idea is to see if there is any overlapping of functions. Mr. Farrar said there is also discussion about the role of Commission Members vs. staff members and how staff should react to a specific development during an Act 250 hearing. It has been proposed that when a proposed development has been approved by Regional Planning under Act 200, Regional Planning would support the application before Act 250. It is felt that the Commission should be making decisions and staff should be carrying them out. Mr. Maclaughlin asked what happens if Regional Planning decides 2 plans are not compatible. Mr. Farrar said it is the overwhelming opinion that the Regional Plan should try to defer to the local plan. 5. Review Zoning Board Agenda for 8 August: No issues were raised. 6. Minutes of 18 July 1994: Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 18 July be approved as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 8. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a first class liquor license renewal for Quarry Hill. He said everything is in order. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the first class liquor license for Quarry Hill. Mr. Maclaughlin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter then presented a second class liquor license application from Airport Mobil. Everything is in order. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the second class liquor license for Airport Mobil. Mr. Maclaughlin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session only for purposes of adjournment. Mr. Chittenden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council reconvened in regular meeting. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment. Mike Flaherty seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.