HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-008 CU-22-01 - Supplemental - 0255 Kennedy Drive (6) VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL January 21, 2022 South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Ms. Marla Keene, Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 180 Market Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Conditional Use Review; Existing Lot 17 Hillside At O’Brien Farm Dear Board Members: The Development Review Board issued Decision SD-20-16 on November 12, 2020. This Preliminary Plat Decision reviewed a proposed development in the Hillside at O’Brien Farm Master Plan. Specifically, part of that application included the proposed development of apartment dwellings located on Lot 13 and Lot 15 within the Hillside Master Plan. In that Preliminary Plat review, the Board discussed and advised the Applicant that the additional parking required to facilitate the construction on Lot 13 and Lot 15, could be located on the adjacent lands outside of the Master Plan, with the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. The Board memorialized the necessity for this conditional use permit in Condition 13 of the Preliminary Plat decision. The Applicant has now filed Final Plat in furtherance of the proposed Development on Lot 13 and Lot 15. That Final Plat includes the construction of parking facilities on Lot 17. As requested, the Applicant is applying for a conditional use to grant this parking, and requesting this conditional use application be reviewed simultaneously with the Final Plat for Lot 13 and Lot 15. The Project proposes the construction of the commercial parking facility on Lot 17 as outlined at Sheet C-7 attached to this application for your review. These lands are used in this project to facilitate the construction of parking associated with Lot 13 and Lot 15 of the Hillside Master Plan. As discussed extensively at Preliminary Plat, the Master Plan area was designed to accommodate 458 dwelling units. Subsequent to that Master Plan issuing, the Inclusionary Ordinance was passed, providing for additional density in exchange for the required inclusionary housing. While we have been able to site the buildings required to construct the full density of the Project (including the inclusionary housing and the bonus market rate units), this has necessitated the use of some additional adjacent land to facilitate surface parking. The land involved in that additional parking remains the same as the land involved at Preliminary Plat. The Applicant has proposed this parking as a conditional use, commercial parking facility, which is allowed in the C1-LR zoning district where it is located. The reason that this land is not simply incorporated into Lot 13, is simply to allow for the underlying density of the land to remain available to the Eastview planned unit development. We believe (and plans provided to the Board at Preliminary Plat for Eastview demonstrate), that the density of these parking lands and other remaining lands can be accommodated in future phases, along with 2 the parking now proposed. We appreciate the flexibility of the Board in directing this approach which has enabled us to both meet the inclusionary requirement and to truly realize the offset density provided, which would not be possible if the underlying density was unable to be constructed. Review criterion for the Conditional Use mirror those of the Site Plan and PUD sections of the LDR. The Applicant has therefore not addressed those criteria again in this cover letter. The Applicant believes that if the Board approves the development in the Final Plat for Lot 13 and Lot 15, it can also approve the Conditional Use for necessary parking associated with the Project. All review of all criteria in the Final Plat include the lands in Lot 17, and therefore all review criteria are addressed in that application. We appreciate the Board’s review of our Project and look forward to discussing the details with you in the near term. Thank you. Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Director of Development