HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-05 - Supplemental - 0255 Kennedy Drive (3)1 Marla Keene From:Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent:Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:56 PM To:Marla Keene Cc:Georges Jacquemart Subject:RE: EXTERNAL: Hillside Review Hi Marla, yes, the applicant should go ahead and install the signal on a flashing basis with the pedestrian call opportunity for a walk and red light signal. Based on the signal warrant analysis the signal seems to be warranted when roughly 85% of all units (total development, combined) are occupied. That could become the threshold occupancy to activate the full signal. 85% is determined based on the 100 volume threshold on the minor road approach (Two Brothers, AM Peak) divided by the volume of 116 projected in Table 6. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Mark Freker BFJ Planning 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 4:14 PM To: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: Hillside Review CAUTION: External E-mail Hi Mark, just getting back to this now. The Board discussed the monitoring vs. activating question at their hearing on 5/4. Their traffic engineer, Roger Dickinson, testified that the signal is warranted with all four of Lots 10 & 11 (approved now) and Lots 13 & 15 (the lots we are reviewing in the below thread). Since construction takes time and not all four buildings will come online at the same time, they’re proposing to install it right away and let it flash until such time as it is warranted. That would also allow the pedestrian signal to be activated right away as well (as I understand, calling the ped signal would change the flashing to red). I’m still confused/concerned about monitoring. We don’t really have any mechanism or manpower to check in periodically on monitoring. What would monitoring look like? Would we be expected to review a periodic report? The Board asked if it could be turned on right away, and Rodger said the MUTCD leaves it up to municipalities as to whether it's ok to turn on signals before they're warranted. The MUTCD says it's ok when it's a net benefit. He thinks 2 there would not be a detriment of turning it on a bit early. Is it your opinion that there would be either a net benefit or a detriment to allowing the signal to be turned on with occupancy of the first of the four buildings? Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 6:34 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Subject: EXTERNAL: Hillside Review This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hi Marla, I hope the points below help to clarify but let me know if a call would be more helpful:  Signalization is warranted based on the assumptions that are presented in TIA table 6. Since assumptions include both trip generation estimates as well as traffic distributions, and because the projected peak-hour flow that is the basis for the warrant is close to the threshold value for the warrant, monitoring is suggested in order to determine when signalization should be activated.  We assume that when they build the intersection all underground utilities for the signalization would be put in place, so that the addition of the signals would be fairly quick. It is recommended that construction includes installation of necessary underground infrastructure/mechanics at this intersection to enable signalization. Monitoring would determine when signal installation is completed and activated (i.e. when 100 AM Peak Hour outbound trips are recorded at this intersection).  I wanted to clarify that TIA Table 6 numbers are based on the entire development (all Lots). I checked the appendix and confirmed that the recorded 116 AM outbound traffic projection at Two Brothers-Kennedy Dr. is the sum of all Lots (Residential and Commercial). Thanks, Mark Freker BFJ Planning 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 2:25 PM To: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> 3 Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server CAUTION: External E-mail Sorry, still confused… I did look again at the TIA to see if it would help, but it did not. It seems to me that if the TIA analysis for the project which is currently requesting final plat approval (Lots 13 and 15), and which includes the already approved portion of the project (Lots 5 – 9 and Lots 10 & 11), is already forecasting over 100 VPH, the signal IS WARRANTED and therefore the current final plat application should include the signal. Why are we saying it should be monitored if we’re already saying it’s warranted by construction of these buildings? Yes, agreed on the RRFB, the Board has already shot that down as a terrible idea (people drive like 55 on that road, and it’s 4 lanes, yikes). I wish the applicant had asked their traffic engineer to remove it from the report, but they did not. Fun thing: The City is installing a pedestrian actuated real signal (what’s it called, a Viper or something?) farther west on Kennedy Drive across from West Twin Oaks Terrace. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:45 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server Hi Marla, On page 7 of the L&D TIA it states, “The updated weekday peak hour traffic projections indicate that the projected morning peak hour volumes will satisfy Warrant 3 - Peak Hour Volume.” For this particular warrant L&D included Figure 4C-4 which I attached here with a red line showing the approximate 1,200 threshold of Kennedy Dr. volumes. The TIA (Table 5) estimates peak hour outbound volumes on Two Brothers Dr. as 116. This crosses the Minor Street threshold of 100 volumes (and the 116 will actually be slightly higher due to the revised trip gen estimates from Nov 2021). Based on the 70% Factor for Warrant 3 (Figure 4C-4) a signal is warranted when the Two Brothers Dr. peak hour volumes are exceed 100. Further, another criteria of this particular warrant is that the 85th-percentile speed on Kennedy Dr. exceeds 40 mph. Since the posted speed limit is 40mph it is reasonable to assume that the 85th-percentile exceeds this. Signalization should be based on monitoring but trip generation estimates (of all Project lots) are expected to exceed the threshold on Two Brothers. Finally, a detail that was not explored in our memo – BFJ questions the need/benefit for a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) at this intersection as an interim strategy prior to signalization. It seems that the southerly sidewalk on Kennedy would serve pedestrians without there being much demand to cross. Was there a specific request to have this installed? Thanks, Mark Freker BFJ Planning 4 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 11:29 AM To: Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server CAUTION: External E-mail Got it, thanks! In the signal warrant analysis, can you confirm that what you’re saying is that even with the updated November 2021 memo, you still agree that a signal is not warranted with construction of Lots 13 & 15? Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 11:26 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server Hi Marla, Our BFJ email appears to be back but I am sending this from Gmail for the time being just to make sure. Attached is a short memo from our review of Hillside. Please let me know if you have any questions. The November 2021 update that you provided last week alleviated my previous concerns with L&D's trip generation analysis. Also, please note that our review did not raise any concerns with the lane alignments from the site plan but please let me know if there are further details that you would like to be mentioned in the memo. Thanks, Mark Freker On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 6:33 PM Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Marla, Thank you for your follow-up on my two questions. I previously ran the trip generation for Lots 5-9 so I will plan to double check this and will include in our review. Have a great weekend! Thanks, Mark 5 On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 12:25 PM Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> wrote: Oops. I missed the last line of your email until just now. Here are written responses. Hope you enjoyed being outside today! 1.I double checked to see if any other communications had any supplemental traffic information embedded within them and they do not. 2.I think if there are reasons the trip generation for Lots 5 – 9 should be updated to reflect current methodology, it would appropriate for them to update it at this time. Therefore please include any comments you have on those lots as well. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Marla Keene <> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:06 AM To: Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server Hi Mark, I’ll give you a call as soon as I can talk to Paul about your question #2. Confirmed there are no new materials. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <mark.freker@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:18 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: g.jacquemart@gmail.com; Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com>; Mark Freker 6 <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server Hello Marla, I tried to give you a callback - I think you are out of the office so I will respond here. Apologies again for the communication gap since Tuesday but I am glad that we were able to connect and to hear that the Board authorized a traffic technical review of the Hillside development. We should be able to have a review by mid-day next Wednesday 4/27 but if we hit any snags as we begin I will let you know immediately. It is understood that the review will focus on the lane configuration to the extent that you mentioned, trip generation, and a signal warrant review - along with anything else that might catch our attention. Please let me know if there is anything else that you have in mind that I did not list here. A couple questions when you have a moment: 1) Please confirm that there are no other updates/ new documents aside from the 11/22/21 memo from L&D that you just attached. We have the previously provided TIA and Appendices dated 8/30/21 along with the site plan PDFs (3 files) dated 12/1/21. 2) You previously mentioned that the phase at hand is for Lots 13 and 15. L&D analysis groups trip generation in two phase categories (Lots 5-9 and Lots 10-15). Should BFJ trip gen. review stick to just the numbers in Lots 10-15 or also provide a review of Lots 5-9 to be consistent for the entire development? Please note I will be out of the office tomorrow conducting fieldwork so any follow-up email on my end might be delayed. Thanks, Mark On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 4:17 PM Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> wrote: Hi Mark, thanks for thinking of me. I actually just 10 minutes ago received a bounce back from emails I sent you on Tuesday. Instead of attaching the email (because I’m not sure how gmail is going to handle that), I’m pasting the message below, including the rest of the thread (in case you’re not able to get into your sent mail, either). I 7 understand if the proposed timeline is no longer viable; hopefully the May 4 option is still feasible? I’m going to follow this email with a phone call, since sometimes our .gov emails get sent to spam by gmail. From: Marla Keene <> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 2:21 PM To: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review Hi Mark, my apologies for the long delay, this managed to fall through the cracks. The Board did authorize a traffic technical review, with some discussion. They noted that the previous application, for lots 10 & 11, did include the roadway layout and the former DPW director provided comments on driveways at that time. The applicant was questioning why the roadway layout needed to be re-hashed, and I managed to calm them down by saying that we were simply looking at a very narrow scope of whether the dedicated lanes were configured correctly, and would not be changing the recommended driveway location. The Board also was interested in a technical review of the signal warrant and trip generation. The applicant also submitted the attached memo, which is, as I understand it, an explanation for how they did their calc rather than a change. Is there any chance you could have your technical review done by mid-day next Wednesday 4/27? That’s when I’ll be publishing my staff report for the continued hearing on May 4. If not, could you be done by the beginning of the day on May 4? I can write in my report that I’ll have an update at the time of the hearing. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:02 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@sburl.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review 8 Hi Marla, For a full technical review our fee would be $1,100. Although I did an initial review of trip generation, this full review would include a more detailed look at the assumptions and traffic distribution along with the other analysis and recommendation areas. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Mark Freker BFJ Planning 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com From: Marla Keene <mkeene@sburl.com> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:06 AM To: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review CAUTION: External E-mail Hi Mark, what would you estimate for a cost of full technical review? I’m going to try and get authorization in advance of next Tuesday. 9 Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 11:45 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@sburl.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hello Marla, Thank you for the email. Georges and I spoke and are in agreement that the time for a full technical review would be beneficial. This would give us the opportunity to look into a fuller range of details, including the driveway geometry that you raise below. Please let us know how the 3/15 meeting goes in terms of this authorization or if we should plan to begin the full review now. In the initial review I primarily focused on trip generation. The attached Excel file shows discrepancies between BFJ analysis and L&D analysis, with lots 10-15 highlighted for the phase at hand. The bottom table shows the difference in trip generation analysis: BFJ estimates a higher AM Peak trip generation but a lower PM peak generation for lots 10-15. Please let me know if you have any questions of and of course feel free to give me a ring. Thanks, Mark Freker 10 BFJ Planning 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com From: Marla Keene <mkeene@sburl.com> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 9:41 AM To: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Cc: Georges Jacquemart <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: RE: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review CAUTION: External E-mail Hi Mark and Georges, I wanted to let you know that in discussion with the interim director of public works, we think it prudent to seek approval for a full technical review by BFJ for this application. In particular we were struck by the geometry of the driveways as it pertains to Two Brothers Drive and the proximity to the intersection of Kennedy Drive. The Board will be reviewing at their meeting on 3/15, and I expect them to authorize a more comprehensive review at that time. If in your initial review you chose to make recommendations for what needs a more thorough review rather than trying to touch on everything in the short time you have available, that would perfectly compatible with our planned approach. Does that makes sense? Feel free to call. 802-846-4138 is my direct line. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 11 From: Marla Keene Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 7:36 PM To: 'Mark Freker' <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Cc: 'Georges Jacquemart' <g.jacquemart@bfjplanning.com> Subject: SD-22-05 O'Brien Hillside - technical review Hi Mark, This application will be reviewed by the Board at the March 15 DRB hearing. Project Description Final plat application #SD-22-05 of O’Brien Farm Road, LLC for the next phase of a previously approved master plan for up to 490 dwelling units and non residential space as allowable in the zoning district. The phase consists of two (2) five story multi-family residential buildings on Lots 13 and 15 with a total of 251 dwelling units, 1,219 sf of commercial space, and associated site improvements, 255 Kennedy Drive. Georges has reviewed the previous iterations of this traffic study, and this is hopefully simply an update, but if it needs to be a more involved review please let us know! The associated roads are likely to be approved by the Board by the date of this meeting (the hearing is closed but they’re still deliberating). Can you review by this Friday 3/4? As with the other application I just sent, I’ll be publishing my report on Wednesday 3/9. Sincerely, Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Mark Freker <m.freker@bfjplanning.com> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 4:11 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> 12 Cc: g.jacquemart@gmail.com; mark.freker@gmail.com Subject: EXTERNAL: BFJ Email Server This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hello Marla, Unfortunately BFJ has been experiencing a server challenge since last week that has not allowed us to receive external emails. The issue is expected to persist, perhaps into next week. In the event that you tried to contact us for any reason, I apologize for the communication gap. For any potential correspondence with Georges or myself during this period could you please address our personal emails that are CCed on this thread (g.jacquemart@gmail.com; mark.freker@gmail.com)? Thanks, Mark Freker BFJ Planning 115 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 T. 16463815702 E: m.freker@bfjplanning.com 13