HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/30/1993STEERING COMMITTEE 30 SEPTEMBER 1993 The South Burlington Steering Committee held a meeting on Thursday, 30 September 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present City Council: Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, William Cimonetti; James Condos, Charles Hafter, City Manager School Board: Dennis Snyder, Peter Cole, Frank Murray, Bruce Chattman, Superintendent Also Present Lawrence Lecours, Marilyn Frederick, School District; Michael Munson, Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Channel 17 1. Election of Officers The floor was opened for nominations for Chairperson. Mr. Condos nominated Mr. Murray. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. There were no further nominations. Mr. Murray was elected unanimously. Mr. Flaherty nominated Mr. Condos for Clerk. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. There were no further nominations. Mr. Condos was elected unanimously. 2. Minutes of 18 March 1993: Mr. Condos noted that he had been present at the meeting. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Public Hearing: City and School Proposed Capital Program Budgets: Mr. Munson explained the process by which the budgets were prepared. Inventory of capital items owned by the city and school were made. Then, with the assistance of department heads, new capital projects foreseen for the next 6 years were identified for the schools and city. In the case of the schools, population projections were used to determine the need for an additional school facility. A series of proposed expenditures was then created for every department. The result is a set of tables listing by department all proposed capital projects, costs, anticipated year for expenditure, and possible method of financing. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the linear population projections differ much from Bill Smith's projections. Mr. Munson said they did. He said he felt that the Smith projections depend on things that are hard to estimate, such as migration. Mr. Smith, for example, projected a population of 15,600 in the year 2010 while Mr. Munson's projection is for just under 17,000. Mr. Condos noted there was a $1,600,000 item for retrofitting Central School and asked if consideration had been given to replacing Central School with a larger school in the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Lecours said they had discussed that and had Central School appraised. The appraisal was much lower than anticipated (the property is worth more without the building). Mr. Cimonetti added that the Central District has anticipated there being a school as part of the neighborhood. Mr. Lecours added that people like the neighborhood school concept. Mr. Hafter noted there is a problem with the system of residential road system. About $2,100,000 in work needs to be done. If the city spends about $200,000 a year, it would take 10 years to accomplish this work. Mr. Hafter suggested a possible alternative funding method: a 6¢ supplemental tax for 5 years which would get the work done without a bond issue, thus saving interest charges. This would cost the average family $45/year for 5 years. 4. Dorset Street Celebration: Mr. Flaherty advised members that the Dorset Street official opening will be on Sunday, 10 October. Everything is on schedule and the Governor will be in attendance. 5. Next meeting: Members agreed to meet on 18 November. Mr. Chattman said there will be a presentation by CASA. 6. Other Business: Mr. Hafter advised that the work on the park is coming well. The tennis courts will be available in a few weeks. Mr. Hafter reported on a model emergency simulation held during the week. He praised the teamwork and professionalism of the city's emergency personnel. Mr. Lecours added that a manual for emergency situations will be produced. Mr. Cimonetti briefly outlined the proposal recently made for the Economou Farms/municipal golf course. He noted the property owners approached the city about the possibility for development with a partnership leading to a city-owned, 250 acre golf course. The proposal would also involve 175 residential units which would not be visible from the main roads. The proposal may involve a change in the future site for a new school. The City Council is now considering whether to invest city funds for a feasibility study of the golf course. As there was no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.