HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/03/1993CITY COUNCIL 3 MAY 1993 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 3 May 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden, John Dinklage Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Brian Searles, Police Chief; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Dick Ward, Zoning Administrator; Lowell Krassner, Michael Pepper, Tom Heilmann 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2. Continuation of Public hearing on Security Alarm Ordinance; Second Reading: Mr. Hafter said the only response received from alarm companies came from New England Security who sent a copy of an Ordinance from Maine. They also recommended a 30-day grace period after an alarm is installed to allow people to get used to it. Michael Pepper, representing ADT, requested there be no fee for people who have alarm systems. He said they want to encourage the use of such systems for protection. Mr. Condos suggested a one-time $10. administrative fee. Mr. Pepper said they oppose the ban on outside alarms and felt they alert neighbors to a possible problem. Chief Searles said about one-tenth of one percent of outside alarms they respond to are actually crimes in progress. Members also discussed inside alarms that can be heard outside the house. Mr. Dinklage suggested continuing the hearing to let staff consider input from this meeting. Mr. Condos also expressed concern with progressive fines. Mr. Dinklage moved to continue the public hearing and ask staff to consider input received tonight. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Further discussion on South Burlington Sign Ordinance and Requested Amendment to Allow two Free-Standing signs per Lot Under Certain Conditions: Mr. Hafter advised that Bill Savoie of Saturn requests a two-week delay on this discussion since he couldn't be here tonight. Mr. Cimonetti said the issue is broader than the specific Saturn problem. He said the issue of off-premises signage was raised at the Dorset St. Signage Committee, and this is related to the Saturn issue. He suggested having the consultant from the Dorset St. Committee attend the meeting in 2 weeks to see if she can add some input to the discussion. He noted he has been contacted by another project on Shelburne Rd. that will have the same problem as Saturn. Mr. Dinklage thanked the Planning/Zoning Departments for their memo on this subject. Mr. Cimonetti noted that in some cases the location of accesses is being driven by the sign ordinance. Mr. Cimonetti raised the question of shopping areas being named for one store in the area because that store is remotely located and has no other means of letting people know it is there (such as Staples Plaza). Mr. Krassner expressed concern that the sign law will be weakened and noted this was a citizens' initiative to reduce the clutter of signs. Mr. Cimonetti noted there are still many non-conforming signs and it might be possible to work out a compromise to address this. Mr. Krassner didn't feel that allowing a deviance from the sign ordinance would address the non-conforming sign question. Mr. Condos said he didn't want to lose sight of traffic safety and aesthetic issues. Mr. Heilmann said getting buildings back off the road is also an aesthetic issue. Mr. Cimonetti felt the city picks up a little obligation with remote buildings to get people directed to them. 4. Consideration of Recommendation of Preferred Scenario for Siting of Lime Kiln Bridge Replacement: Mr. Flaherty noted that the Town of Colchester doesn't want to relocate the access to Rt. 15. Mr. Hafter said Scenario 3 is safer, but there is a problem with the wetlands and the cost would be $600,000-700,000 more. He felt there could be some state funding. Mr. Audette said one reason to go with Scenario 3 is it would solve the Airport Rd/Shamrock Rd. intersection. Under this scenario, that would become a "T" intersection and would go behind houses and come out approximately where the bridge comes out now. Mr. Dinklage said he supports Scenario 3 and suggested showing this scenario on the Official City Map. He said he would work with the MPO to get state funding. Mr. Cimonetti disagreed. He felt that spending more money and engaging in a fight over the wetlands still won't eliminate the Airport Rd/Shamrock Rd problem. He said this is an access to a major housing development and an industrial area and is also the back access to the Airport. He said it is not good planning to dead-end a street short of an arterial. Mr. Audette noted there is a commitment to do some work on that intersection this year. Mr. Dinklage said the long term solution is one major T-intersection that would serve all the traffic that would flow through it. 5. Consideration of Council Appointments to Shelburne Rd. Committee: Bill Shearer and Doug Wyand have been suggested as representatives from the business community. Mr. Hafter noted there have been no applications from the residential community. Mr. Cimonetti suggested a third business person, Tom Nold. Shelburne has no problem with this. Mr. Dinklage moved to appoint Bill Shearer, Doug Wyand and Tom Nold to the Shelburne Rd. Committee. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos recommended Paul Farrar as community representative. Mr. Cimonetti felt this was a good idea as Mr. Farrar is the city representative to the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Condos moved to appoint Paul Farrar to the Shelburne Rd. Committee, if he accepts. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion of Process for Review of City Attorney Proposals: Mr. Flaherty noted that the City Manager suggests a review subcommittee to narrow the field down to 3. Mr. Cimonetti felt this was a good idea as long as the Council gets information on all applicants. He also suggested appointing members after the election. Members agreed. 7. Schedule Re-Organization Meeting for City Council: Members agreed to 24 May for the re-organization meeting. 8. Information Items: a. There will be an information meeting on 2 June with the Agency of Transportation regarding the I-89/I-189 bridge rehabilitation project. Mr. Hafter said this is a chance to get bicycle lanes as part of the project. b. Mr. Hafter updated the landfill closure noting there have been some successes and some problems. The major success was that in a testing for gasses the landfill fell under every parameter for an active gas collecting system. This will save $100,000 on closing costs and also $10,000 in interest. Because of this, the city tax rate can be lowered from 79.9¢ to 78.8¢. The problem involved unforeseen weather conditions in returning trash to the landfill after some digging. A water line will be relocated in a much better location in the long run. Trash will be returned to the landfill tomorrow. 9. Review Zoning Board Agenda for 5/10/93: Mr. Dinklage raised the question of home occupations. Mr. Ward said they are dealing with state statutes on this. Mr. Cimonetti noted that in item #1 quarry operations are being requested and asked if the Zoning Board sets stipulations with regard to traffic, weights of trucks, etc. Mr. Ward said there will be no access over S. Burlington roads. Mr. Cimonetti asked about abutting neighborhoods on the east side of Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Ward said they have been notified of the hearing. Mr. Condos suggested a stipulation so Hinesburg Rd. can't be used. Mr. Ward said the application will have to go to the Planning Commission who would consider this. 10. Minutes of 19 April 1993: Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the Minutes of 19 April as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Dinklage abstaining. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 12. Other Business: Mr. Condos asked about the signaling of the Hinesburg Rd/Kennedy Drive intersection noting that the east side of Hinesburg Rd. on Kennedy Dr. has been backed up past the doctors' offices for three or four changes of the light. Mr. Audette noted the city has no control over the light. It is under state control. Mr. Dinklage said he has had inquiry on when Hinesburg Rd/Williston Rd. intersection will be upgraded and suggested the city consider doing what can be done, if it is not part of the Williston Rd. project. Mr. Cimonetti noted that the Transportation Bill that is ready for the Governor's signature would have the state take over paving and reconstruction of Williston Rd. The sense is that Williston Rd. will come in fairly close to the top of the list, possibly a paving effort in 2 years. 13. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Chittenden moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented entertainment permits from the following: a. Ground Round (Marco the Magician on Tuesday nights) b. Granny O's (Karaoke on Friday and Saturday nights) c. Bambino's (DJ music on a continuing basis and occasional live bands on weekends) d. Ramada (piano player, DJ, bands) e. Sheraton (piano player, DJ, bands) f. Holiday Inn (small group music) Jake's (guitar player, piano player on Friday nights) Mr. Cimonetti questioned the absence of two Howard Johnson's locations, one of which has a ballroom. Mr. Hafter will contact them. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the Entertainment Permits as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter then presented tobacco license permits from Airport Gift Shop and Kennedy Drive Mobil and a First Class Beverage License Request from Lum's, Tokyo Restaurant, and Lilydale, Inc. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the tobacco and First Class Beverage License applications as presented. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter noted there will be a new permit required for outside serving of food/drinks. The scheduled Executive Session was postponed until after the election. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.