HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/11/1993CITY COUNCIL 11 FEBRUARY 1993 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Thursday, 11 February 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Brian Searles, Police Dept; James Goddette, Fire Dept; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Douglas Scott, Joe Hameline 1. Comments & Questions from the Public not related to items on the Agenda: No issues were raised. Mr. Hafter invited the City Council to a School Board meeting tomorrow at 4:30 p.m., in the Middle School to hear the announcement of the new Superintendent of Schools. 2. Community Development Grant: Mr. Scott asked for a public hearing on the 15th of March. Mr. Cimonetti remained opposed due to the inclusion of the City of Burlington which, he felt, could potentially be able to draw from administrative funds. Mr. Dinklage asked if S. Burlington did not participate at this time, would the plan still be viable for the other communities. Mr. Scott said the concept would still be viable but it might be more difficult to get funding. Mr. Dinklage felt he needed more time to consider the information. Mr. Dinklage moved to table the item for further study. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Mr. Condos felt there was a possibility for a good program here and a boost to the economy. He was troubled by two things: the lateness of getting it to the Council and the continued inclusion of the city of Burlington. He felt for these reasons he couldn't support it at this time. In the vote that followed, the motion to table passed unanimously. 3. Review of 1993-4 Proposed City Budget: Mr. Hafter noted that there is a .6% increase in the total budget, all of which is from debt service on items voted by the community. The grand total for the city budget is proposed at $7,733,137 with a tax rate of 79.9¢. Last year's total budget was $7,684,541. Budgets of individual departments were then considered: City Council: Major changes include a 4.5% increase from VLCT. Mr. Hafter said it will be possible to free up $5,000 from the Police drug seizure funds for use by CASA. Mr. Chittenden felt it was a waste of money to give $4,000. to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hafter and members of the Council noted the Chamber does promote conventions and other use of city hotels and businesses. Recreation: Mr. O'Neill said the budget was prepared within the stated guidelines and both recreation and fine arts are less than last year. A new item includes $500. for the new Recreation Path Committee for copies of maps, consultants, etc. Under capital expenses they are looking for a new duplicator to replace one which has become non-functional. The budgets will result in essentially the same level of programming. The operation of Red Rocks Park will be cut back by one week. Regarding the new city park, Mr. O'Neill hoped to be under construction by early May. Fields have to sit a year so it would be 1994 before they can be in use. He noted there will be increased costs in playground equipment due to very stringent federal guidelines. Library: The budget meets the City Manager's guidelines. They had to reduce money for books and audio tapes for both children and adults. She felt it was time the city considered hiring a full-time library director. Mr. Dinklage asked for an update on the computer system. There appears to be equipment that is not being used since it does not seem to meet the Library's needs. Mr. Dinklage asked the City Manager to look at this equipment to see if any of the hardware could be used elsewhere. Mr. Cimonetti said he didn't see how the city could get a better deal for a library director and felt the city was being very well served at present costs. City Clerk: Ms. Picard said the reduction in the budget is due mainly to the fact that there are fewer elections this year. Also, postage and printing costs are down for the same reason. Fire Dept: Chief Goddette noted a $14,000 increase in liability insurance. Vehicle replacement has been increased by $1,000. with a decrease in fire fighting equipment. He outlined some new equipment that is needed including radios, adapters, and equipment washing machines. Mr. Hafter noted the liability insurance increase is due mainly to Workmen's Compensation insurance. The figures shown are still estimates. Chief Goddette said they have to look very seriously at maintaining the equipment account. With this budget, they will be 4-1/2 years behind in this area. Training money will also have to be increased as there are more certification requirements to maintain. He cited problems with the rescue truck as well. Police: Chief Searles said the 3% increase in spending doesn't represent an increase in tax money. He said the focus of this budget was three-fold: a) make travel in S. Burlington safer; b) enhance internal communications; c) maintain interaction with community on substance abuse. There is also an effort to maintain all other services at the current level. With regard to travel in the city, increased law enforcement and education are planned in addition to the introduction of new technologies. The Department is requesting a traffic safety person, speed detection equipment, replacement of two vehicles, and a "SMART" speed monitoring trailer. These items which has a $59,100. price ticket, will come from money in the forfeiture fund and increase in fine revenues. Chief Searles noted the Department expects to accredited this year and will become the first accredited Police Dept. in the state. This will save 10% on professional liability insurance. City Manager: The budget is prepared within stated guidelines. A new copy machine is being requested to replace the one which is now a liability rather than an asset. Members then reviewed the schedule for upcoming meetings. A regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, 16 February and a second budget hearing on Monday, 22 February. If needed, there will be a budget hearing on Thursday, 25 February. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.