HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/08/1993CITY COUNCIL 8 FEBRUARY 1993 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 8 February 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Jean McCandless, Jim Gears, Pam Moody, Mary Scollins, Barbara Hibbitts, Social Responsibility Committee; Frank Mazur, Catherine Debo, Tad Sienko, CCTA; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Doug Scott; Don Whitten, Water Pollution Control 1. Comments & Questions from the Public not related to items on the Agenda: Mr. Chittenden said he felt the questionaire on the Family Center was biased and if it was paid for by tax payers it should be unbiased. He also felt police binding arbitration should be on the ballot. Mr. Flaherty noted that the citizens had voted to approve binding arbitration several years ago. Mr. Cimonetti asked to include a discussion on the request of the School Board for school taxes in excess of Charter limitations. 2. Presentation from Committee for Social Responsibility on Human Services Funding: Ms. McCandless reviewed the history of the committee. Requests for funding this year include three new community organizations serving S. Burlington and 2 new local organizations (CASA and the Parent-Child Center). She proposed that the city accept the Committee's recommendation that 1% of the budget be allocated for social services funding, noting this is done in many other communities in the area and in the county. Mr. Dinklage said that the problem with a fixed amount is that it tends to minimize flexibility to use other funding sources. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the two local organizations will be evaluated as the other agencies are. Ms. McCandless said they will. Mr. Chittenden said he thought what the group got was ample and he wanted to see a reduction. Ms. Hibbitts said she disagreed. She noted that the community is in a very important situation now with a drug problem and that finally this problem is being recognized and addressed. She cited the fine efforts of CASA in giving the community a forum to deal with this problem. Mr. Cimonetti reminded the committee that this is tax money not gratituitous contributions. Mr. Condos said he would like to support additional funds for human services if the money can be found in the budget. He supported the use of drug seizure funds for CASA, if possible. He noted the need is now greater than ever and more people in S. Burlington are being served by these agencies. Mr. Flaherty noted that helping the needy is a Vermont tradition. Mr. Dinklage suggested the same budget for agencies that had been funded in the past perhaps with a cost of living increment. He also favored funding CASA from drug seizure money. Mr. Hafter suggested the Committee prepare a ranked order with a dollar amount for each. Ms. McCandless said they will prepare three possible scenarios. 3. Information from CCTA: Mr. Mazur said they are currently using 40% of bus capacity. They did a route evaluation and have determined the Airport Route has to change. Connections are needed to Shelburne Rd. They will be working with the Council and citizens for input on this. Mr. Mazur said that there has to be thought given to other means of funding transportation in the county. The City also has to look at land use planning, especially constructing roads wide enough to accommodate buses. It was noted that additional funds are being used to pay off bonded indebtedness which will save S. Burlington about $50,000. Mr. Chittenden asked if the Mall and Airport contribute to CCTA. Mr. Mazur said they support bond issues and have also contributed to anniversary celebrations. Mr. Flaherty added that 2 years ago the Airport contributed to the Airport bus so that service on this bus was free to riders for a year. Mr. Dinklage suggested using some surplus funds to encourage new ridership. Mr. Cimonetti said the passenger train is coming to the area and will have a stop in S. Burlington. The city has to designate a place for that and CCTA will have to develop a connection. Mr. Flaherty left the meeting at this point. 3. Public Hearing on Order Regulating the Placement of Utility Lines within Public Road Rights of Way and Public Property: Mr. Hafter said the City Attorney and Mr. Audette suggest listing specific roads including: Williston Rd, Shelburne Rd; Dorset St. from Williston Rd. to Kennedy Dr., Kennedy Dr. from Dorset St. to Williston Rd, Hinesburg Rd. north from I-89, Kimball Ave, and the Shunpike Rd. east-west link. Mr. Cimonetti moved to waive the reading and to incorporate changes as made and accept the order for second reading. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion of Proposal to Apply for Community Development Funds to Establish a Revolving Loan Fund for Micro-Enterprises: Mr. Durfee of Regional Planning said a public hearing should be held no later than 16 March. A community plan needs to be included with the application. He outlined other requirements and documents needed. Mr. Cimonetti asked why Burlington is being included as they already have access to such funds. Mr. Scott said Burlington couldn't access funds coming to the Community Development program. Mr. Cimonetti asked why they would participate at all. Mr. Scott said they have sponsored many micro businesses and would like to start some in this community. Mr. Cimonetti saw no reason for Burlington to be involved as there was no benefit to them unless they can get some money from it and if they can, there would be no benefit to S. Burlington. He said that for him to consider the proposal, it would have to be rewritten with references to Burlington eliminated. Mr. Durfee explained that in the initial stages there would be no cost to S. Burlington. Later, if the city wanted to continue, the city could consider adding additional funds but there would be no commitment on this at this time. Mr. Dinklage asked if there would be a responsibility to the city for funds that were lost through bad business. Mr. Durfee said there would be no responsibility as this would be absorbed by the revolving loan fund. Mr. Chittenden asked if there are any administrative costs. Mr. Durfee said these would be less than 30%. Mr. Dinklage asked if there is still a chance of getting the funds if Burlington is eliminated. Mr. Durfee said the four other communities could still apply. The concensus of the Council was that Burlington not be part of the application. Mr. Hafter said if a new letter of intent is drafted by Thursday, it could be acted on at the Thursday night meeting. 5. Request from Regional Planning Commission for List of Five Most Pressing Local Needs: Mr. Durfee said this is an annual request and aids Regional Planning in its yearly work program. Members were asked to get their input to the City Manager this week. 6. Request for Approval of Letter of Intent for Use of Sludge Drying Facility and Sludge Dewatering Program and Approval of Increase in Septage Treatment Fees to Reflect above Program: Mr. Hafter and Mr. Whitten explained the history of the item. The city now has access to only 50 acres on which to apply sludge. Some was used for cover on the landfill. But further planning is needed for the future. The fee for septage would now be $250.00 per dry ton, an increase of $50. Mr. Condos moved to authorize the City Manager to Sign the Letter of Intent. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Whitten noted that when the big Burlington plant opens, they will also handle septage. Mr. Condos moved to approve the increase in septage fees as outlined in the City Manager's memo of 5 February 1993. The increase would be effective as of 1 April 1993. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Accept resignation of Joan Young from Community Library Board of Trustees: Mr. Cimonetti moved to accept the resignation of Joan Young and to send the appropriate letter of thanks for her service. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Presentation of Budget for 1993-4; Review Schedule for Review: Mr. Hafter directed members attention to the special review sessions for the Budget. 9. Review Planning Commission Agenda for 9 February 1993: Mr. Cimonetti noted the Larkin-Milot Spear St. project is on the Agenda and the Council had said it wanted to discuss sewering issues. This should be noted at the hearing. He asked the City Manager to write a memo to the Chairman of the Commission noting that the Council will study this issue. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. Minutes of 15 January, 18 January and 21 January: Mr. Condos noted he was not present at the 18 January meeting. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the Minutes of 15, 18, and 21 January as written or amended. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Other Business: Mr. Cimonetti addressed the issue of the warning for the public hearing on tax issues and noted the School Board is requesting a ballot item for a tax assessment in excess of Charter limitations. He was concerned with the impact of not having a settlement with the bargaining unit of the teachers' group. The impact of the wages/benefits package isn't known, so the rest of the budget is suspect as harboring a "reserve" for this use. He said he wanted the Council to go on record as supporting the ballot item only if there is an agreement as to the maximum impact on the budget of the wage/benefit package. He felt such a position might push both sides to get an agreement. Mr. Cimonetti then moved that the City Council support the proposal of the School Board for tax increase in excess of the Charter limitation when there is made public a signed agreement between the School Board and the S. Burlington Teachers' bargaining unit stating an agreed upon maximum affect on the school budget and the tax rate of wages and benefits paid in the school system. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Mr. Cimonetti said it would not be necessary to vote on this tonight. Mr. Condos expressed concern that this might begin to pit the School Board against the Council. Mr. Chittenden moved to table. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Condos moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel issues, contract negotiations and litigation and to resume regular session only to possibly approve a contract and litigation and/or adjourn. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council reconvened in regular session. Jim Condos moved to accept a settlement with the Department of Labor on police overtime. Bill Cimonetti seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Bill Cimonetti moved the approval of the contract between the City and the South Burlington Career Firefighter's Association for 1992-93. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed 3-1 with Bob Chittenden opposed. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment, Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.