HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/04/1993STEERING COMMITTEE 4 FEBRUARY 1993 The South Burlington Steering Committee held a meeting on Thursday, 4 February 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present City Council: Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, William Cimonetti; Charles Hafter, City Manager School Board: Dennis Snyder, Julie Duppstadt, Theodore Manazir, Lawrence Lecours, Acting Superintendent Also Present Leo Brown, School District; Joe Weith, City Planner; Rowshan Golshayan, CASA; Bob Pasco, SBHS; Martha Campione; Ann Hallowell, Legislator 1. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Manazir moved to approve the Minutes of 9 April 1992 as written. Mr. Snyder seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Receive Substance Abuse Committee Update: Mr. Pasco reviewed the history of the attempt to deal with this problem. He noted that current efforts seem to be generating more commitment on the part of the community. Each meeting draws more people. He felt more action is still needed in the school. A new Student Assistance Counselor (Billy Ward) has been hired to address the problem in the school. Mr. Ward also works with adults in the school. A group of school personnel also meets regularly. Mr. Pasco stressed how difficult this problem is to work with. Ms. Golshayan then discussed the background and activities of CASA. She expressed concern that the school budget may not be able to fund the Student Assistance Program. She reported that Billy Ward has seen 44 students to date and 12 more referrals are yet to be seen. Fifteen of these are now undergoing treatment for substance abuse. In addition, some of the parents of these students have become involved. Ms. Golshayan said Mr. Ward needs more time in the school as half measures don't work. She also felt the Middle School needs to become involved as well as the High School. She stressed that it is important for members of the City Council and School Board to attend meetings as their presence lends a sense of importance to the activities. Mr. Dinklage asked how Mr. Ward's presence in the school is being funded this year. Mr. Pasco said partly by State funds and partly from a grant received in September. Mr. Lecours said he will recommend some budget funds be put into this effort. Ms. Campione noted that CASA is viewed as a model program in the state and she would hate to see the momentum lost because of money. Mr. Flaherty asked the cost for Mr. Ward's services. Mr. Pasco said that for a presence of 1 day a week, he receives $8,000 a year. It would be double that for 2 days. Mr. Cimonetti noted there is a possibility that money seized by police in drug-related investigations may be usable for this effort. 3. Receive progress report on development of impact fee for the city and school district: Mr. Hafter advised that a $14,000 grant was received to do this work. Mr. Weith reported that a capital budget program is now being worked on. All capital facilities are being inventoried and a decision is being made as to what will be needed over the next ten years. A draft will be presented to the City Council in mid to late March. Following this, the advisor will develop an impact fee program including formulas, etc. Then an ordinance will be drafted. This is anticipated in May. Mr. Lecours noted the School District has engaged the same consultant and now has an interim mitigation fee of $750 for a single family home and $375 for a multi- family home. He noted the only problem with availability of space is in the elementary schools. There is room at the Middle and High Schools. One wing of the Middle School is currently being leased. Mr. Lecours suggested that Bill Smith discuss population projections and related issues at a future Steering Committee meeting. Mr. Cimonetti suggested a meeting involving all groups and individuals who project community growth (including Regional Planning Commission, Vince Bolduc, etc.). Other members agreed with the concept. 4. Status Report on School District Superintendent search: Mr. Manazir reported that the are down to 3 finalists, all Vermonters. It is hoped a decision can be reached in the next few weeks. 5. Status report on City and School District budget development: Mr. Hafter directed attention to the Vermont Dept. of Taxes Annual Report regarding property valuations. He said the City Budget is done and will go to the City Council on Monday night. He said the budget is within $2,000 of last year's budget. Mr. Hafter noted the city just got Act 250 approval for the new park which will result in an increase in debt service. The tax rate being proposed reflects a total increase of 2.6%. Mr. Lecours noted the schools had used the fund balance this year and have lost all State aid. It appears they will have to go to the voters for permission to exceed the Charter limitations by $374,000. Ms. Duppstadt said the feeling in the community is that unless there is a settlement with the teachers, such a vote would fail. Mr. Cimonetti said he is not an enemy of collective bargaining and does not want to be involved in the negotiation process. But he was convinced that taxpayers will vote no on the request for funds and will do it for the wrong reasons. He proposed that there be a public statement that this issue will not go to referendum without a ceiling position on a salary/benefit package. He said the message is clear that people want the process changed. Members questioned whether this can be done. Mr. Manazir noted the teachers are aware of public opinion against their position. Mr. Dinklage asked if a level budget could be set and then go back for an increase when the salary/benefit figure is known. Mr. Hafter said this can't be done. The City Council offered its services as facilitator in getting this matter settled. As there was no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.