HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/06/1993CITY COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 1993 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday 6 December 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; James Condos, John Dinklage, Robert Chittenden, William Cimonetti Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Steve Stitzel, City Attorney, Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Brian Searles, Police Dept; Michael Kuhn, John Gorczyk, Stu Robinson, Alan, Andrew, and Ida Lendway, Paul & Linda Menard, Gerald Kaigle, John Romanoski, Robert Sharp, Brenda Torpy, Amy Demetrowitz, Holly Stebbins, Moira Mulligan, Erhart Menke, Lou Bresee, Ken Sassarossi 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda Items: Mr. Condos complimented the Street Dept. for work done on the handicapped accesses along Williston Road. 2. Public Hearing on the Proposed Community Development Block Grant Application for the Kirby Heights Affordable Housing Development: Mr. Flaherty noted that a decision would have to be made at this meeting in order for the application to be submitted on time. Ms. Wright noted that at the last meeting concerns had been raised about building design. She said they had met with the neighbors and come up with some new features for the homes and for additional landscaping which they are hoping to add. They will also explore the natural connection between this property and some land owned by the city. They will also consider the relocation of one duplex unit. Mr. Bresee of the Recreation Path Committee noted that this property was involved in the Phase IV Recreation Path application, and they may now be able to connect this property to the property across the ravine. Mr. Dinklage noted this request was not made at the time the original approvals were given on this property because the Phase IV plans were not yet known. Mr. Flaherty asked what the grant funds would be used for. Ms. Wright said they would be used to enhance the design of the project, to allow for pre-development fees of the co-op association to be met, and to support the basic cost of the project. Mr. Chittenden asked who would own the homes. Ms. Wright said the single family units are owned by the homeowners from the beginning. Mr. Sassarosso said they are convinced they have a real market in S. Burlington and a demand for the product they are presenting. Mr. Chittenden asked if the owners can make changes to the homes. Ms. Torpy said yes, they can do such things as add garages, do different window treatments, etc. Mr. Cimonetti asked about the continuing role of the city. Ms. Wright said the obligation would end when the grant is closed out, about a year to two year period. Mr. Cimonetti said he would want the city to have a very active role and responsibility. Mr. Lendway said his parents own 3 properties on Kirby Rd. and expressed a wish that this development be harmonious with the existing neighborhood. He said they would like the one duplex unit moved so all the single family homes about the existing single family homes. They would also like embellishments to the homes. He noted his family has looked at the other developments built by these applicants and found them very well constructed. He suggested the possibility of a park for all residents of the area. Ms. Wright said they are willing to look into this if a funding source can be found. Mr. Sharp said he would not like to see the moving of the single family home as it would surround his home with duplexes; otherwise, he felt it was a great project and noted that if he didn't already have a home, he would be an applicant for one of the proposed homes. Moira Mulligan spoke to the need for this development and noted she is a working person who cannot now afford a home. This development would allow her to have a home and to live in a city where she wants to live. Holly Stebbins said she grew up in S. Burlington and would like to live here again. She has held her present job for more than seven years and hasn't been able to afford to move. This development would allow her to live in S. Burlington again. She stressed that residents of these units would be no different from anyone else who wants to own a home. She urged the City Council to support the request. Mr. Dinklage made the following motion: 1) that the City Council authorize staff to submit a CDBG application in the amount of $350,000 for this project; 2) that the City Council direct staff to maintain an active interest in the project to be sure the interests of the city and neighborhood are accommodated; 3) that the City Manager be authorized to sign the abstract for the grant; 4) that the City Manager be authorized to sign the implementation grant application. Mr. Condos seconded. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like to see a specific role for the city spelled out and wanted to see the city named as a specific sponsor. Ms. Wright said they would be glad to work with any individuals or group the city designates. In the vote which followed, the motion was passed 3-2 with Messrs. Chittenden and Cimonetti opposing. Mr. Chittenden left the meeting at this time. 3. Discussion and Consideration of Report from Northwest Regional Correctional Facility Liaison Committee: Mr. Hafter introduced Stuart Robinson, Superintendent of the facility, John Gorczyk, Commissioner of Corrections, and Michael Kuhn, architect with the Department of State Buildings. Mr. Hafter praised the work of the committee and the cooperation of facility officials. He then summarized the report as follows: a) The Committee asks that South Burlington officials be notified immediately of any break-out. b) Revision and update of training regarding security and escape scenarios. c) Regarding notification of the public, the committee requests an audible warning device together with an educational effort to instruct residents as to what to do when they hear the warning. There would also be an expanding of the Neighborhood Watch. d) Increased security at the facility. The Committee also expressed concern about the classification of inmates at the facility. Mr. Gorczyk said he was pleased with the dialog and had no problems with the recommendations. He said the audible warning is very do-able. He noted there is a supplemental budget request being considered which involves funds for physical changes to the facility. The audible warning device could be part of this package. He noted that St. Albans has such a siren which hasn't been used in a long time. Mr. Dinklage moved that the report of the Liaison Committee be adopted and that staff be directed to insure its implementation. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion of Council Position on Approval of Phase II of Light Rail Transit Study: Mr. Dinklage noted the meeting schedule regarding this issue: on Wednesday morning it is expected the Steering Committee of the MPO will take a position as to whether the study should proceed to Phase II. Mr. Flaherty noted that Phase II would be at a cost of $350,000. He noted the sentiment that the property tax be kept out of the funding process. Mr. Dinklage said there is the added question of whether this is the way people want to spend $2,000,000 per year, even if the capital money can be found. Mr. Cimonetti noted the problem is being studied with only the consideration of one solution. Mr. Dinklage noted that new federal regulations require that alternate configurations be considered. Mr. Condos noted that he didn't feel Phase I was completed as there had been none of the required input from businesses and citizens. Mr. Dinklage said he would not support a continuation of the study. 5. Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance to Require the Removal or Repair of Buildings Damaged by Fire and/or Other Events: Mr. Hafter explained there had been a problem with a building that remained in a burned out state for two years resulting in many problems and complaints. Mr. Cimonetti felt the Ordinance was a good idea. Mr. Dinklage moved to schedule the Public Hearing and second reading for 3 January 1994. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Appointments to Social Responsibility Committee: Mr. Hafter noted that Rosalind Saunder of the United Way had expressed interest. Mr. Cimonetti noted that David Boulanger a volunteer executive of this year's United Way campaign has also expressed interest. Mr. Dinklage noted that Hank Lambert, a charter member of the committee and former Town Manager had also volunteered to serve. Mr. Condos moved to appoint incumbents James Gear and Barbara Hibbitts and new members Rosalind Saunders, David Belanger, and Hank Lambert to the Social Responsibility Committee. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Information Items: It was noted there will be a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on 31 January 1994. 8. Review Zoning Board and Planning Commission agendas: Mr. Dinklage expressed concern with item #4, which asks for a second access drive from Williston Rd. He said the city wants to decrease, not increase, the number of curb cuts. Mr. Dinklage also expressed concern with item #5. He said he was not opposed in principle to adding a restaurant/lounge to the billiard facility, but was concerned with its proximity to the schools. 9. Minutes of 15 November 1993: Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the Minutes of 15 November 1993 as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Cimonetti abstaining due to his absence from the November 15, 1993 meeting. 10. Other Business: Mr. Dinklage noted he had received an unsigned letter from a resident expressing concern with the increased delay in making left turns at some Dorset St. intersections. Mr. Cimonetti said he got a memo from Linda Seavy of UVM regarding the Wheelock property. The memo indicated that the University will be doing improvements to the large barn which will be used for agricultural storage. Other buildings on the property will be removed. The building on Spear St. near the dairy barn is being studied as to potential use. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss litigation and personnel issues and to resume regular session only for purposes of adjournment. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Condos moved adjournment. Mr. Dinklage seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.