HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/02/1993CITY COUNCIL 2 AUGUST 1993 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 2 August 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: John Dinklage, Acting Chairman; Jim Condos, Bill Cimonetti Also Present: From the Town of Shelburne: Ken Albert, Sally Martell, Ann Dutton, Bill Fingerton, Barbara Mann; from the Agency of Transportation: Peter Vlahos, Frank Evans; Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Sandy Wright, Burlington Free Press; Susan Davis, Shelburne News; Douglas Wyand, Tom Nold, Liam Murphy, Frederique & Milton Edelman, Paul Farrar, Catherine Debo, Len Larson, Robert Larson, Dave Davis, Brian Precourt, Kay Bortz 1. Joint Meeting with Shelburne Select board to Receive Report from Shelburne Road Committee; Consideration of Adoption of Report: Mr. Dinklage praised the tremendous effort of the Committee and noted it had helped bring the communities together so Route 7 can be widened quickly. Mr. Albert introduced the Committee members and praised the efforts of Ms. Bortz who served as facilitator. Ms. Bortz then outlined the work of the Committee. She said they first discussed priorities: safety, design changes that would't jeopardize efficiency of the road; impact on businesses, aesthetics and cost. Recommended changes in the plan include: additional median breaks, consolidation of curb cuts and access points, changes in jug handles. Other concerns considered were a concern with speed, drainage issues, retaining walls. All suggestions have been passed on to the Agency of Transportation. Ms. Bortz said the major change recommended is the allowing of U-turns at median breaks. This will eliminate the need for some of the proposed jug handles. The Committee also discussed provisions for buses, pedestrians and bicycles. They recommend that a group work with the Agency of Transportation on landscaping. Mr. Evans said he felt they have the basis for a project that everyone can support. Mr. Cimonetti asked if U-turns at intersections will be controlled by a light. Mr. Evans said they would and explained the process. He said there would be time enough to negotiate a U-turn safely. Ms. Debo noted they were able to get protected pedestrian crossings and said they would like to see more of that along Route 7 in toward Burlington. Mr. Cimonetti expressed concern with diminished capacity/level of service when pedestrians are crossing. Mr. Precourt explained how median breaks were decided upon and indicated they considered multiple businesses, remaining developable land, steep grades, etc. A resident asked whether businesses will be consulted on how curb cuts will be closed. Mr. Evans said every property owner will be contacted and property owners will have input as to how accesses will work. Mr. Dinklage said he sensed a very positive spirit from the Agency of Transportation and believed all parties can be satisfied. Regarding a timetable, Mr. Evans said they aim to start in early 1995 construction season and anticipate a 2-year project. Ms. Martell asked if all Shelburne Rd. businesses and residents know about this plan. Mr. Nold said there were two public meetings with all businesses of Shelburne Rd. notified. Mrs. Edelman said she felt most residential people don't know what is planned. Mr. Perry praised everyone who was part of the process and said it represented the best of what democracy is about. He hoped any money saved from fewer jug handles could be put toward aesthetics such as pedestrian amenities and bike paths. Ms. Dutton then moved the Shelburne Selectboard approve the Committee's recommendations and pass the report on to the Agency of Transportation. Ms. Mann seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved the South Burlington City Council accept the advisory committee's report and pass it on to the Agency of Transportation. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Continued Discussion of Participation Agreement for Biosolids Facility: Mr. Hafter said the District has agreed to an amendment that says that any change in operations that impact on traffic will be assessed and the city will be consulted. If traffic exceeds expected traffic limits, the city will have approval power. Mr. Cimonetti asked if Mr. Hafter felt they could pin down actual traffic counts. Mr. Hafter said he felt they could. Mr. Cimonetti moved that the City Manager be authorized to sign an amended participation agreement when the new language is incorporated into the agreement. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Condos moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a new liquor license application from Pepper's Memphis Barbeque and noted that the State had rejected the previous application because it listed a corporation as one of the partners and partners are required to be individuals. The City Attorney has approved the new license. Mr. Condos moved the Board approve the liquor license for Pepper's Partners, Ltd., dba Pepper's Memphis Barbeque at 1110 Shelburne Rd. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.