HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-07 - Supplemental - 0047 Cheesefactory Road (15)Lamoureux & Dickinson Page 1 Consulting Engineers, Inc. April 7, 2022 Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner Planning & Zoning Office City of South Burlington 180 Market Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Hickory Hillside – Residential Planned Unit Development 47 Cheesefactory Road, South Burlington Final Subdivision Plat Dear Marla: We are writing on behalf of Hickory Hillside, LLC. to request Final Subdivision Plat review for the project known as Hickory Hillside Residential PUD (#SD-21-22), located at 47 Cheesefactory Road. This project was reviewed with the DRB as a Sketch Plan on 4/6/2021 and again on 9/8/2021 under Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Since the Preliminary Subdivision Plat review in September, the following items and modifications to the project/plans have taken place:  Murray & Masterson Environmental Services has finalized the design of the wastewater disposal system for each lot and is in the process of obtaining a state Wastewater and Potable Water Supply Permit.  We have revised the lot depths to meet, or more closely meet, the recommended ratios in Article 9.07.B(2).  We are requesting approval to create an additional lot, however, there is no change to the general concept of the project. Rather than Lot 1 containing both a portion of the farm complex and the remaining conservation land, this application will have all of Lot 1 remain in agricultural/conservation and Lots 2-4 make up the farmstead complex as identified in the Conservation Restrictions document.  Minor adjustment to tree locations due to the revised wastewater disposal area locations.  Addition of wetland demarcation boulders along the City wetland buffer. Project Narrative This project includes the subdivision of an existing 67.6-acre parcel at the southwest corner of Hinesburg Road (VT Route 116) and Cheesefactory Road. The parcel is bounded by Muddy Brook along a portion of the southern property limits. The majority of the parcel is used for agricultural crop rotation and rotational livestock grazing. The project is located entirely in the Southeast Quadrant Natural Resource Protection District (SEQ- NRP). There is a portion of the project along Muddy Brook which is located within the Flood Plain Overlay District; however, no work is proposed within this overlay district. This project proposes to subdivide the existing parcel into three residential lots (Lots 2-4) and one lot to be covered by conservation restrictions (Lot 1) in accordance with Article 9.12.B(2)(f). The proposed Lamoureux & Dickinson Page 2 Consulting Engineers, Inc. parcel areas for Lots 1-4 are 65.31 acres, 0.69 acres, 0.69 acres, and 0.91 acres, respectively. “Sheet 2 – Site, Grading, Landscaping and EP&SC Plan” includes a dimensional table detailing the required and proposed standards of each lot. It is the intent of the applicant to promote the continued agricultural uses on the project parcel, while being able to extend this opportunity to possible future farmers and homeowners on the project parcel. The applicant represents the farmers who will likely seek to develop Lot 2 and continue the agricultural uses on the conservation lands (Lot 1). Due to the uncertainty of the timing for development on Lots 3 & 4 the applicant is requesting that the construction of the private road not be required until the second lot (either Lot 3 or Lot 4) is developed. This allows flexibility in the development and timing of the lots, and eliminates the heavy burden that would be placed on Lot 2 to construct and maintain substantial infrastructure that would only be needed for the development of multiple lots. This project continues to request the following waiver, which was previously granted in the Preliminary Plat approval in 2020 and again in the Preliminary Plat approval in 2021:  Waiver from Article 9.12.B(2)(d) to allow homes to be placed more than 100 feet from each other, within the building envelopes shown.  Wavier from Article 9.07.B(2) to allow Lot 4 to have a width to depth ratio of 1:0.62 due to its irregular shaped to encompass the wastewater system. The following items are enclosed for your review:  Application for Final Subdivision Plat  $663.00 application fee ($500 + $25 X 2 lots + $50 X 2 lots + $13 recording)  Abutters list  Cost estimate for landscaping (revised June 2021)  Updated Wetland Memorandum by Joe Bartlett of Fitzgerald Environmental Associates (revised June 2021)  Wetland correspondence between FEA & VTANR Wetlands Program (Tina Heath)  Conservation Map (Exhibit A) – no change from previous submission  Draft Conservation Management Plan (Exhibit B) – no change from previous submission  Ecological Protection Zone, Riparian Buffer Zone, & Public Access Easement (Exhibit C) – no change from previous submission  Draft Shared Road Maintenance Agreement & Stormwater Maintenance Agreement (revised March 2022)  House Likeness Elevations – no change from previous submission  Plan Set by Lamoureux & Dickinson: o Sheet 1 – Overall Site Plan (last revision date 4/7/2022) o Sheet 2 – Site, Grading, Landscaping and EP&SC Plan (last revision date 4/7/2022) o Sheet 3 – Sitework Details & Specifications (last revision date 3/7/2022) o Sheet 4 – Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Details & Specifications o Sheet PL – 4-Lot Planned Unit Development Plat (last revision date 4/7/2022) Please contact our office with any questions. Sincerely, Nicholas Smith