HomeMy WebLinkAboutAO-22-01 - Supplemental - 0410 Golf Course Road (3) TO: MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD RE: RESPONSES TO APPEAL DATE: MAY 3, 2022 Dear DRB Members, I am the landscape architect who developed the landscape restoration plans for Fernando and Tracy Cresta and their new property at 410 Golf Course Road. I would like to take this time to describe in detail the intentions of the plan and the construction methods that were proposed for the installation. OVERALL INTENTIONS The main objective of the landscape restoration plan was to update the existing landscape and create a safe, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing outdoor environment for the Cresta’s that seamlessly integrates with the golf course neighborhood. Our main intentions included: • Replace the existing patios, stairs, and retaining walls in approximately the same locations and at the same elevations to avoid excessive grading. • Remove and replace the deteriorating boulder retaining wall under the deck with a sturdy interlocking concrete modular wall to stabilize the earth and the deck. • Replace the rugged, unstable steps to the lower back yard with steps that have the proper base and that have even treads and risers for safety. • Remove the massive field of boulders down the hillside retaining the earth between the upper patio and the lower patio, including the boulders that encroached into the 5’ side yard setback of the Cresta’s property. Remove the manmade waterfall through the boulder hillside and the manmade pond at the bottom to eliminate the maintenance of it. Replace the boulders with a large garden and a smaller profile interlocking concrete modular wall to match the new retaining wall along the deck. • Replace the heaved and uneven bluestone patios with new even pavers over a proper base. • Reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on the property and stay within the maximum allowed amount. The impervious surfaces were reduced by 262 square feet / 1.6%. • Install additional drainage systems to address all stormwater run-off from roofs, decks, and hardscape. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION METHODS Please refer to our landscape restoration plans L1.1, L2.1 and L3.1 for the proposed layout of the hardscape and gardens and the proposed methods of construction. 1. Our first step was to contract a land surveyor to survey the existing topography and existing landscape features for creating an as-built map of the property. This survey showed us accurate contours and locations of the house/garage and landscape features so that we could lay out the new patios, steps and retaining walls in roughly the same locations and at the same elevations as the former features. 2. All hardscape features are constructed with a dry laid method. In other words, well compacted drainage stone was prescribed for all bases and foundations for the retaining walls and patios. The patios are NOT laid on poured concrete slabs and the retaining walls are NOT made of poured concrete with concrete footings. 3. A total of 30 yards of boulders were removed from the massive hillside boulder field, the deteriorating boulder retaining wall under the deck, and the boulder wall in the 5’ setback along the north property line. 60 yards of clean drainage stone were brought to the site for creating sturdy, well- draining bases and foundations for all hardscape replacements (patios and walls). An additional 9 yards of garden soil was also brought in to establish the gardens that replaced the boulders along the north property line. Approximately 60 yards of excess soil was stockpiled on site and was dispersed in a thin layer along the lower section of sloping lawn that was disturbed by equipment. 4. All new flat hardscape surfaces are set at the same grades as the former patios they replaced. The only grade differential is at the top of the stair landing in the northeast corner where approx. 16 sq.ft. was elevated 10” for construction of the stairs to the upper patio. This resulted in a small section of slope that is 2.5:1. For long term stability of the earth, Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ or Fragrant sumac will be planted along the slope in this section. This suckering groundcover is frequently specified for projects needing erosion control on steep banks. The former deteriorating boulder retaining wall for the deck was replaced with a sturdy concrete interlocking modular to secure the soil under the deck. The modular wall begins at 5’-11” tall and diminishes to 0’-0”. The closest part of the wall is located 9’- 0” from the North property line. 5. The massive field of boulders retaining the hillside that also encroached into the 5’ side yard setback was replaced with a low wall, narrow in profile, made of the interlocking concrete modules to hold earth away from the steps and lower patio. The modular wall is located 14-16’-0” away the North property line. A beautiful garden of hardy shrubs, perennials, and groundcovers will be planted in the new garden edge that replaced the boulder walls on the hillside and along the North property line. 6. The deteriorating and heaved bluestone walkway in front from the house to the street will be replaced with concrete pavers to match the driveway. They will be dry laid over a proper drainage stone base to prevent heaving. 7. The driveway asphalt was removed and is being replaced with durable concrete pavers dry laid in a drainage stone base. 8. Granite cobble stones had lined all the garden beds throughout the property. The cobble stones have been removed and will be replaced with concrete pavers approximately the same length/width, however there will be @ 25% less of them. A gravel drip edge along the house foundation will be installed so that stormwater infiltrates the stone and soil and is captured by the foundation perimeter drains. 9. Systems for capturing stormwater run-off from roofs, deck and hardscape were enhanced throughout the site. Gutters were increased to 6” and downspouts were replaced. A new network of drain pipes was installed behind retaining walls and daylight below the east lawn away from neighboring properties. The new gardens of native plants that replace much of the former rock surfaces will also absorb rainfall. 10. The final touches at the completion of the project will involve bringing in approximately 24 yards of a garden soil/compost mix for spreading throughout the garden beds and establishing sod on the lawn. Thank you for taking the time to read this and understand the landscape restoration plan for the Cresta’s. I am happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, Cynthia Knauf DECK 4'-8" 14"14"12"12"14"12"12"11'-10"16'-0" 4'-0"20"20" 20" 453'-1" 452'-6" 451'-0" 451'-0" 448'-0" 448'-0" 445'-0" 445'-0" 444'-0" 444'-0" L1.1HARDSCAPE AS-BUILT PLAN NORTH/EAST &PROPOSED SOUTH HARDSCAPE PLANAs Indicated ABC 5.20.21DATE: REVISIONS: SCALE: DRAWN BY: SHEETPROJECT NAMESHEET TITLECresta Residence410 Golf Course RoadSouth Burlington, Vermont‹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x Unilock 'U-Cara' in Summer Wheat x ϭϬϮͬϯ͟ǁŝĚĞǁŝƚŚϭϰ͟ĐĂƉ A2. SEAT WALL x Unilock 'U-Cara' in Summer Wheat x ϭϮ͟ǁŝĚĞǁĂůůǁŝƚŚϭϰ͟ĐĂƉ B1. WALL CAPS FOR RETAINING AND SEAT WALLS x Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel x Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϯ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ B2. FIRE TABLE CAP & SOUTH RETAINING WALL CAPS x Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel x Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϮ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ C. TREADS AND RISERS x Treads: Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel; Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϮ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ x Risers: Unilock 'U-Cara' in Granite - Pitched Finish. ZŝƐĞƌƉŝĞĐĞƐĐŽŵĞϲ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ͕ƐŽϮ͟ŵƵƐƚďĞďƵƌŝĞĚ D. PATIOS AND LANDING x Caesar Porcelain 'Gea'; dry laid per manufacturer's specs. x 2'x2' pavers E. FIRE TABLE STONE VENEER x Thompson Stone 'Brooklawn' on CMU blocks. KƵƚƐŝĚĞǁĂůůĚŝŵĞŶƐŝŽŶƐƚŽďĞϲΖͲϰ͟ůŽŶŐdž ϯΖͲϮ͟ǁŝĚĞƚŽĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƚĞďƵƌŶĞƌƐŝnjĞ͘ x Ledge pattern; raked joints to appear dry laid F. FIRE TABLE BURNER x Hearth Product Controls burner x #54X16SSEI-H; Hi/Lo switching ability. G. DRIVEWAY PAVERS x Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Smooth'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Border in Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Smooth'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Heating element H. WALKWAY PAVERS x Techo-bloc 'Blu 60 Slate'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Border in Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Slate'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey I. GARDEN EDGES x Techo-bloc Raffinato 'Nickel Grey' J. DRIP EDGE x Decorative drainage stone (tbd) along house foundation. x Metal edge between stone and garden beds. K. GARDEN MAINTENANCE PATH x Fieldstone or bluestone stepping stones. L1 STEP AND WALL LIGHTS x Fit under the caps and treads x INTEGRAL DIMMABLE LIGHTS https://integral-lighting.com/product/ il6000-xxx-500-led/ x TO BE FINALIZED WHEN COLOR SAMPLES ARRIVE. Color / Quantity: 'Platinum' for Steps / 34; 'Sandstone' for Caps / 9 L2 PLANTER ACCENT LIGHTS x HUNZA FERN LITE x &Eͬ>͖ůĂĐŬ͖ϮϳϬϬ<͖ϭϮ͟ƐƉŝŬĞ x Quantity: 4 S FIRE TABLE ON/OFF SWITCH T TRANSFORMERS FOR LANDSCAPE LIGHTS x Approximate location 11.11.21 ELEVATIONS LEGEND 444'-0" 444'-0"FORMER TOPOGRAPHICAL ELEVATION FROM SURVEY AS-BUILT TOPOGRAPHICAL ELEVATION CONTOURS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY DATED FEBRUARY 19, 2021 4.27.22 (6) 6" RISERS (6) 6" RISERS DECK 453'-1" 451'-0" 448 454'-3116 " MAIN FLR. LEVEL / 461'101116" BASEMENT FLR. LEVEL 6"-7" STEP UP GRADE BELOW DECK MATCHES PLANTER SOIL GRADE 451'-0" 451'-0" L2.1North & East Yard -Hardscape Plan / Partial As-Built PlanAs Indicated ABC 4.16.21DATE: REVISIONS: SCALE: DRAWN BY: SHEETPROJECT NAMESHEET TITLECresta Residence410 Golf Course RoadSouth Burlington, Vermont‹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x Unilock 'U-Cara' in Summer Wheat x ϭϬϮͬϯ͟ǁŝĚĞǁŝƚŚϭϰ͟ĐĂƉ A2. SEAT WALL x Unilock 'U-Cara' in Summer Wheat x ϭϮ͟ǁŝĚĞǁĂůůǁŝƚŚϭϰ͟ĐĂƉ B1. WALL CAPS FOR RETAINING AND SEAT WALLS x Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel x Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϯ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ B2. FIRE TABLE CAP & SOUTH RETAINING WALL CAPS x Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel x Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϮ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ C. TREADS AND RISERS x Treads: Techo-bloc 'Raffinato' in Grey Nickel; Ϯϴ͟ůŽŶŐdžϭϰ͟ǁŝĚĞdžϮ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ x Risers: Unilock 'U-Cara' in Granite - Pitched Finish. ZŝƐĞƌƉŝĞĐĞƐĐŽŵĞϲ͟ƚŚŝĐŬ͕ƐŽϮ͟ŵƵƐƚďĞďƵƌŝĞĚ D. PATIOS AND LANDING x Caesar Porcelain 'Gea'; dry laid per manufacturer's specs. x 2'x2' pavers E. FIRE TABLE STONE VENEER x Thompson Stone 'Brooklawn' on CMU blocks. KƵƚƐŝĚĞǁĂůůĚŝŵĞŶƐŝŽŶƐƚŽďĞϲΖͲϰ͟ůŽŶŐdž ϯΖͲϮ͟ǁŝĚĞƚŽĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƚĞďƵƌŶĞƌƐŝnjĞ͘ x Ledge pattern; raked joints to appear dry laid F. FIRE TABLE BURNER x Hearth Product Controls burner x #54X16SSEI-H; Hi/Lo switching ability. G. DRIVEWAY PAVERS x Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Smooth'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Border in Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Smooth'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Heating element H. WALKWAY PAVERS x Techo-bloc 'Blu 60 Slate'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey x Border in Techo-bloc 'Blu 80 Slate'; 03 Linear Pattern; Champlain Grey I. GARDEN EDGES x Techo-bloc Raffinato 'Nickel Grey' J. DRIP EDGE x Decorative drainage stone (tbd) along house foundation. x Metal edge between stone and garden beds. K. GARDEN MAINTENANCE PATH x Fieldstone or bluestone stepping stones. L1 STEP AND WALL LIGHTS x Fit under the caps and treads x INTEGRAL DIMMABLE LIGHTS https://integral-lighting.com/product/ il6000-xxx-500-led/ x TO BE FINALIZED WHEN COLOR SAMPLES ARRIVE. Color / Quantity: 'Platinum' for Steps / 34; 'Sandstone' for Caps / 9 L2 PLANTER ACCENT LIGHTS x HUNZA FERN LITE x &Eͬ>͖ůĂĐŬ͖ϮϳϬϬ<͖ϭϮ͟ƐƉŝŬĞ x Quantity: 4 S FIRE TABLE ON/OFF SWITCH T TRANSFORMERS FOR LANDSCAPE LIGHTS x Approximate location 9.2.21 9.10.21 9.22.21 11.11.21 4.27.22 DECK 4'-8" 14"14"12"12"14"12"12"11'-10"16'-0" 4'-0" SY SY SY FI D PO PAHQHQ HQ AVAV AR AR AT AV PA PK BP BP(3) PH (9) MM (3) EM (11) EM (3) EM (3)P AP 20"20" 20" AFM L3.1 Planting PlanAs Indicated ABC 6.25.21DATE: REVISIONS: SCALE: DRAWN BY: SHEETPROJECT NAMESHEET TITLECresta Residence410 Golf Course RoadSouth Burlington, Vermont‹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¶6,'(<$5'6(7%$&.$/21*1257+3523(57< /,1(:(5(5(029('$1'5(6725(':,7+*$5'(1%('6'5$,1$*(6:$/( %(7:((17+(3523(57,(6,60$,17$,1(' -)(1&(:$65(029(' -6721(3$7+72675((7:$65(029('$1':,//%(5(6725(':,7+/$:1 )250(5833(53$7,2'(&.67(36$1'3$7+72 675((76,'( 5(129$7('833(53$7,2 3$*( %()25($1'$)7(53+27262)1257+<$5' &5(67$5(6,'(1&( *2/)&2856(52$'6287+%85/,1*7219(50217 0$< -833(53$7,23$9(56:(5(5(3/$&(' -'(&.67(36:(5(5(3/$&(':,7+:22' -%28/'(56:,7+,17+(¶6,'(<$5'6(7%$&.$/21*3523(357</,1( :(5(5(029('$1'5(6725(':,7+*$5'(1 -%28/'(56$&52667+(+,//6,'(:(5(5(3/$&(':,7+/$5*(*$5'(1 -(;,67,1*'5$,1$*(6:$/(%(7:((17+(7:23523(57,(6,60$,17$,1(' )250(5833(53$7,25(7$,1('%<%28/'(5+,//6,'( 5(129$7('833(53$7,2$1'5(6725('+,//6,'( 3$*( %()25($1'$)7(53+27262)1257+<$5' &5(67$5(6,'(1&( *2/)&2856(52$'6287+%85/,1*7219(50217 0$< (;,67,1*'5$,1$*(6:$/(21$35,/'85,1*7+(3(5,2' 2)+($9<5$,112)/22',1*2&&855('217+(1(,*+%25¶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