HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Energy Committee - 05/25/2022South Burlington Energy Committee Approved Meeting Minutes May 25, 2022 Committee members present: Keith Epstein, Ethan Goldman, Marcy Murray, Tim Perrin, Ken Pulido, MJ Reale Committee members absent: Kate Bailey, Steve Crowley, Sam Swanson City staff present: Ilona Blanchard Community members present: none Convene: The meeting was called to order via Zoom around 12:04 p.m. and Tim agreed to scribe. Ilona attended at City Hall. ARPA Funding Priorities & Promotion: Ilona outlined current process for Council’s intent to solicit and capture ARPA funding ideas using a survey. SBEC role in process—perhaps to educate and catalyze the transformational opportunities and current constraints—was discussed. Reviewed survey shared by City Council around priorities. Length & complexity of survey may serve as barriers to public participation. Suggestion is for SBEC to develop list of brainstormed funding priorities to share with City Council as phase 1 & socialize ideas across communities as phase 2 Before this meeting, Ilona surveyed members of SBEC for priorities but there were no projects that emerged as clear priorities. Some of our project ideas are included on survey. Proposal to shape SBEC language to become more of a focus on areas of investment instead of potentially promoting specific projects. Impact, Expense, Ability to Implement, Unique, Visibility, Leveraging proposed as criteria to weigh project funding options. Committee was in agreement we should submit a memo to City Council offering our recommendations for ARPA funding priorities after a more detailed discussion at our next regular meeting. Climate Action Plan Community Engagement: Discussion tabled until next meeting. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned approximately at 1:05 pm. Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30pm.