HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/29/1992CITY COUNCIL 29 JUNE 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 29 June 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Terry Sheahan, Bill Robenstein, Gayle Barone, Don McLean, Mac Teeson, Laura Demaroney, Mark Crow, Ernie Lemay, Yvonne Jacobs, Diana Snyder, Barbara Hibbitts, Catherine O'Brien, Liston Freeman, Patrick O'Brien, Gail Wheeler, Susan Pritchard, Louis Bresee, Fred Maher, Paul Farrar, Peter Taylor, Pamela Moody, Lenore Budd, Bob Bennett, 1. Comments & Questions from the Public not related to Agenda Items: No issues were raised. The City Manager noted a newly scheduled meeting of the Steering Committee of 4 August. 2. Interviews for Positions on Boards and Commissions: a. Planning Commission: 1. Terry Sheahan: Mr. Sheahan said it was very stimulating to work with a very talented group of people. He noted he had also worked on the Southeast Quadrant Committee and felt the inventory of resources done by that group helped to fashion the future of the Quadrant for the better. He said citizen involvements in that process was wonderful. Mr. Sheahan noted the Commission had discussed ways to improve processes. They did not feel a larger Commission would work. He said the Commission values public input and this does take time. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt more nights need to be devoted to just planning issues, not development review. Mr. Sheahan agreed. Mr. Condos asked Mr. Sheahan's thoughts on the City Center. Mr. Sheahan said he felt the city will have something to stimulate the kind of development it wants to see there, but it may have to take a pro-active role in such things as parking. Mr. Chittenden asked how Mr. Sheahan felt about breaking down the Goodrich property into smaller lots. Mr. Sheahan said they have been dealing with that. He felt changing uses would be a mistake but he felt there had to be more flexibility in allowing clustering and maybe zero lot lines. 2. Bill Robenstein: Mr. Robenstein said he thought the Southeast Quadrant is still in turmoil and that he would look at the area with another concept: capital improvement programming. He said he wanted to see that what is done there is in good taste. 3. Gayle Barone: Ms. Barone said she knows every street in the city and is a third generation S. Burlingtonian. She said she has watched the Planning Commission meetings on TV and thought she has just as much to say as anyone in the community. She felt the city was growing too fast in some areas and too slow in the Southeast Quadrant. She said the real people of South Burlington should be making the decisions. 4. Don McLean: He felt the issues being discussed are very important to the development of the city and wanted to contribute to rational development. He felt the view lot policy should be reviewed and people should be compensated for these lots. He also felt there was a need to discuss strategic planning. Mr. Condos asked if Mr. McLean felt owners should be compensated for wetlands and wildlife habitats. He said yes, either in money or tax reductions to zero. Mr. McLean said he would hope agriculture would find a resurgence somewhere. 5. Mac Teeson: Mr. Teeson said he has no bias as far as the Southeast Quadrant goes. He felt planning is setting a goal and taking steps to get there. He felt flexibility was necessary. He did not feel that his real estate activities would cause a conflict and if they did, he would back off. He said he has a good idea of the zoning and Act 250 process. Mr. Teeson said he saw a real possibility for growth on Dorset and felt it could become a beautiful corridor but that it was a long-term rather than a short-term goal. Mr. Dinklage asked what the reputation of the S. Burlington Planning Commission is in the real estate community. Mr. Teeson said it is very favorable. 6. Laura DeMaroney: She felt the city has more than the average amount of affordable housing. She said she would prefer to see larger lot sizes but understood how people want to develop their land and would try to meet the needs of both sides. Ms. DeMaroney noted that although the Commission asks for comments from the public, it doesn't include a lot of those comments in planning. b. Zoning Board: 1. Mark Crow: Mr. Crow is new to the area from a large western city. He came to a small city so he could be involved in it and establish deep roots. He is a lawyer and finds zoning law very fascinating. He felt it was very important to have a sense of uniformity. He said he has represented developers and citizens who own land and is interested in judicial aspects. He, too, said he has heard only good things about the Planning and Zoning Boards of S. Burlington and that is why he was applying. c. Recreation: 1. Ernie Lemay: Mr. Lemay said he has enjoyed giving something back to the city and felt the programs being offered, especially KIDS & COPS were excellent. 2. Laura DeMaroney: Ms. DeMaroney has used the services of the Recreation Dept. with her children and has coached and taken classes. 3. Mark Crow: Mr. Crow is interested in parks and is an avid athlete, interested in anything outdoors. 4. Donald Miner: Mr. Miner is new in the area and felt the bike path people did a wonderful job and is willing to help. He noted he lives right next door to the path. d. Fine Arts Committee: 1. Yvonne Jacobs: Ms. Jacobs joined the Committee a few years ago and has enjoyed the people and activities, especially the bicentennial program. She said she would like to see a little more "fine arts." She suggested an outdoor exhibit of local artists. 2. Diana Snyder: Ms. Snyder also felt there should be more fine arts and more people involved with the committee, especially men. She felt the new park will be a real plus in providing a place for activities. 3. Barbara Hibbitts: Ms. Hibbitts said she loves fine arts and now has time to give to the community. She is a member of the Chorus. She said she is distressed by the cutting out of Middle School music in grades 6 and 7 and would like to foster more musical activities for children. e. Natural Resources Committee: 1. Catherine O'Brien: Ms. O'Brien has enjoyed working with Ray Belair and felt he does a wonderful job. She noted she works for the Agency of Natural Resources and has learned to listen to both sides and to try to find ways to accommodate both sides in an issue. 2. Liston Freeman: Mr. Freeman has been studying natural resources at Johnson State and is getting a BS in Resource Management. He is in the construction trade and noted he had seen good and bad on both sides and felt it shouldn't be an "us and them" situation. He said he wasn't sure the park was the place for a recreation center and felt it should be closer to the city center. He said he had no problem with Act 250 criteria. 3. Patrick O'Brien: Mr. O'Brien is interested in learning how committees interact. He said he wants to be sure our natural resources can survive along with economic growth. f. Library Board of Trustees: 1. Mary Hulette Ms. Hulette has enjoyed working on the Board and is very impressed with the Board, Library Staff, and Mr. O'Neill. 2. Margaret Miner: She is very interested in Libraries and wants to be involved in the community. g. Red Rocks Advisory Committee: 1. Gail Wheeler: Ms. Wheeler noted the Committee has been very active this year. The Youth Corps came and repaired a lot of trails. She said the big problem is damage from mountain bikes. She said they are going to try to put up barriers to prevent illegal access to the park. h. Chittenden Correctional Center Liaison Committee: 1. Susan Pritchard: She said the Committee did a lot of work in connection with the expansion of the facility. She said a tour of the facility gave her a new perspective on it. She felt the city should continue to monitor prison population. 2. Louis Bresee: Mr. Bresee was a volunteer at the center for a few years and found it a very rewarding experience. He felt liaison was very important. 3. Charles Hafter: Mr. Hafter said he had no objection to being a staff person on the Committee with no vote. h. City Charter Committee: 1. Fred Maher: Mr. Maher noted the Committee hasn't met in 2 years but is always ready to respond to issues. 2. Paul Farrar: Mr. Farrar felt some issues may arise in connection with wards vs. at large membership on the City Council. He also felt the Charter limitations serve the city well. 3. Peter Taylor: Mr. Taylor enjoys the work of the committee and is anxious to continue. i. Social Responsibility Committee: 1. Pamela Moody: Ms. Moody said the Committee gave her a valuable learning experience. She did not favor an appropriating money to one organization instead of dividing it up among many as it could deprive city residents of much needed services. She said she didn't begrudge giving money to social agencies but would not want to see her taxes go much higher. Mr. Dinklage felt the Committee could serve the city with ideas on the recent drug problems that have surfaced in the city, especially ways to serve the city's youth. 2. Barbara Hibbitts: Ms. Hibbitts said she knows what it's like to have to "get through." She wants to solve problems, not just complain. j. Bike/Recreation Path Committee: 1. Lenore Budd: Ms. Budd has been involved from the beginning and is now enjoying the path. She felt the city has to help to be sure it stays enjoyable. 2. Bob Bennett: Mr. Bennett came to the city for the quality of life and wants to contribute. He and his family use the path. 3. Louis Bresee: He likes to bicycle and has a lot of experience with bike paths and with the issues around them. He said safety is the main concern. He noted there are already grooves in the new paving at Farrell Park. 4. Laura DeMaroney: She has been on the committee from the beginning and is particularly interested in seeing the connections made to other communities. Mr. O'Neill felt 7 members would be ideal for the committee. 3. Transfer of Funds from General Accounts to Reserve Accounts: Mr. Hafter noted there are two accounts that require Council authorization to move funds: Open Space and Landfill Closure. The amounts to be transferred are $25,000. to Open Space and $100,000. to Landfill Closure. Mr. Cimonetti asked why funds have to be transferred to the Open Space Account instead of just appropriating it to that account. Mr. Hafter agreed it was not consistent and will check on the reasons. Mr. Condos then moved to transfer $25,000. to the Open Spaces Fund. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved to transfer $100,000 to the landfill closure fund. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Review Planning Commission Agenda for 6/30/92: No issues were raised. 5. Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and meet in Executive Session to consider appointments to Boards and Commissions and contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to make appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Regular Session: Following the Executive Session, Mr. Dinklage moved that the Council make the following appointments: Terry Sheahan to the 4-year term on the Planning Commission and Mac Teeson to the 3-year term on the Planning Commission; Ernie Lemay to the 3-year term on the Recreation Committee, Mark Crow to the 2 Year term on the Recreation Committee, and Laura DeMaroney to the 1-year term on the Recreation Committee; Yvonne Jacobs, Diana Snyder, and Barbara Hibbitts to 3 year terms on the Fine Arts Committee; Mary Hulette and Margaret Miner to 3-year terms on the Libary Board of Trustees. Mr. Condos seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved the appointment of Bob Chittenden as the representative to Channel 17 Board and Chuck Hafter as the alternate. The motion passed unanimously. John Dinklage moved the appointment of Bill Cimonetti as city liaison with UVM. The motion passed unanimously. John Dinklage moved the appointment of Jim Condos as Council liaison to the Police Department. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved the appointment of John Dinklage as Council representative to the Personnel Rules Advisory Committee. Bill Cimonetti moved the appointment of Bob Chittenden. John Dinklage was appointed with a 3-2 vote with Mike Flaherty, John Dinklage and Jim Condos voting in favor of the appointment. Jim Condos moved the appointment of Joe Weith to the Technical Advisory Committee of the MPO. The motion passed unanimously. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. Respectively submitted: Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.