HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/15/1992CITY COUNCIL 15 JUNE 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 15 June 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; James Condos, John Dinklage, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Others Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Brian Searles, Police Chief; Jim Harvel, Doug Weber, Sylvia Smith, Frank Mazur, Bill Schuele, Steve Crowley, Harley Brown, III, Peter Kunin 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Presentation to Baron Upon His Retirement from Public Service: Chief Searles noted that Baron was the first dog used in S. Burlington Police work. He was involved in 26 arrests and there were 150 complaints where he was used. Presentation of a plaque was made to Baron and Sgt. James Snyder. 3. Update on Recreation Path Phase I Construction: Mr. Hafter said the project is proceeding smoothly. The Kennedy Dr. part is almost done and they have gone down Swift St. to the Wheelock Farm and beyond to Farrell Park. Signs have been ordered. The celebration for the official opening is 20 September. The sections of the path not completed on Kennedy Dr. are for special concrete work. Mr. Harvel said all the concrete work will be done at one time. Most of the paving will be completed by July 4th. Mr. Hafter said it was very exciting when the bridge was set over Muddy Brook last week. Mr. Dinklage asked why the bridge isn't wider. Mr. Harvel said they don't want to encourage higher speeds on the bridge. Mr. Cimonetti said a citizen was concerned about work being done on the Dorset St. hill and asked if drainage is adequate. Mr. Harvel said underdrains have been put in and there are more catch basins than in the plans. There will be another catch basin near the north end of the City Park which will be put in by the Street Dept. He said the catch basins are of a good design and he has watched their installation. Mr. Cimonetti then asked whose responsibility it is to get vegetation into the large cut. Mr. Hafter said the contractor is responsible for that. Mr. Cimonetti said that finishing ahead of schedule is a mixed blessing and asked if motorized traffic can be barred at places where it might occur. Mr. Hafter said it can. The Ordinance for the path is being worked on and should be ready by mid-July. It will require one public hearing. Mr. Condos asked if a pedestrian light is planned for Hinesburg Rd/Kennedy Drive. Mr. Hafter said that will be part of the intersection upgrade this fall. Mr. Chittenden asked about bridge #2. Mr. Cimonetti said that was changed when more property was acquired further in. Ms. Smith asked about skateboarding. Mr. Hafter said that won't be allowed. 4. Request for Support for Federally Funded Headway Demonstration Project by CCTA: Mr. Mazur reviewed the history of these projects noting that the free Airport service was such a project. He also noted that CCTA has retained about 20% of the ridership with the reinstatement of full fares. They currently have free rides for students and this has increased student ridership by 85%. The new project would be to see what the County can do to bring ridership to public transit. There will be a program to increase the efficiency of bus service (service will be doubled) and to expand service to Williston and Colchester. It will also include evening and Sunday service and more direct routes. Mr. Mazur asked the Council to send a letter of support to Senator Leahy who is on the appropriation committee. The program would be for 3 years and would involve $14,000,000. There would be no obligation to retain the program after that time. The new buses would belong to the Federal government. Mr. Condos asked if any rate increases are planned. Mr. Mazur said they are not. Mr. Condos then moved to send a letter of support to Sen. Leahy and other legislators and Governor Dean. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Meeting with Natural Resources Committee to Discuss Items of Interest to the City Council: It was noted that the Committee now has two high school members who meet with them and participate in activities. Mr. Crowley then outlined the Committee's goals: a) they are discussing proposed Zoning change recommendations b) a Potash Brook public awareness campaign to help people understand how the watershed is put together and how S. Burlington's pollution problems get to the Lake. The program will include a neighborhood walk, sampling of the brook, and a cleanup project being conducted by an Eagle Scout c) Red Rocks Park. brochure is being redone by 2 UVM students d) broadening coordination with other communities e) Green Up Day activities f) annual "biggest tree" contest g) more involvement in development reviews 6. Williston Road Access Management and Landscape/Signage Planning, Discussion of undergrounding of utility lines on Williston Rd: Mr. Hafter said the cost of undergrounding utilities would be about $1,000,000. with some federal funding available. The major concern is that there has been a ruling that utilities can't recover costs of undergrounding from rate payers. Mr. Dinklage said he felt this was a very important matter and would like to have the Williston Rd. Committee look into it. There should also be a thorough public airing. Mr. Cimonetti said he would lobby in favor of undergrounding. He felt it is very unsightly to have utilities above ground and it is also less safe. He said as far as economics, in Vermont there is an established position that will support all aspects of undergrounding being treated the same as other costs as far as participation goes. Mr. Cimonetti added that the down side is that it will probably be an 80-20% split, so the local share will be more. Mr. Condos agreed utilities should be underground. The City requires developers to do it, so the City should do it too. Members agreed to reconvene the Williston Rd. Committee to get more information. 7. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Establishing Landfill Fees: Mr. Hafter said he didn't yet know what the status of the landfill will be on 1 July. He proposed a fee that would allow escrowing of funds if the landfill is still open or would provide the most funding toward closure. The proposed rate would be equal to other landfills in the area. Members asked to see the amount that would be raised by each item. 8. Awarding of Contract for Phase II of the S. Burlington Recreation Path: Mr. Hafter said the low bid was $64,161.90 from Ray Cooley. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the City Manager's recommendation and authorize him to sign the contract with the low bidder, Ray Cooley Co. for $64,161.90. Mr. Condos seconded. Mr. Hafter outlined the proposed path and said work would be completed by September 15th. Mr. Cimonetti raised the question of routing the path around the house on the Calkins property. Mr. Hafter said that may require putting off the start of the contract. Members agreed to vote anyway. The motion then passed unanimously. 9. Consider Approval of Refinancing Agreement for Fire Truck: Mr. Hafter said the agreement is in its third year and is at 4.5%. Mr. Chittenden moved to sign the capital equipment refunding note. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to sign the Resolution entitled Capital Equipment Refunding Borrowing. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consideration of Approval of Employment Agreement between City and City Manager: Mr. Dinklage said he strongly supported the agreement and felt the city is very fortunate to have Mr. Hafter. Mr. Chittenden said he had nothing against the City Manager but didn't think the City should have loaned him money interest free. Mr. Dinklage said this was part of a package offered to get Mr. Hafter here and noted the difference in property values between where Mr. Hafter came from and the S. Burlington area. Mr. Flaherty noted the city will gain from the portion of the property that it has an interest in. Mr. Dinklage moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Scheduling of two special meetings: Members agreed to meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, 6/22 at the Sewage Treatment Plant on Airport Parkway. Another special meeting was scheduled for 6/29 at City Hall, 7:30 p.m. 12. Review Zoning Agenda for 6/22 and Planning Agenda for 6/16: Mr. Condos noted item #2 on the Zoning Agenda may be a use variance and urged caution. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 14. Other Business: Mr. Hafter noted receipt of a letter from Michael Brace in support of an indoor pool instead of hockey rink. Members suggested formation of a committee to discuss park and recreation concerns in the whole city. 15. Minutes of 5/18, 6/1 regular meeting and 6/1 reorganization meeting: Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the Minutes of 5/18 as written. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the Minutes of the two 6/1 meetings as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Chitten moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. a. Suspension hearing on Bambino's Liquor License: Mr. Brown noted work was begun on the fence today with Mr. Farrell's agreement. Mr. Brown stressed that the problem had been Bambino's and not Mr. Farrell's. Mr. Brown said he hoped the Board would allow the liquor license to continue as complaints are way down and there was only one noise complaint in two weeks which involved a door being open that shouldn't have been. Mr. Dinklage moved to table the hearing till 6 July upon evidence of successful completion of the fence. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Mr. Cimonetti said he understood that Bambino's has been operating entertainment without a permit and he would not vote in favor of a liquor license until all requirements are complied with. Mr. Brown said they haven't had a band on Wednesday nights. He said there is a question as to whether a bikini contest is "entertainment." Mr. Cimonetti said it was turned down by the Board and Bambino's is flaunting the rules. Mr. Kunin, a neighbor, said there has been some progress but they want a firm date as to when the fence will be up. Mr. Brown said it should be up by Wednesday. Mr. Hafter said the Bikini Contest can be warned for the next meeting. The motion then passed unanimously. b. Mr. Hafter presented a catering permit request from WFW for an anniversary party at K of C Hall, 6/20/92, from 6 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and an entertainment permit from Hot Cheesecake (CHAZ) for small groups playing during dinner, 5-10 p.m. (or midnight), Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday brunch. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve both permits. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti said the owners of the Redwood should be told to be sensitive to noise as they are near residences. Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss personnel and contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Dinklage moved adjournment. Mr. Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.