HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/20/1992CITY COUNCIL 20 JULY 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday 20 July 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: John Dinklage, Acting Chairman; James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Dr. Smith, Stephen Crowley, Charles Lewis, Joe Sopher, Mr. Kenyon, Gail Barone; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Michael Sheridan, Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda Items): Ms. Barone expressed her disappointment at the interview process for Boards and Committees. She felt there should have been standard questions for all candidates. She said she also didn't hear from the City Manager about the results and felt he was rude to her when she questioned this. She specifically noted the point that male candidates were asked if they had the time available to serve on committees while female candidates were not. Mr. Dinklage said it was a good point made about set questions. Mr. Cimonetti apologized if there was any feeling given about gender bias and said none was ever intended. He did not agree about set questions as sometimes a question will occur based on what an applicant says. Mr. Dinklage asked Ms. Barone to indicate any other committees she might be interested in serving on and expressed the city's thanks for her willingness to participate. Mr. Sopher questioned whether language has been written for signs for the Recreation Path. He noted some problems with skaters not stopping at stop signs but jumping out in front of cars. Mr. Hafter said a public hearing is scheduled for 10 August to discuss rules. Mr. Kenyon outlined a serious problem in Queen City Park concerning inadequate fire fighting potential due to limited availability of water. Pipes are small and cannot supply needed volume and can't work with the equipment in the city. There is also a problem with monitoring water quality. Queen City Park is a very crowded neighborhood with many wooden structures. There are many gas propane tanks, illegally placed because of the closeness of the houses. A fire could take out a house or two in no time at all. There is only one operable hydrant. Mr. Kenyon noted they are only 900 feet away from CWD's facility and there is a sleeve already installed under the railroad tracks. He said some residents had met with Bob Gardner of CWD who explained costs and what CWD could do for the neighborhood. A cost sheet is being prepared. Mr. Kenyon stressed that this is a very critical situation as there are many young families in the neighborhood and the potential for loss of life and property is very high. A petition was then presented to the Council expressing the concern of the Queen City Park neighborhood, and including a request for consideration to form a fire district. Mr. Cimonetti said the Council needs to be sure there is a consensus in the neighborhood. He suggested using the fire district model by which the city would provide residential water and fire protection. CWD would be the wholesaler of water with the city as retailer. Mr. Dinklage then read the petition. Members asked the City Manager to meet with neighbors and for a committee to research the matter, especially the degree of consensus. They also asked for advice from the City Attorney as to possible action on the petition and for comments from CWD and the Fire Chief. Mr. Crowley said a neighborhood committee has been formed to look into this. He felt there was not a consensus at this point. He said the next step should be to look at cost and suggested the Council work with the system in the neighborhood. Mr. Cimonetti felt there should be the formality of a committee and volunteered to represent the Council on the Committee. Mr. Hafter noted that Pat Garahan, Chairman of the Water Commission, is also willing to be part of the Committee. 2. Petition from Residents of East Terrace regarding parking problems on the street: Dr. Smith said that UVM people are parking cars and the UVM authorities say they have no control over this and that it is a S. Burlington problem. Parked cars restrict the vision of people going up and down the street. Most of the cars belong to UVM freshmen who are not allowed to park at UVM or in the city. Word has gotten out that East Terrace is "OK." Police can't do anything about it except during the months of overnight parking bans. Cars are parking on both sides of the street hampering movement of emergency, snowplow and garbage vehicles. Many residents can't back out of driveways. There have even been incidents where young school children were almost hit by cars. Dr. Smith said residents want to propose a 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. no parking ordinance on East Terrace. He felt residents would accept this and that it would protect neighborhood children and keep the entrance to properties open. The Council accepted the petition by common consent. Mr. Dinklage stressed there needs to be as near unanimous consent as possible on the part of residents. 3. Consideration of Approval of Amendment #1 to Finance and Maintenance Agreement for Dorset Street: Mr. Hafter explained this incorporates the landscaping phase of the project. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the amendment as presented. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Approval of Application for Federal Aid Funds and Agreement Relative to Engineering Costs: Mr. Hafter said this will go out to bid for consultants for the design. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the city can contract for this. Mr. Hafter said only the Agency of Transportation can sign. Mr. Cimonetti noted the city is being asked for a 10% share in costs over which they have no say. He felt the city should work very closely with the State to know what is coming on this. Mr. Condos moved to approve the signing of the application relative to engineering costs on the transportation path to link Gutterson Field House and a point behind the outlet stores on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Approval of Refunding Agreement for Sewer Vac: Mr. Hafter noted the agreement is at 4.5% and is the 4th year of a 5-year agreement. Mr. Chittenden moved the Council sign the Agreement and Resolution. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Request for Adoption of Resolution establishing Lake Champlain Celebration Day, 7/25/92: Mr. Hafter said a small grant has been applied for in connection with a Potash Brook awareness project. Mr. Condos moved the City adopt the Resolution establishing Lake Champlain Celebration Day on 7/25/92. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion of Proposed Site for Drop-off Center for Household Recyclables and Solid Waste at Public Works Dept: Mr. Hafter said they want to identify a general area for this site. Mr. Audette then showed the proposed plan to be located near the landfill and Street Dept. garage. It would be a 265' x 185' facility using the existing access. The District would pick up costs for electricity, sewer, etc. and there would be no cost to the City of South Burlington. Mr. Cimonetti said there is a lot of square footage of city land involved. He also wanted to see access from both Patchen Rd. and Airport Parkway. He felt it was more space than needed for the function and the area could be used for an industrial use. Mr. Hafter said the city could ask for a smaller footprint. Mr. Cimonetti also asked for traffic projections. Mr. Condos moved that the City Council find the plan to be a reasonable location, subject to review by the City of South Burlington's Planning and Zoning Boards with particular attention to traffic, and that final approval be made by the City Council. There was no second to this motion. Mr. Condos then moved the Council approve the location for the proposed site of the Drop-off Center as presented by Staff. There was no second to this motion. Mr. Hafter noted a number of citizens had called with concerns that the facility be located in S. Burlington. Mr. Cimonetti asked that the District come back with traffic projections (vehicles, trucks), size of footprint, access, future buildout, and frequency of transfer information. He noted this could become a situation like the Corrections Center where the size is beyond the city's control. 8. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Chittenden moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a special event permit for Bambino's for a Bikini Contest every Tuesday through Labor Day, 9-11 p.m., and for country bands every Thursday for an indefinite period of time, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and on Sunday 6 p.m. to Midnight. Mr. Hafter said there have been no problems associated with these events according to Police. Mr. Brown said he would like the country bands to be part of Bambino's yearly permit as this event is going over very well. The bikini contest would be just through the summer months. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the bikini contest on Tuesdays through Labor Day from 9-11 p.m. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the country bands from now through Labor Day on Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 1 am and on Sundays from 6 p.m. to midnight. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.