HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/03/1992CITY COUNCIL 3 FEBRUARY 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 3 February 1992, at 7:30 p.m., at South Burlington High School. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden, James Condos Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Department; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Chris Cavin, Duncan & Olivia Brown, Marla & Bill Weiner, Madonna Wright, Mary Roy, Robert Ryan, Ethan Sims, Jan Emerson 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2. Set date of next regular meeting: Members agreed to meet on 17 February. 3. First Public Hearing on Amendments to the 1991 South Burlington Comprehensive Plan: Mr. Weith outlined the 3 amendments proposed by the Planning Commission: a) future boat access: the plan now calls for acquiring land along the lake at the Allenwood property for a future boat access. The amendment would take out the specific reference to Allenwood and replace it with a recommendation for a feasibility study to choose a site, address costs, etc. Map 2 currently shows the Allenwood property with the words "boat access." This reference would be eliminated. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there could be a note to Map 2 that indicates a public access to the lake is desired by the city. Mr. Weith said this can be added. b) Recreation Map: the presently shown pedestrian trail over the Lake Buick/S. Burlington Realty property would be removed. In the 1991 Plan, a future proposed recreation path was added in a different location. This one can now be deleted. c) Proposed land use map: the amendment would change the designation of approximately 7 acres of land from Residential to Industrial on the east side of Old Farm Road. The change was requested by the property owner, Dan O'Brien. The Commission made site visits and felt this change would not cause any adverse impacts. There is still a good buffer between the different uses and it is still the city's intention that access to the industrial property would be from Kimball Avenue not through the residential neighborhood. Mr. Brown asked what this change accomplishes. Mr. Weith said Mr. O'Brien felt the land was good for future industrial development and would give him more flexibility in placement of roads and buildings. Mr. Brown said he didn't see the need for it. Mr. Wiener asked if 600 ft. of the end of Old Farm Rd. is industrial and you can't enter commercial land through a residential district, could they access it at that end of Old Farm Rd. Mr. Flaherty said he thought so. He also noted that this is the Comprehensive Plan and the Commission would add the change to the Zoning Regulations if it is passed for the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Brown said he didn't think this kind of piecemeal planning is good. Mr. Cimonetti asked if this is adopted there could be a notation in the Comprehensive Plan that access would not be through the residential area on Old Farm Rd. Mr. Weith said this could and should be done. Mr. Brown noted there are very good views on that hill and it was a mistake to let industrial uses creep in there. Mr. Cimonetti said he could foresee a very upscale corporate headquarters on that kind of site. Mrs. Wiener asked if there was any indication from the owner as to his intentions. She noted he hasn't done anything with the rest of his land. Mr. Flaherty noted this change may be giving him more total lot coverage potential. Mr. Weith said there has been no specific plan proposed. Mr. Flaherty noted a second public hearing on this on 17 February. Mr. Brown said he thought the residents of Old Farm Rd. had been very understanding about commercial development. They are now beginning to feel threatened. He would like to see it stopped now. He didn't feel the zoning should be changed just to suit the wishes of one landowner. 3. Consideration of Establishing of Proposed Special Investigative Unit in Coordination with Other Policing Agencies in Chittenden County: Chief Searles said leaders of law enforcement groups in the county have been meeting to focus on issues. Work load is increasing and the where with all to do it is not. What is needed is to do things better than they are currently being done. A decision was made to address the area of criminal investigation. This is one area most departments are having a hard time dealing with alone. The most pressing issues are children as victims and sexual assaults and crimes. These areas require special expertise in handling and many departments do not have this level of expertise. The plan is to pool resources and to put energy into an autonomous group that will address these issues. The group would include 5 investigators plus a secretary and would be housed at a separate site. They would act on referrals and take first reports. They would do all the work necessary and coordinate with the States Attorney's office to bring cases to a successful conclusion. South Burlington would be asked to put an investigator into this department. Burlington, Colchester, Essex and the State Police would also contribute an investigator. Other communities would be asked for a cash contribution. The UVM Police have offered office space. This would move some resources and work load out of the S. Burlington community. Chief Searles said there are about 400 of these cases coming to the attention of Chittenden County law enforcement people. Of these, 60 are from S. Burlington. Chief Searles noted that S. Burlington had one case that required 500 hours of police work and another that required 250 hours. Chief Searles said S. Burlington would get a much more stable way to investigate these cases. There is now only one person and if he's not available for any reason, no one can deal with such a case when it is reported. This plan would also benefit victims of these crimes, especially the children of Chittenden County. States Attorney Sorrell said this is a very high priority for his office. There are 100 sex Crime cases pending. 2/3 of these involve children under age 16 as victims. There are also many more juvenile cases of child abuse and neglect. These are cases where the scarring of victims is the greatest and where there is also the widest disparity between the severity of the crime and the competence of police procedure. There is a very complex psychology in dealing both with victims and criminals, and the success of prosecution in these cases largely depends on thorough, competent investigation. Attorney Sorrell said that assaulters don't limit themselves to boundary lines. He felt such a unit will protect residents of S. Burlington and the larger Chittenden Country community from becoming victims. Mr. Chittenden asked if they can get any state money. Attorney Sorrell said federal and state grants are being sought. Chief Searles noted this proposal has the 100% support of county police chiefs. Mr. Cimonetti asked who would be in charge. Mr. Searles said one of the 5 officers would serve in this capacity. Mr. Cimonetti asked if any county support has been asked for. Attorney Sorrell said that hadn't been considered but thought it was a good idea to follow up on. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt some regionalization for public safety is a good thing and he supported this. Mr. Dinklage also voiced his support. Mr. Hafter said management also feels this is a very important step. He recommended some of the officers on the force be female. Attorney Sorrell said they expect to work very closely with SRS, many of whose people are female trained in this area. Mr. Chittenden asked if this would be the first such project in Vermont. Chief Searles said there has been some task force involvement under federal grants but this is the first such project to grow out of the mutual interests of police officers. Attorney Sorrell said a lot of people in the state are watching this with great interest. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the format of the plan changes that the Council be advised of this. Mr. Dinklage then moved that the Council pass a resolution that based on the presentation made tonight the South Burlington City Council supports the establishment of a special investigative unit with the specific commitment of one S. Burlington Police Office and that the Police Chief be asked to report progress on the formation of that unit to the City Council. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Approval of Lease with S. Burlington School District for Municipal use of tennis courts: Mr. Hafter advised that the old lease ran out in 1987 and this was caught by the auditors this year. The cost of the lease is $1.00. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the lease as presented. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter advised that the city will be applying for LWCF funds for the new park. 5. Consideration of Approval of amended trust agreement for government access channel: Mr. Flaherty advised that the 12 hours of air time in the old contract has been increased to 25 in the new. It was felt that air time should reflect the number of subscribers in each community. Burlington has 44% of the weighted vote, S. Burlington 19.2%. A 2/3 majority is required to pass any amendments to the trust agreement. Mr. Flaherty noted the governing board approved it unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the proposed amendments as presented tonight. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Amendment to City Personnel Rules to include amended nepotism Section 8.2: und which ever one the city chooses. Mr. Flaherty read the wording of the proposed amendment. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the amendment with the addition of the words "son and daughter" after "mother and father." Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of application for transportation path for Bicycle Path/Walkway from farrell St. to Spear St. along I-189 and east on Spear St. to UVM: Mr. Hafter said this is a 90% federal/10% local funding proposal. The value of easements can be used for the local share. He then outlined the route of the path noting that CWD did the mapping and will provide maps. Application for the grant will cost $960. A public hearing is required with 30 days notice and he suggested 9 March. Costs will be available at that time. Mr. Cimonetti noted UVM is very interested in tying into this with a bike path. Mr. Dinklage moved to authorize staff to proceed with the project and to prepare and submit preliminary applications as outlined by the City Manager and to hold a public hearing on 9 March. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Scott congratulated the Council on moving quickly on this. 8. Signing of Certificate of Completing and opening of a highway for public travel; Certificate of Highway Mileage: Mr. Chittenden asked why this wasn't done sooner. Mr Audette said the developer hadn't turned some of the streets over to the city. Mr. Dinklage moved to authorize acceptance of the 39 streets as presented and to sign the certificates of highway mileage. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Presentation of 1992-3 Budget; Discussion of Budget Review Schedule: Mr. Hafter thanked Peg Strait for work on the budget. 10. Appointment of voting delegate to special VLCT business meeting during Local Government Day in the Legislature, 25 February 1992: Mr. Chittenden moved that Mr. Hafter be appointed as voting delegate to the special VCT meeting. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Review of Planning Commission and Zoning Board Motions on Adelphia Cable Site Plan and Conditional Use applications: It was noted that the tower would be 80 feet high. 12. Review Planning Commission and Zoning Board agendas: No issues were raised. 13. Minutes of 2 December, 20 January, and 25 November: It was noted in the 20 January minutes that Mr. Dinklage made and seconded the Motion for adjournment. Mr. Dinklage moved the Minutes of 2 December, 20 January and 25 November be approved as written or amended. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 15. Executive Session: Mr. Cimonetti moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to resume regular session on to adjourn. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council resumed regular session. Mr. Chittenden moved adjournment. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.