HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/21/1992CITY COUNCIL 21 DECEMBER 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 21 December 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Brian Searles, Chuck Balserus, Police Dept; Ethel Schuele, Gail Wheeler, Peter Yankowski, Larry Kupferman, Red Rocks Advisory Committee; James & M.W. Chaplin, Ruth Trevithick, Leslie Linton, Cheryl Patton, N. Nemazee, Irene Irish, Harry Behney 1. Comments & Questions from the Public not related to items on the Agenda: No issues were raised. 2. Discussion of Traffic Concerns on Spear Street: Mr. Hafter said there are two major concerns: traffic volumes & speed and an existing bump in the road. He said he had met with the Police Chief and Street Dept. Superintendent to discuss the situation. There has been a tremendous increase in traffic volume as traffic tends to go where there is the least resistance. He felt there were no short term solutions. The speed problem can be addressed, and the Chief has indicated they will work radar between the city line and Swift St. There are already more traffic tickets issued on Spear St. than on Williston Road or Shelburne Rd. In addition, the truck ban will be enforced. Regarding the bump, Mr. Hafter noted there have been 2 accidents reported at the location but there may have been even more. He said the situation is due to a pipe that carries a stream under the road. Public works has insulated the pipe, so now the road rises but not the pipe. He said they will try to do something to even it off and in the spring they will try to grind it down. Mr. Cimonetti felt that the ability to travel at a high speed has made Spear St. attractive. He noted that last year Burlington enforced speed limits on Shelburne St. and has succeeded in slowing traffic down. He felt S. Burlington should do this on Spear St. Mr. Condos noted there are similar problems all over the city. He specifically cited Williston Rd. between Hinesburg Rd. and Kennedy Drive. Chief Searles said that traffic control goes on around calls for service. He said they spend a lot of time on Spear St., and that 25% of all tickets issued are issued on Spear St. Mr. Jankowski asked if it would help to increase speed limits on Dorset St. Mr. Cimonetti said that was done 2 years ago and Dorset St. is already at 40 mph. He added that Spear St. has become the preferred route for ambulance traffic. Mr. Chaplin cited the problems with the bump and said they have been awakened by people hitting it and are frightened when large construction trucks go over it. Their house has suffered extensive ceiling cracking. It is particularly dangerous in slippery road conditions. He added that Mrs. Trevithick's fence has been damaged because of it. He asked for an opinion of a qualified civil engineer as to what should be done. Mr. Dinklage said he would like to see a long-term solution costed out. He said he would ask the MPO to do a traffic count. The road might be classified incorrectly. Mr. Audette said it is already classified as an arterial. He said they had already asked for funds from the MPO and didn't get them. 3. Consideration of Approval of Installation of Stop Sign on Baycrest Rd. at Intersection with Harbor Ridge Rd.: Mr. Hafter said he had spoken with residents who feel the situation is getting worse. Chief Searles says there has been a 40% increase in traffic in one year. Children have to cross the road for the school bus. He felt the stop sign would increase safety. Ms. Linton said there have been incidents of cars passing stopped school buses at high speeds even when the bus lights were flashing. She felt a stop sign would help control some of the ambiguity at the intersection. She added that the problem is worse when snow banks limit visibility. Chief Searles said he supports what is proposed. Mr. Condos moved to approve the proposed ordinance to amend the Traffic Regulations with regard to a stop sign at the intersection of Baycrest Rd. and Harbor Ridge Rd as recommended by staff. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Requests to Council from Red Rocks Committee: Mr. Flaherty outlined the Committee's requests: a) that members be given staggered terms instead of one-year terms.; b) that Barbara Bull be reinstated as a member of the Committee. Mr. Hafter recommended taking care of the staggered terms the next time committee memberships are reviewed. Mr. Dinklage moved to reappoint Barbara Bull to the Red Rocks Advisory Committee. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Report from Harry Behney, Executive Director of GBIC, on Economic Development Activities and Options Available to the City to Provide Additional Incentives Toward Industrial Development: Mr. Behney briefly explained the function of GBIC, noting that they now have a new service to help small businesses. He said the difficulty today is the ability of Vermont companies to compete nationally and internationally. Competition is enjoying "special benefits" in other areas. Mr. Behney then gave members a copy of the Governor's "Economic Progress Act" and reviewed some of its major provisions. These include: tax credits for the creation of new jobs, elimination of fuel tax on energy for manufacturing, favoring Vermont based companies for corporate income taxes, hiring an ambudsman to help in the permitting processes, transportation financing where it helps with economic improvement, expanding export efforts of the state, upgrading the Interstate and its rest areas. He said that on a local level communities could provide tax incentives to companies that want to locate in the community (tax stabilization, for example) and that communities could also change the method by which machinery and equipment are taxed. Mr. Cimonetti proposed that the City Manager ask the City Charter Committee to come up with recommendations as to how to give the Council more flexibility under Vermont Law with regard to tax stabilization. 6. Report on First half year of operations of the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations: Chief Searles reviewed the history of the unit. He said the team has been together since 20 July. He noted there have been fewer reported cases from S. Burlington than predicted. The Chief said the quality of investigations has improved and victims are pleased with the process. He noted the unit is concerned with future financing. This year they have come up short and have asked some communities for more money. Mr. Balserus, the city's member of the unit, noted that he has always had the concern to protect the most vulnerable members of the community, its children. He has seen the effects of the tragedies that happen to children. He felt the special unit was making great strides in this area and noted that they have also become involved with education in the member communities in an effort to explain their services and to help gain more confidence among children. Mr. Condos felt the City should continue to support the unit at least at the same level. Mr. Dinklage agreed. Mr. Cimonetti said he was very pleased with the work of the group. 7. Request for Approval of Selection of Consultant to Prepare a Capital Budget and Impact Fee Program: Mr. Hafter said the city got 6 bids. The City Planner reviewed all bids and interviewed the two lowest bidders. His recommendation is to award the contract to the second lowest bidder at $14,500. Mr. Cimonetti moved to award the bid to Lamoureau and Stone for $14,500.00 on the recommendation of the City Manager and City Planner. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion of Development Projects in Southeast Quadrant as these Projects Relate to the Extension of Sanitary Sewer Service: Mr. Cimonetti felt it shouldn't be left to the Planning Commission to set strategy in this area. The City Council needs to hold hearings and then give guidance to the Commission; however, there are projects in front of the Commission now that if approved would run force mains through some areas of the city. Mr. Cimonetti noted these could not be tapped into by other residents. He said that for all practical purposes this would preclude those people from ever being sewered, and he did not feel the city wanted this to happen. Mr. Dinklage felt the Council should have a warned public hearing on this issue as soon as there is a map that shows where sewers should go. He said they need to know how to prorate expenses for modifications to a developer's plan. He stressed that this could change the whole development plan for that part of the city. Mr. Cimonetti said he didn't want to see the planning document abandoned without a lot of consideration. Mr. Hafter said the City Engineer feels there can be a model for a sewer system in the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Cimonetti said he wanted to send out a message tonight that the Council is investigating the techniques for sewer installation in the Southeast Quadrant but at this time is reserving judgment until it can make a clear decision. Mr. Weith said that for the benefit of the Planning Commission this needs to be done as soon as possible. 9. Consideration of Support by Resolution of Steering Committee for South Burlington Family Center: Mr. Hafter noted this has been approved by the School Directors. Mr. Cimonetti moved to waive reading of the Resolution and approve it as presented. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Minutes of 7 December 1992: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 7 December as written. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Other Business: a. Mr. Condos noted the landfill opened today and the "grand opening" will be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Operations will be demonstrated and everyone is welcome. Mr. Hafter added that the S. Burlington landfill will operate until 31 December. After that, the city people can bring their trash to the landfill to be transferred to the regular landfill. Trash will need to be in clear plastic bags which will be provided. Mr. Audette added that literature has been given out to people at the landfill. b. Mr. Cimonetti reported that last year the Governor appointed a Rail Council. He said everyone was surprised recently to learn that though it had never been mentioned to the Rail Council, there was another study going on. The report of this other group was released recently. It talks about light rail from Union Station to the Airport at a cost of $50,000,000. Mr. Cimonetti stressed that no one from S. Burlington gave any input to the study. It was reported that the study was funded with MPO funds but no one at Regional Planner or the MPO knows anything about it. The same is true with Airport people. Mr. Cimonetti said he is very offended by that report. He was also told the MPO would fund further studies at a cost of $200,000. He was then told these were "uncommitted" funds. This seems to mean that there is money the MPO doesn't get access to. Executive Session: Mr. Cimonetti moved the Council adjourn and meet in Executive Session to hear a grievance, and to discuss personnel issues and contract negotiations and to resume regular session to adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The meeting returned to regular session. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Bill Cimonetti seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.