HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/18/1992CITY COUNCIL 18 August 1992 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Tuesday, 18 August 1992, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Joe Weith, City Planner; Fred Moody, Robert Marcellino, Gail Barone 1. Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2. Request from Bob Marcellino, Homestead Design, for expanded CCTA service to proposed development on Dorset Street: Mr. Marcellino noted that Community College of Vermont (CCV) has been in offices at 100 Dorset Street. They now want a campus and have narrowed their choice of site to 5 locations. One of these is on Dorset St. just north of the Synagogue. Mr. Marcellino showed the proposed site plan which would result in a 15,000 sq. ft. building (expandable to 20,000 sq. ft.). He said that access and accessibility are very important, and CCV would like to get a CCTA route to come up in this direction. Mr. Marcellino asked for the city's help to do this. Mr. Cimonetti said he wasn't sure the Council should have a site preference at this time as other potential sites are also in the city. Mr. Chittenden said he thought this was a good site for the college but wasn't sure he wanted to encourage bus routes down there. Mr. Condos felt this might be part of a link to Shelburne Rd, but agreed the Council should not support a particular site at this time. Members said they would support a statement that encourages CCTA service to public education facilities. 3. Continue Public Hearing on Recreation Path Ordinance; Consideration of Adoption of Same: Members agreed on the following language related to walking bicycles: "...stop at all stop signs and shall walk their bicycles in any areas posted for walking only." Mr. Cimonetti still did not like the wording regarding coordination of bike path and motorized vehicles. He also raised the question of motorized handicapped vehicles. Mr. Dinklage suggested adding "except motorized wheelchairs" to the motorized vehicle rules. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Ordinance as amended at this meeting. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed 4-1, Mr. Cimonetti opposing. 4. First Reading and Scheduling of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the South Burlington Zoning Regulations Article XVI, Industrial- Agricultural District (I-Ag) and the Central District Ordinance: Mr. Weith explained that the I-Ag district is about 500 acres in size. There was a concern that zoning was too restrictive in that part of the city and wasn't competitive with other areas. The Planning Commission finally came up with a package of proposed amendments. In the existing zoning, lots of three acres or less are approved for single family homes, agriculture, and industrial and general office use. Lots of more than 3 acres are approved for agriculture and outdoor recreation. These require a minimum lot size of 10 acres and an average lot size of 20 acres. Corporate office use is allowed only as a PUD with maximum building coverage of 20% and maximum lot coverage of 35%. General office use is not allowed and only one user per lot is permitted. In the proposed zoning, pre-existing lots of 3 acres or less would no longer be treated differently. Permitted uses would be the same. Industrial and office use would be allowed with a PUD and general office use would now be allowed. More than one user per lot would also be permitted. Minimum lot size would be 3 acres with average lot size of 8 acres. Maximum building covering would be 30% with maximum lot coverage 50%. The buffer zone along Hinesburg Rd. and the residential districts would increase to 200 feet. PUD review standards would be revised to de-emphasize agriculture and to indicate a concern for open space. Mr. Weith explained how the numbers were arrived at and noted the Commission looked at industrial parks in Williston, Colchester, and Milton. They found a large demand for parcels of 3 to 8 acres but very little demand for parcels over 10 acres. Mr. Dinklage moved to warn a public hearing for 21 September. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Weith then explained the amendments to the Central District Ordinance. He noted there have been problems converting older buildings to City center uses, and the Commission felt some changes could be made so these buildings could house some of the uses the city wants to see in the City Center. The current setback in the CD-2 District is 50'. The proposed amendment would reduce this to 20 ft. This would bring the fronts of most buildings into compliance and would still allow a green strip and pedestrian-oriented use. Section 1.80 on Alterations to non-complying structures currently does not allow alterations to non-complying buildings. The proposal is to all alterations to these buildings in compliance with the 25%/35% rule but only for the value of the building. Buildings could not be expanded until they were brought into compliance. Mr. Dinklage moved to warn a public hearing on these proposed amendments for 21 September. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. First Reading of Adoption of Official City Map; Schedule public hearing: Mr. Weith noted additions since the last review. North/South collector road between Queen City Park Rd. and Holmes Rd; the City Center layout plan; a Hinesburg Rd./Kimball Ave. connector; and a full interchange at Hinesburg Rd. (A question was raised as to whether the Hinesburg Rd/Kimball Ave. connector is far enough from the proposed Interchange to be safe) A note has been added to the map to identify the Shelburne Rd. widening project with jughandles, and another note has been added for the Williston Rd. project from Dorset St. to Hinesburg Rd. with the re-alignment of Mary St. and White St. intersections. Proposed parking facilities have been added in the City Center area. Mr. Audette noted a Burlington housing project is going in where the hookup to the Southern Connector was to take place in Burlington. Members said they had asked the Southern Connector be eliminated from the Official City Map. Mr. Dinklage asked that this go back through the Planning Commission to know their thoughts. Mr. Cimonetti asked for input from the School Board. 6. Consideration of Approval of Fy 93 Budget for Chittenden Regional Solid Waste Management District: Mr. Moody noted that 5 communities have approved the budget, one has given no judgment. The capital budget is $14,600,000, $4,000,000 of which is for the Interim landfill. Other facilities include regional drop-off centers, sludge facility, special waste processing facility. Mr. Condos asked what the $47,000. for household hazardous waste facility is for. Mr. Moody said it is for an office trailer, safety equipment and a vehicle. Mr. Moody said in the operating budget revenues are based mainly on tipping fees, not tax revenue. There is also the possibility of getting some grant money. Mr. Dinklage asked what happens if revenues from tipping fees are less. Mr. Moody said in that case they wouldn't be using as much fuel and they would look at where else to cut expenses. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Fy 93 Budget for Chittenden regional Solid Waste Management District. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed 4-1, Mr. Cimonetti opposing. 7. Continuation of Discussion of Drop-off site at S. Burlington Public Works Yard: Mr. Moody reviewed the city's concerns: 1. footprint: The city felt the footprint was too large. Mr. Moody felt there can be a cutback on the overall size but they didn't want to cut back on the functional approach. 2. The composting area would be moved to the back to reduce the visual impact. Mr. Dinklage said he would want the city to have some control over a composting facility. Mr. Moody said he had no problem with that. Mr. Cimonetti raised the question of commercial use of composting facility. Mr. Moody said pickup trucks could use the S. Burlington site. Dump trucks would have to go to Williston. A contractor with a lot of pickup trucks would be directed to Williston. Mr. Cimonetti asked what would be the contractual arrangement with the city. Mr. Moody said the District would lease the property for a nominal fee. The District accepts full responsibility for running the facility. He said they are working on a letter of intent. Regarding access, the Moody said they are willing to construct a gravel road to keep people away from the residential area. He was not sure how the state would feel about this. Mr. Cimonetti said the city would require access from both Patchen Rd. and Airport Parkway. Mr. Moody said they can meet that concern. He added that they would ask the city to maintain the road. Mr. Moody asked what form a traffic analysis would have to take. Mr. Moody said that at this point they aren't assuming any more traffic would be generated than at the landfill now. Mr. Cimonetti said the city would expect to know the trip ends. He said that with no facilities in Shelburne, Burlington, Winooski or Colchester, it would be naive to say there will be no increase in traffic. He added that the ability to relieve a traffic problem is very slow. Mr. Dinklage said he would like an understanding in writing that if the use exceeds a certain point, there is a commitment to open another facility to relieve the situation. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the District would accept a stipulation that the facility be only for S. Burlington. Mr. Moody said the District wouldn't participate in such a facility, but it would be the city's option to do that. He said he would ask the city to inform the District as to whether it wants a facility only for S. Burlington. 8. Approval of Financing for Purchase of Police Voice Recording System: Mr. Hafter noted this has been approved in the budget and money is located in the "seizure accounts from narcotics arrests." He showed pictures of the proposed equipment. The loan would be for 4.5% at the Chittenden Bank. He noted there is enough money to purchase it outright. After a brief discussion, Mr. Dinklage moved to authorize the outright purchase of the Police Voice Recording System. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of Application for State Planning Grant: Mr. Weith noted the application is due 1 September. The proposal is to hire a consultant to develop a capital budget and to prepare a traffic, sewer, and recreation impact fee ordinance. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the grant application as proposed. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Request to appoint Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager, as Assistant City Treasurer: Mr. Condos moved to appoint Peg Strait as Assistant City Treasurer. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Other Business: Mr. Cimonetti noted that since the last Council meeting he had had conversations with Jean McCandless, Jim Leddy and the Drug & Alcohol people. He found that nothing had yet taken place as a result of the Steering Committee resolution. He noted that he got a very positive response from all areas. He said that they are only waiting for the Council to tell them to act. Mr. Dinklage said he can support asking the Social Responsibility Committee and anyone else to find better ways to deal with the drug and alcohol problem as long as it does not involve telling them this must involve reimbursement of city funds. Mr. Flaherty noted that Ms. McCandless will be asked to be a member of the overall committee. Mr. Dinklage then moved the City Council request the Social Responsibility Committee participate with the task force established by the Steering Committee and with other citizen groups to recommend possible actions which the city and agencies that serve it can take to address the substance abuse problems which affect our community. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 12. Minutes of July 13 and July 20, 1992: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 13 and 20 July as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contracts, litigation, and appointments to Boards and Committees and to resume regular session only to make appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Council returned to regular session. Jim Condos moved the appointment of Jean McCandless to the Social Responsibility Committee. John Dinklage seconded. The motion passed 4-1 wotj Bill Cimonetti opposed. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned at 11:00 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.