HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-016 - Decision - 1215 Airport Parkway - SP-22-016_1215 Airport Parkway_ffd_ADMIN#SP-22-016 - 1 - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING Joel Page, Scott & Partners– 1215 Airport Parkway SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-22-016 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Joel Page of Scott & Partners, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking to amend a previously approved plan for a 19,800 sq. ft. light manufacturing building. The amendment consists of constructing a 250 sq. ft. exterior stairwell addition, 1215 Airport Parkway. Based on the plans and materials contained in the document file for this application, the Administrative Officer finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is seeking approval to amend a previously approved plan for a 19,850 sq. ft. light manufacturing building. The amendment consists of constructing a 250 sq. ft. exterior stairwell addition and interior renovations to an existing interior mezzanine space, 1215 Airport Parkway. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is Paul G. Adams Trust. 3. The subject property is located in the Mixed Industrial & Commercial Zoning District (IC). 4. The application was received on April 9, 2022. 5. The plan submitted is titled, “PG Adams Mezzanine Renovation Project Site Plan”, prepared by Scott & Partners, dated 04/08/2022, last revised 05/31/2022. DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS Industrial-Commercial Zoning District Required Proposed  Min. Lot Size 40,000 S.F. No change  Max. Building Coverage 40% 30.23%  Max. Overall Coverage 70% 44.7 %  Max. Front Yard Coverage 30% No change  Min. Front Setback 30 ft No change  Min. Side Setback 10 ft. No change  Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. No change  Max. Building Height 35 ft. No change  Zoning Compliance # Pre-existing non-conformance ^ Height on elevation plan submitted needs clarification SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS #SP-22-016 - 2 - Only the standards below are affected by this application. All other standards will continue to be met. Bicycle Parking 6. Pursuant to Section 13.03(B) of the LDRs, the applicant must provide short-term bicycle parking spaces. It appears from the submitted application that there are two existing short- term bicycle parking spaces currently on the site. One short-term bicycle parking space is required per 20,000 SF of “Warehousing, contractor, and light industry” space, with a minimum of two spaces required. The light manufacturing use at this site is considered “warehousing, contractor, and light industry.” Two short-term bicycle parking spaces are required. Please see 13.03B(2) for standards for bicycle parking spaces. This standard has been met by existing bicycle parking. No additional long-term bicycle storage is required under 13.03C(1), as the addition is not more than 5,000 gross square feet. Dumpster Screening 7. Per Section 13.04(C)(3), refuse, recycling & compost collection shall be effectively screened. An enclosed dumpster location is shown on the plan and does not appear to be affected by the proposed addition or interior renovation. Snow Storage 8. Per Section 13.04(B)(7), “snow storage areas must be specified and located in an area that minimizes the potential for erosion and contaminated runoff into any adjacent or nearby surface water.” Snow Storage areas are noted on the plan and are not affected by the proposed addition or interior renovation. Landscaping 9. Per Section 13.04, Table 13-4, the applicant is required to provide landscaping with a landscape budget amount of 3% of the first $250,000 or construction/improvement cost, then 2% of the next $250,000. The exterior stairway to be added has a cost of $106,000. Based on that cost, the applicant is required to provide $3,180 of additional landscaping. The application now proposes an approximately 750 SF “pollinator garden” to meet this standard at a cost of $5,186. Given site constraints for additional landscaping options, including existing trees, shrubs, and extensive existing impervious parking coverage on a relatively small lot, this budget is sufficient to meet the landscaping requirement if the quoted cost reflects the installed costs of perennial plants or shrubs. Please see 13.04 for landscaping standards. #SP-22-016 - 3 - DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Administrative Officer hereby approves site plan application #SP-22-016 of Joel Page, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plan and shall be on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 17.04 of the Land Development Regulations or this approval is null and void. Prior to issuance of the zoning permit the plans must be revised to show the changes below. a. The plans shall be revised to detail the pollinator garden as consisting of perennial plantings and/or shrubs, not annuals, and the accurate square footage of the planting area(s). 4. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant must post a $3,180 landscaping bond. This bond must remain in full effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of survival. 5. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the 250 sq. ft. stairwell addition. 6. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Administrative Officer or the Development Review Board, as allowed under the Land Development Regulations. Signed on this 1st day of June, 2022 by Kelsey Peterson, Acting Administrative Officer PLEASE NOTE: Pursuant to 24 VSA §4465, an interested person may appeal this decision by filing a Notice of Appeal with the secretary of the Development Review Board. This Notice of Appeal must be accompanied with a $233 filing fee and be filed within 15 days of the date of this decision. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.477.2241 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist.