HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/16/1991CITY COUNCIL 16 SEPTEMBER 1991 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair John Dinklage at 7:30 PM. Members Present: John Dinklage, Acting Chair; James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Margaret Strait, Asst. City Manager; Peg Picard, City Clerk; Albert Audette, Highway Superintendent; Donald Whitten, WPC Superintendent; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Robert Bishop. 1. Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to the agenda). Bill Cimonetti asked that time be taken during the meeting to discuss a number of transportation issues. Chuck Hafter stated that the signing of disbursement orders should be added. 2. Consideration to Approval of Selection Committee for Consultant Engineering Services for Preparation of Facilities Plan for Bartlett Bay Wastewater Plant. Chuck was asked to give necessary information. Chuck explained that this recommendation is from the selection committee which comprised of Bill Szymanski, Bob Chittenden, Don Whitten and himself. Had received 5 proposals of qualifications and 4 were found qualified. Dubois and King was the low bid but did not have an I/I component in their proposal. Even though Dubois and King did not feel that there was any concern with the I/I of the plant, the selection committee felt that they would like a price upfront just in case it was necessary to do any work on the I/I. The price of $8500 was quoted by Dubois and King for the I/I work. The original proposal was requested by the selection committee on a lump sum basis, but the second amount of $8500 was requested on an as needed basis. Some of the I/I work, if it is necessary to do, can be done by the City. Don Whitten has already begun to examine what work can be done in-house. Based on the information and prices collected Dubois and King were unanimously chosen by the Selection Committee to be awarded the contract. Chuck has recommended the following conditions: 1. Apply for the facilities planning grant for the full $42,000. 2. That our contract call for them preparing the scope of services work for the $33,500 lump sum as they proposed. 3. If an I/I Study is needed the contract should call for a supplemental fee of $8500 on a not to exceed basis. 4. We will only spend the loan proceeds for actual work not the loan amount. Chuck pointed out that the committee made it very clear that the City was not talking about grant money anymore but is talking about loan money. We will be watching it very closely. John Dinklage asked if there were any questions and discussion. Mr. Hafter explained to Council that the City borrows from the State interest free until the bonds are sold and the project is committed. Mr. Cimonetti move approval of the Selection Committee decision that the contract be awarded to Dubois and King under the conditions set forth in the City Manager's memo. No further discussion. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Appointment of Voting Delegate to VLCT Annual Meeting. Chuck Hafter stated in his memo to Council that Peg Picard be appointed as our voting delegate to the VLCT Annual Meeting with Chuck Hafter as alternate voting delegate. Jim Condos moved that Peg Picard be appointed to VLCT Annual Meeting as the voting delegate with Chuck Hafter as alternate voting delegate. Mr. Chittenden seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Further Consideration of Financing Agreement for Purchase of an Articulated Front-End Loader. Chuck Hafter updated Council as stated in his memo. Mr. Cimonetti asked whether he is correct in assuming that $35,000 will be financed with $14,000 credited in trade. $40,000 is in the budget. Jim Condos moved to accept the staff recommendation of purchasing an articulated front-end loader at $74,997 with the financing of $35,000 over 5 years with the Chittenden Bank with the first years interest at 5.75%. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Review Planning Commission Agenda for Tuesday, September 17, 1991 and Zoning Notice for Monday, September 23, 1991. Mr. Hafter clarified Mr. Greer's request regarding his curb cut which met with Council satisfaction. 6. Read Minutes of Regular Meeting: August 5, 1991, August 26, 1991 and September 3, 1991. Mr. Condos moved to approve the minutes as read of August 5, 1991, August 26, 1991 and September 3, 1991 as written. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Items for Information: Mr. Condos commended Chuck Hafter, Joe Weith and Dick Ward on the amendment to budget to reflect elimination of Act 200 Planning Funds. He feels that it was a wise step to look to the future. Mr. Dinklage asked if there was any problem with a Tuesday, October 15 date to meet in joint session with the Planning Commission. No concerns were brought up; therefore, the date is satisfactory. 8. Mr. Cimonetti has three (3) transportation issues that he would like to bring up. a.) The Agency of Transportation had a public hearing today 9/16/91 on their proposed rules and those are the rules regarding payment for utility relocation. b) There will be a public hearing of the Transportation Board. The Transportation Board is not a part of the Agency of Transportation. It is a separately appointed board appointed by the Governor. The hearing is on Tuesday, September 24, 1991 10:00 AM in Colchester. Mr. Cimonetti will be attending and wanted to encourage others to attend as well. Bill would like to have a presentation of all of the transportation projects of interest and concern to South Burlington. The first concern expressed would be the completion of Dorset Street, secondly the widening of Shelburne Road, mention our strong position on the on-ramp at Exit 13, and a new interchange at Hinesburg Road. Mr. Cimonetti's goal would be to update the Board on the projects that are in process and those to come. Jim Condos mentioned that he had been speaking with Doug Lawson, Chairman of Williston Selectman, and Doug expressed the concern that a study should be done on the proposed interchange of Hinesburg Road and the effects it would have on Route 2A. Mr. Dinklage expressed that this project is large enough that it would be important to run a model on it. Mr. Cimonetti would like to get the on-ramp approved at Dorset Street and work to have this done during the Dorset Street project. He would like to see it decoupled from the 3rd lane. If the on- ramp and the 3rd land were to be decoupled the chances of getting the on-ramp would possibly be completed sooner. Mr. Dinklage pointed out that this had been discussed and because of the additional traffic an on-ramp would force a 3rd lane. c) Tomorrow September 17, 1991, at noon, the Chamber's Transportation Committee will hold a meeting at the Redwood to discuss the Shelburne Road widening project. Chuck and Bill will be attending. Chuck stated that he would like to talk briefly about the Williston Road widening project. Several months ago the City received a memo from traffic planning which said that based on the traffic studies the road would be 7 lanes (3 lanes in each direction and a suicide lane in the middle). They recognize that this is not what the community is looking for. At a meeting held at City Hall which included Jim Bush from the Federal Government, it was stated that the study was based on a 20-yr. projection of 3% annual growth. At the end of the meeting it was decided to use a 10-year horizon rather than a 20-year horizon (10-yr. from 1994) and use lesser growth. Craig Leiner will do some additional runs and come back to us with some results. Jim Bush suggested that the Corporate Way connection to Hinesburg Road, northbound on-ramp at I-89, Circumferential Highway should be complete to the Interstate and that the Main Street project should be done into Burlington. Mr. Bush mentioned a very good point. It is about time that the Burlington subregion and South Burlington subregion be planned as one rather than always be planned separately. 9. Signing of Disbursement Orders. Disbursement orders were signed. 10. Mr. Condos made a motion to adjourn as City Council and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Chittenden seconded the motion and Council passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented the following Annual Entertainment Permit requests: a) Ground Round, 1633 Williston Road, "Marco the Magician." b) Bambino's, 520 Shelburne Road, Disk Jockey, Monday through Sunday. c) Ramada Inn, 1117 Williston Road, Piano Player, Disk Jockey, and Live Bands. d) Ramada Inn, 1117 Williston Road, DJ and Two-peice Band. c) Sheraton-Burlington Hotel and Conference Center, 870 Williston Road, Piano Player, Disk Jockey, Live Bands at Tuck Aways and Baxters. d) Holiday Inn, 1068 Williston Road, 3-5 Piece Band, Organist in the dining room. Mr. Condos moves to accept the Annual Entertainment Permits as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Chuck stated to Council that these permits have been properly reviewed by City Staff and signed by City Clerk. The establishments have been reminded that another permit is necessary for activities other than those listed on their Annual Entertainment Permit. Peg Picard stated that these Annual Entertainment Permits will be renewable with their beverage application on April 1. e) Perry's Fish Market, New Gourmet Fish Market. Mr. Condos made a motion to approve a 2nd Class Beverage License for Perry' Fish Market. Mr. Chittenden seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in executive session to discuss contract negotiations and land acquisition. Regular Session: Bill Cimonetti suggested that contrary to discussion earlier in the meeting, the City Council should stick to the scheduled date for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on September 30 to discuss the proposed zoning for the Southeast Quadrant. While the Plan may not be fully complete, it will be helpful for the Commission to get Council guidance and input. The Council agreed and will ask the Planning Commission to meet on September 30, 1991 at 7:30 PM. Bob Chittenden moved adjournment, Jim Condos seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.