HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/07/1991CITY COUNCIL 7 OCTOBER 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Michael Flaherty at 7:30 PM. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, William Cimonetti, James Condos, and Robert Chittenden Members Absent: John Dinklage Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Frank Mazur, Bill Wessel, Thomas Chittenden, Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Paul Bouffard, Chris Cavin, Jill Coffrin, Albert Sonny Audette, Bruce O'Neill, Doug Weber and Michael Sheridan. 1. Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to the Agends). Thomas Chittenden stated Dorset Street from Swift to the Shelburne line is still very dangerous and wants to know if the road work will be finished in the near future. Chuck replied it is a top priority job for the City to finish the project. William Cimonetti asked how much mileage is left. Chuck replied about one mile. 2. Approval of Resolution Pertaining to Support of the 1991 United Way Campaign. Michael Flaherty stated that we have a request from Mike Letcher, City Manager of Winooski and Chair of the Government Division to adopt the resolution in support of the campaign. He reviewed the Resolution Pertaining to Support of the 1991 United Way Campaign. Robert Chittenden stated he doesn't think this is part of City government to do such resolutions. He is not sure if we should be involved in promoting the United Way Resolutions or any other resolutions for nonprofit organizations. He asked if this is part of the City Council's activities. Michael Flaherty replied the City Council signs resolutions for many diverse subjects from United Way to National Baseball Week to giving an award to the students of the high school for winning trophies and this is what the discussion is for. Robert Chittenden asked if this would be better served by inter departmental support when Chuck has his meeting tomorrow morning with Department Managers. Chuck Hafter replied he does meet with Department heads and employees and pass out information and this is the way for the Council to just show their support and encourage staff to contribute. William Cimonetti asked how the internal campaign is going. Chuck replied that he doesn't have 50% participation but probably 15% participation. We encourage it but municipal and educational employees lag way behind. William Cimonetti asked if we have payroll deduction for the employee if the employee wishes to sign up to have a contribution automatically deducted or do they have to make a cash contribution at the time of the drive. Chuck replied we have payroll deduction. William Cimonetti does not have any difficulty with the Resolution. It seems like some good could come from such a Resolution. James Condos moved to sign the Resolution as presented. William Cimonetti seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Robert Chittenden abstaining. 3. Presentation of Chittenden County Transportation Authority Annual Report; Frank Mazur, Bill Wessel. Frank Mazur highlighted the Annual Report with Council. This past fiscal year which ended June 30 has had a phenomenal growth in ridership. Ridership went up 17% to about 1,580 from 1,350. In July of this year it was the second highest revenue month they ever had in the history of the Authority and in August it was the highest they ever achieved. The Airport route with free ridership last year increased 60% over the prior year, and at the end of September we have retained at least 50% of those riders and now they pay a fare. There is a benefit in experimenting in getting pilot programs like this in other areas because they retain the riders. We are developing a program to have a free fare for school children in the entire county and hopefully we will get that underway in January. We are going through an in-depth route evaluation that is being done by the Regional Planning Commission along with the Agency of Transportation consultants. We are undergoing an audit and this was recommended by the CCTA Board. There is a team of six people and they have been talking with all municipal managers and some political figures, the regional planning office, all of the commissioners and members of the community and then they will go internal with the organization and they will evaluate our financial condition, evaluating our administrative procedures, and we will have a report from them in the next couple of months. We opened up bids in August for new buses and we ended up with one bid from TMC. We will have delivery in the spring of 1992. The quotes came in at the 35 footers around $180,000 and the 40 footers around $187,000. Added to that is the cost of the handicap lifts which are about $10,000 to $15,000 but that is within the number we anticipated. Some people indicated that during your Southeast Quadrant meeting they were talking about having mass transportation available for that quadrant. In concept that is very good but in actuality the Council and CCTA will have to look at that very carefully because when you have a spread out area with sparse population it is very costly to consider public transportation unless you use a feeder type of concept or an on-call type of demand concept. James Condos asked if the CCTA is involved in anything going on with the TMA's for Shelburne Road. Mr. Mazur answered yes. William Cimonetti stated that the commercial destination has the greater ridership and that is the University Mall and the Blue Mall. He encouraged the CCTA to study the routes for two purposes: 1) where the people have to get from; and 2) the destination. He hoped CCTA was getting good statistics of where the people are going. Mr. Mazur stated that they did a monthly survey which showed the destination of the people, and a large number is at the University Mall. William Cimonetti asked how good is the data being gathered; is there a fare box counter or does the operator make a count. Mr. Mazur replied that on the Airport route it was the driver that took several counts in a period of a month. During the course of the year we conduct two surveys where the driver takes count. William Cimonetti encouraged CCTA to have a continuous counting system, rather than depending on an occasional survey. William Cimonetti asked how many new buses the CCTA will have and what is the mix between 35 and 40 footers. Mr. Mazur replied 14 new buses but he could not remember the mix of sizes. William Cimonetti hoped they are not trolley buses. Mr. Mazur replied they are not trolleys. William Cimonetti asked if the University is subsidizing a free or low fare bus up and down College Street. Mr. Mazur replied no the City of Burlington was subsidizing that run and the cost is 25 cents. William Cimonetti asked how many people are working for CCTA. Mr. Mazur replied 48, about 35 drivers and the balance of staff. William Cimonetti asked what are you publicly forecasting with respect to increases for your employees, percentage increases in both salary and benefits. Mr. Mazur replied that times are there whether it is going to be 0 or 3 1/2%. I think people just have to recognize that industry is not paying anything now and this is a tough period of time. Mr. Cimonetti encouraged Mr. Mazur that he make sure that he keeps in line with other kinds of municipal employees and treat employees as if they were municipal employees. Mr. Mazur replied that they there is no question about that, and they have to stay in line. 4. Consideration of Bid Proposals for Construction of Phase I of the Recreation Path. Chuck Hafter stated that the City received six bid proposals for the Phase I of the Recreation Path and he summarized the bids in his October 7 memo. The low bid was from Ray Cooley Paving Company, not Roy Cooley, for $429,817.57. The low bid is 7.5% over the estimated cost. The construction is $430,000, which we can reduce by $8,000 by changing one spec on the gravel. The Recreation Path Committee informed me that the private fund raising is over $35,000. The funds appropriated is then $423,000. He asked the Council to accept the low bid based on the engineer's estimate, authorize the manager to sign the contract upon completion of necessary documents, and authorize Chuck to spend up to $50,000 from Recreation Development Impact Fees in addition to the other allocated funding. Robert Chittenden stated that we should try to adhere to the voters' wishes and stay within the bond amount. Mr. Cimonetti stated that we didn't tell the voters that we would build the bike path for $430,000. We asked for a bond issue and we talked about money we would raise from other sources including contributions. The commitment we made to the voters was not to spend more than the bond amount from the bond issue. I don't have any problem of using some of the rec money. Mr. Chittenden replied he thinks there are a lot of areas in town where we can spend $50,000 like a hockey rink. I don't think we should go over what the voters in this City have approved. Who is qualified to do the inspection services for the bike path? Chuck replied Sonny and Jim Harvel will be doing the inspection. Jim Condos replied he is in favor of this proposal. Jim Condos moved that we accept the low bid, authorize the City Manager to sign the contract upon completion of necessary documents and authorize the City Manager to spend up to $50,000 from the Recreation Development Impact Fees in addition to the other allocated funding as specified in the Memorandum of October 7, 1991. William Cimonetti seconded the motion, but wanted to continue a debate. William Cimonetti asked if the inspection services were inspecting the work as completed or inspecting the material. Chuck replied they would pay the engineer for inspection as construction goes through to inspect materials, inspect the work and completed work. William Cimonetti asked how comfortable Chuck was with the bid package. Chuck replied he is comfortable with the bid package. Chuck informed the City Council that he feels the City has the funds to cover the cost of building this bike path without going into the Recreation Impact Fees but if we need a contingency, he is asking the Council to authorize this. William Cimonetti questioned if it is the best thing to do to authorize the expenditure of up to $50,000 from the Recreation Impact Fees at this time. Would it be smarter to authorize the signing of the contract with an understanding that the planning estimate is $462,000 today and knowing that you are going to bring in some changes and that there are recreation funds that could be used. Perhaps it is not the best move to authorize the $50,000. Chuck replied he had no problem with this procedure as long as the Council is aware what the planning expense is. It is possible that we may have to come back to the Council in order to get the authorization for the remaining cost. Robert Chittenden stated he wants to adhere to the voters' wishes with a $400,000 bond. He has a problem with using the $50,000 toward the bike path. William Cimonetti stated that in round numbers we have $36,000 of contributed funds and at least $8,000 of interest and a $5,000 contribution from Stonehedge. Those added together is $49,000. We have $375,000 still not spent so that added together is $424,000. I can't authorize you to sign a contract for $430,000 against $424,000. The proposal he made depending on whether or not the Council is willing to amend the motion is that in effect we would authorize you to sign the contract to the low bidder and recognizing an expenditure from the Recreation Fees that at this time would appear to be between $5,000 and $10,000 with the understanding that Chuck is to return to us with 1) the details of the financing; and 2) a vote for any subsequent funding. I don't like the message it sends to the contractor that Chuck is preauthorized another $50,000. James Condos moved that we amend the motion that we spend up to $10,000 of the Recreation Development Impact Fees with the requirement that 1) as soon as possible the City Manager would return to the Council with the financing plan to see whether or not we needed the $10,000 and a sharper estimate on construction costs; and 2) that any expenditures more than $10,000 the City Manager would come back for a subsequent vote. William Cimonetti seconded the amendment. The Motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion of Airport Master Plan Update, Burlington International Airport, Executive Summary. Michael Flaherty stated that one proposal was a relocation of the terminal which would move near Williston Road and the traffic would exit onto Williston Road. This would free up some land at the Airport which would give them more room to do more development. The Council and the Planning Board had concerns over the traffic configurations at the Williston Road intersection. He reviewed the Forward in the Master Plan with the Council which states that the option of relocating the terminal so as to require an exit onto Williston Road cannot be implemented without the approval of the South Burlington City Council. This allows the people who may sit on the Council 10 to 15 years from now the ability to say yes or no depending on what is best for South Burlington. I don't think this is a project that has a high potential for happening because the boardings at the Airport are down about 10% over last year, and it would take a tremendous change in boardings to overload the current terminal. Robert Chittenden asked if it is the City or State's responsibility at that intersection. Chuck replied it is the City's responsibility. Michael Flaherty stated that the Airport Commission is not sure that this is a possibility in the near future but they want to have it in their Master Plan so that if some unforeseen events arise, they have made plans for it. William Cimonetti stated that it is impossible to think that that kind of expansion could be allowed by either Regional Planning, District Environmental or City Planning without the traffic mitigation that would be required and it would be a part of the project, not separately funded by the City. William Cimonetti asked where the Airport Commission is with respect to this Plan. Michael Flaherty replied it is in the preliminary stage, final preliminary plan would be brought up and they would have to get approval from FAA so unless there is some problem with FAA, I would think within the next six months. Michael Flaherty stated that Bill Post is a new member of the Airport Commission. He replaced Bob Blanchard who passed away a few months ago. 6. Request for Increase in Zoning Board Hearing Fees from $30 to $50. Chuck stated that the City charges $30 for an application fee for a Zoning Board Hearing Dick Ward is recommending an increase of fees to $50. William Cimonetti asked when the City last raised the hearing fees. Chuck replied a long time. William Cimonetti asked how the $30 and $50 compare with neighboring communities. Chuck replied most towns are at $50. Robert Chittenden stated the City should charge the taxpayer the amount it cost to advertise the hearing. James Condos stated he supported the $50 because it covers more than just advertising. This is to ensure the applicant shows up for the hearing. The Zoning Board will postpone or table a hearing if an applicant doesn't show up. William Cimonetti moved to approve the increase of the Zoning Board Hearing fee to $50. James Condos seconded the motion and 3 voted aye and 1 nay. 7. Review Planning Commission Agenda for Tuesday, October 8, 1991. William Cimonetti stated that at the joint meeting on September 30, we asked the Planning Commission to look at smaller units in the industrial zone as a part of that zoning and when he talked with Joe Weith he said they will have a working meeting on the zoning ordinance on Tuesday, October 15. As a part of the Green Acres hearing, they should give consideration and take testimony from the applicant on the size of the commercial units in the zone. 8. Items for Information: a.) Information on Waiver of Penalty and Interest for July 15, 1991 Tax Installment. 9. Robert Chittenden made a motion to adjourn as City Council and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. James Condos seconded the motion and Council passed unanimously. (a) Second Class Beverage License for Champlain Cheese, Cheese Traders, 1186 Suite 300, Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont. (b) Catering request from Marriott Corporation, St. Michael's College, Winooski Park, Colchester, VT. Board of Directors meeting for New England Telephone Co., 800 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT. Party held on October 14, 1991 from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM. (c) Catering request from W.F.W. Co., Inc., Wetherbee's Catering, 170 West Street, Essex Junction, VT. Wedding being held at Knights of Columbus Hall, Berard Drive, South Burlington, VT on November 9, 1991 from 1:30 PM until 10:00 PM. Robert Chittenden moved to accept all three applications as outlined. William Cimonetti seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented the following Annual Entertainment Permit request: (a) Bambinos has a male review show, the Private Collection, October 9. This is no different than any other shows where we have had no problems. There is no problem with the Police Chief or Fire Chief. Robert Chittenden moved that we accept Bambinos' application. James Condos seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. James Condos moved the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council for the purpose of signing disbursement orders. William Cimonetti seconded the motion. Regular Session: 10. Signing of Disbursement Orders. Disbursement orders were signed. James Condos moved City Council adjourn to executive session to discuss contract negotiations. Robert Chittenden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Council returned to regular session. The Council by consent rescheduled the meeting for October 21 to October 28 in order to allow members to attend a special ceremony for the late Governor Richard Snelling. James Condos moved for adjournment. Bob Chittenden seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.