HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/18/1991CITY COUNCIL 18 NOVEMBER 1991 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 18 November 1991, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Peg Picard, City Clerk; Joe Weith, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Department; Stephen Stitzel, City Attorney; William Burgess, Mary-Barbara Maher, Terry Sheahan, Planning Commission; Chris Cavin, Jesse Craig, Michael Beaulieu, Jana Taylor, Robin Vanderpotten, Dan Swanson, Brendan Buckley, Geoff Hubette, Dick Trudell, Becky Pastner, Kristin Ely, Peg Strait, Patrick Moody, Dave MacLaughlin, Marta Taylor, Christina Spalding, Mary Spalding, Ralph Goodrich, Bill Robenstein, Norman Terreri Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council meet in Executive Session to discuss litigation. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2. Public Hearing on Green Acres 11 Lot Industrial Subdivision, Hinesburg Road: Mr. Weith explained the process and the need for approval of the project by both the Planning Commission and City Council. The plan has received preliminary plat approval from the Commission. If the Council approve, the plan will move to final plat at the Commission; if there are no major changes, the plan can be approved there. Mr. Jacob then explained the plan. They will develop 10 lots now and come back later for the eleventh. The are proposing to eliminate a ditch and put in a meandering stream with a berm on each side. This stream will run into an existing pond. The landscaping bond will cover trees to be planted on the berm. They do not intend to put trees so high they block neighbors' views. Mr. Weith noted the applicant will have to submit a detailed engineering plan of the berm. Mr. Jacob showed the accesses to the lots. The right of way for lots 8 & 10 will be along a dual driveway in order to eliminate a curb cut. The applicant has agreed to a deeded right of way to continue the road to Williston. It will be a movable right of way because the exact location of the road is not yet set. Regarding the pedestrian path, Mr. Jacob said they would rather not discuss the path around the quarry until that lot is up for development. There will be a recreation path easement on both sides of the stream and this will connect to the path off Knoll Circle. He suggested a footbridge over the wetlands to join into the path. Traffic: The intersection of Hinesburg/Kennedy/Williston Rd. is overburdened. Specifications of the Commission approval require the applicant to consider a phasing plan. Mr. Jacob felt this can be a problem because with a plan this size, they need to build as soon as possible. Mr. Jacob then addressed the view corridor/view protection. They originally felt they could dig down into the lots to build, but the engineering for that won't work. They have brought a zero lot line concept to the Commission which could allow views of mountains between buildings. Mr. Weith noted the Commission will need an indication from the Council as to whether intersection improvements are firmly planned. There is a requirement for the applicant to contribute to those improvements but the Commission needs to know if the improvements are planned in time to alleviate problems added to by this development. He noted a phasing plan could be required to tie into intersection improvements. Mr. Burgess said the Commission would need a firm position from the Council at the time of final plat. Mr. Cimonetti said he would ask that if any Commission stipulations are changed at final approval, the plan come back to the Council. Mr. Burgess felt the two bodies could meet jointly for Final Plat. Mr. Dinklage asked if there has been a professional analysis on drainage. Mr. Jacob said they have a wetlands analysis and will have a drainage plan done by final plat. He added that erosion control plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer. Mr. Dinklage said he didn't feel criteria c & d (drainage and traffic) had been satisfactorily addressed. Mr. Jacob said they have provided a complete traffic analysis. Mr. Sheahan said he had not participated in Commission discussions of the project since he is an abutting neighbor. As a resident, he expressed concerns of landowners that they will see too much of the project and they would prefer much higher berms. He also asked the legality of approving a project that will create a level of service "F". Mr. Hafter felt this was a question for Act 250. Mr. Moody, another neighbor, said he would like to see the project moved further north and east and include the large acreage currently being left open. He felt it doesn't make sense not to push the road through to Brownell Rd. as this would take pressure off Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Sheahan added that he would prefer nothing be built on lots 2 & 3 which would keep a view corridor open. Mr. Jacob said this is a $2,000,000 issue and it is impossible not to build on that land. Mr. Cimonetti moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the plan as presented with the stipulation that if the Planning Commission changes any stipulations at Final Plat, the plan would come back to the City Council. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Mr. Dinklage said he is not satisfied that he understands the thinking that led the Commission to approve the plan, especially with regard to conditions b, c, and g. He said he was not comfortable granting approval with an indeterminate height for the berm. Mr. Burgess acknowledged there are a lot of items where final details are not in place. He said he had no objection to a joint meeting with the Council or to forwarding Final Plat plans to the Council. The motion then passed 4-1, Mr. Dinklage opposing. 3. First Reading of Ordinance to Permit Mobile Home Sales as a Conditional Use in the IC District, Schedule Public Hearing: Mr. Weith said he has no problem with the proposal. Mr. Dinklage moved to add to Section 13.20, Conditional Uses, mobile home sales. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter recommended 16 December for the public hearing. 5. Legislative Redistricting: Mr. Cimonetti reported that the first of 3 public work sessions was held last week and there will be 2 more this week. There will be discussion proposals involving S. Burlington. On 18 December, there will be a public hearing in Montpelier on the committee's plan. He felt it is a misconception to think that in the redistricting process there won't be any districts completely in S. Burlington. He felt there were likely to be 3 completely in the city and then a shared district with some other municipality. 6. Proposed Formation of City Recreation Path committee: Ms. Cavin recommended a city committee to oversee the path. She suggested 5 members and suggested someone from Planning and the Recreation Department. Mr. O'Neill suggested a specific charge be given to the Committee. Mr. Dinklage moved to authorize the City Manager to draw up a charge and by laws and present them to the Council for approval. Mr. Condos seconded. Mr. Condos felt it was a good idea as the path will be a major piece of infrastructure in the city. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Recycling: Mr. Dinklage raised the question of discussions on mandatory recycling and asked for a thorough cost analysis of alternatives. He also asked for a phasing plan. 8. Minutes of 4 November 1991: Mr. Dinklage moved the Minutes of 4 November be approved as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Review Planning Commission agenda 11/19: No issues were raised. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 11. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a first class license request from the Weathervane Seafood Restaurant, Inc. 2026 Williston Road, and a catering permit request from WFW, Inc., for a wedding at K of C Hall, 27 December from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mr. Dinklage moved that both the first class license request and the catering permit request be granted as submitted. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Dinklage moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss real property acquisition and litigation and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council resumed regular session. Mr. Cimonetti moved to adjourn, Mr. Chittenden seconded. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.