HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/29/1991CITY COUNCIL 29 MAY 1991 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Wednesday, 29 May 1991, at 5:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Sid & Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Lisa Scagliotti, Free Press 1. Oath of Office: The City Clerk administered the Oath to Councilmen Chittenden and Cimonetti. 2. Election of Officers, City Manager presiding: Mr. Hafter opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Chittenden nominated Mr. Flaherty. Mr. Dinklage seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Flaherty was elected unanimously. Mr. Flaherty then opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Chittenden nominated Mr. Dinklage. Mr. Condos seconded. There were no further nominations. Mr. Dinklage was elected unanimously. Mr. Condos then nominated Mr. Chittenden for Clerk. There were no further nominations. Mr. Chittenden was elected unanimously. 3. Set Time and Place for Regular Meetings: Mr. Condos moved that the Council meet on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 PM at City Hall with changes to be made as necessary. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Appointments to be made by majority vote of Council, City Charter, Chapter 3, Section 301(2): Mr. Condos moved that Margaret Picard be appointed City Treasurer and Trustee of Public Funds. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved that Stephen Stitzel of Stitzel & Page be appointed City Attorney. Mr. Condos seconded. Mr. Chittenden asked the procedure for appointment of the City Attorney and whether competitive bids for the position had been sought. Mr. Cimonetti explained that the Council had recently had a thorough review of the position and was satisfied that Mr. Stitzel was serving the city well and economically. Mr. Stitzel was reappointed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved that Richard Ward be reappointed zoning Administrator. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved that A.M. Peisch be appointed as Auditor. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved that Charles Hafter be appointed as Grand Juror and City Agent. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved that Don Duell be appointed First Constable. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved that Ernie LeMay and Troy Porter be appointed Second Constables. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Mr. Chittenden raised the question of constables not being at elections. He said he was told it was cheaper to get other people because city police officers had to be paid overtime. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt the city was doing the best thing by appointing police officers as they may have occasion to carry a weapon. He said there is no mandate that they be used at the polls. In the vote that followed the appointments were made unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved that Ray Belair be appointed Assistant Zoning Administrator with the power to act in Dick Ward's absence. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Information on appointments to be made by City Council in June: Mr. Flaherty noted the list of people up for appointment. The Council said they would like to interview for all positions. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like a decision on which positions should be filled by City Council members and that this decision should be made public. Mr. Cimonetti then moved that the following positions be filled by City Council members: MPO representative, liaison to UVM, representative to Airport Commission, representative to Channel. 17. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Members then set June 24th for a special meeting for the purpose of interviewing for positions on the Planning Commission, Regional Planning Representative, Zoning Board, MPO, CCTA, and Council members appointments. Other Business: Mr. Flaherty reminded the Council of the parade and bicentennial festivities on Sunday. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.