HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/20/1991CITY COUNCIL 20 MAY 1991 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 20 May 1991, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, James Condos Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Louvenia Bright, Legislator; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Brian Searles, Police Chief; Don Whitten, Sewage Treatment Dept; Arthur Bailey, John Giebink, Bob Chittenden, Bob Fisher 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (note related to Agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. First Reading of Amendment to Zoning Regulations on Noise and Scheduling of Public Hearing: Mr. Farrar noted that the amendment allows the City Manager under certain circumstances to allow activities to take place before 8 a.m. that would otherwise be prohibited. Mr. Dinklage moved to waive the reading of the amendment. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the first reading and to schedule the public hearing for 17 June 1991. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. First Reading of Ordinance to Regulate Parades and Public Events on City Streets and schedule public hearing: Mr. Farrar noted that events such as bike and marathon races which take place on city streets can pose traffic and other problems if notice of these events isn't given to the city. This has happened in the past. He stressed that the city didn't want to prohibit these events, it just wanted to have notice and control over them. Chief Searles said no concerns against the ordinance had been raised to his knowledge. Mr. Bailey said that he was a victim of problems in the past when there was no one assigned to direct traffic and people in charge didn't seem to know what to do. There was also no warning given to citizens. Mr. Audette raised the question of insurance and said he understood it had to be provided. Mr. Farrar said that can be dealt with once the ordinance is in place. Mr. Farrar then read the proposed ordinance. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the first reading. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to set the second reading for 17 June 1991. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Legislative Update: Ms. Bright reviewed the recent legislative session. She was on the Health and Welfare Committee and noted that their charge was the preservation of health, social and economic security. They have developed a plan to look at the welfare situation before the next session. Ms. Bright noted the following bills which were voted out: a bill to form a health care cost containment commission; a bill regulating animal testing for cosmetics and household items, a bill insuring medical coverage for mammograms, a bill requiring all health insurance companies to offer small group health insurance coverage, a bill to strengthen child abuse reporting statutes, a bill changing the age of sales of tobacco products to minors from 17 to 18, and a fuel assistance bill. Ms. Bright also noted bill S-124 on the Chittenden Regional Solid Waste District has now passed both houses. Mr. Condos added that bill S-121 regarding condemnation for acquisition of land for the Solid Waste District has also passed. 5. Approval of Tax Rates for 1991-2: Mr. Flaherty moved to set the tax rates for 1991-2 as follows: City operating budget 63 Other entities 036 Debt service 099 TOTAL 765 School operating budget 1.937 School debt service .029 TOTAL 1.996 Mr. Dinklage seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar noted the Council will have to set the special assessment district tax rate. 6. Approval of Financing for Purchase of Street Sweeper: Mr. Audette said the old one broke down. It would cost $2500 to fix and since a new one was planned for purchase after 1 July, they decided to go out to bid. It will be cheaper than anticipated with the low bid of $68,000. The old sweeper was traded in. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve and sign the capital equipment note for $68,500 for the road sweeper. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to sign the resolution authorizing borrowing of money for this equipment. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to sign the non-arbitrage certificate as presented. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Report on Sewer System Study: Webster-Martin: Graphs of flows into the two sewage treatment plants were shown. It was noted that Bartlett Bay is at capacity. Mr. Farrar question the projected flows in non- serviced areas and felt the projection was very low. Options considered were: a) diverting 40% of Bartlett Bay flows and add IMGD to Airport Parkway ($9,000,000 total); b) diverting 100% of Bartlett Bay and add 1.5 MGD to Airport Parkway (Cost $17,000,000); c) diverting 40% of Bartlett Bay and adding 1.0 MGD to Burlington Main plant (cost $6,500,000). This last option doesn't look good as there is not enough capacity in Burlington. d) Expand Bartlett Bay to 1.2 MGD (Cost $8,300,000). Mr. Farrar asked if the expansion could be phased. Webster-Martin felt it could. It was also noted that all of Shelburne's plants are at capacity and they have been interested in coming in on a Colchester-type agreement. Webster-Martin felt this would be feasible and would just involve switching a force main over to go north instead of south. Mr. Giebink asked what can be done to cure the infiltration problem. It was felt this was a hard problem to solve and would involve checking every manhole on the line. Mr. Whitten was asked to come back with a cost/benefit study on doing this. Mr. Farrar felt a plan has to be in place as soon as possible as it is obvious the plant has to be expanded. The possibility of a sharing operation with Shelburne must also be looked into. 8. Request for acceptance of two city streets: Picard Circle (to include the cul de sac) and Gregory Drive (the Williston Rd. end): Mr. Dinklage moved to accept the two streets as outlined in Dick Ward's memo. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Recommendation to reappoint Ms. Madlyn Cook as Health Officer: Mr. Flaherty moved to reappoint Madlyn Cook as Health Officer. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Schedule Organizational Meeting: Mr. Flaherty moved to schedule the organizational meeting for 24 May 1991, at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Information items: No issues were raised. 12. Minutes of 15 April (Council) and 11 April (budget hearing): Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the City Council Minutes of 15 April and the Budget Hearing Minutes of 11 April as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 14. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a special event permit request for Bambino's, 520 Shelburne Rd., for a male review show, 21 May 1991, from 8 to 10 p.m. He said everything is in order on the request. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the special event permit for Bambino's as presented. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council reconvened in regular session. Mr. Flaherty moved adjournment, Mr. Condos seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.