HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/16/1991CITY COUNCIL 16 DECEMBER 1991 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 16 December 1991, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Michael Flaherty, Chairman; John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Bill Laliberte, Bruce O'Neill, Leonore Budd, Chris Coffin, Charles Scott, Bill Schuele, Albert Audette, Joe Weith 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2. Public Hearing on Amendment to the Zoning Regulations to Allow Mobile Home Sales in the I-C District; second reading of same: Mr. Dinklage moved to waive the reading of the amendment. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the second reading of the Amendment to Allow Mobile Home Sales in the I-C District. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Interview for Appointment to Natural Resources Committee: The Council interviewed Bill Laliberte: Mr. Laliberte said he had a lot of background working in wildlife, fish and game management, and volunteer work in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Alaska. He is interested in the education aspect and believes a lot more can be done without forcing things on people. He noted that he lives in the Baycourt Condos which about a natural area and that residents have been able to improve the area and to have it recognized as a valuable natural area. 4. Proposed amendments to the South Burlington 1991 Comprehensive Plan: 1) amendment to Chapter VIII regarding a future boat access; 2) amendment to Map 2 regarding the deletion of a proposed pedestrian trail over the Lake Buick property on Dorset Street; and 3) amendment to Map 8, Future Land Use, to change designation of approximately seven (7) acres on the east side of Old Farm Road from low density residential to industrial; scheduling of 2 public hearings: Mr. Weith noted that the first amendment would take out reference to the Allenwood property and indicates that a feasibility study should be made. The amendment was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission. Mr. Condos asked whether the State could do the feasibility study. Mr. Weith said he didn't think so. He noted he did meet with people from the state who control boat accesses and they indicated they would be willing to participate in getting design and funding information but want the city to do the leg work first. Mr. Weith indicated that the second amendment results from an oversight. The trail had been misplaced on the map. There is a new path proposed about 100 feet south of the one being eliminated by the amendment. The third amendments relates to O'Brien land at the bottom of the hill. Dan O'Brien came to the Commission and requested the boundary line be moved. The Commission visited the site and recommended less Industrial land than Mr. O'Brien had originally asked for. Mr. Weith indicated the zoning map will be revised to show this change. Mr. Cimonetti questioned the accurate description of the boundaries of the O'Brien land. Mr. Dinklage recommended this be done for the public hearings. Mr. Cimonetti said he couldn't vote to schedule hearings until the zone is correctly delineated. Mr. Dinklage moved to schedule the public hearings on the proposed changes to the 1991 Comprehensive Plan with the condition that accurate boundary information be provided at that time. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed 3-2 with Messrs. Cimonetti and Chittenden voting against. 5. Discussion of Proposed Park Land acquisition and Park Development: Mr. Hafter said he has two proposed plans. Plan A includes everything outside at the park: roads, fields, water, sewer, drainage, restrooms, electricity. It would be for $1,400,000. build as soon as possible. Plan B is only for essentials. There are fewer ballfields, fewer access roads, etc. This would be for $798,595. He noted that the Dorset St. entrance could come out of some intersection money instead of from this plan. He also noted the ten year capital budget includes a $1,500,000 bond issue in 1992 for park improvements. It was noted that Phase I of the Recreation Path will go through this area. The path's route was pointed out. Mr. Cimonetti noted there are no tennis facilities on Plan B. Mr. Hafter said he had no objection to adding these. Mr. O'Neill noted the need for lighting if there are tennis facilities. Mr. Cimonetti felt the Council had to decide on a maximum expenditure not necessarily what the money is to be used for. Mr. Condos said it was exciting that this is finally coming before the Council. Citizens are looking for this. He asked how much of a bond issue is required for the land. Mr. Hafter said $600,000 which leaves $900,000 in the bond issue proposed in the capital plan. Mr. Dinklage felt the most important thing was to get this information out to the public and get feedback as to how people would like to see the park developed. Mr. Hafter outlined the proposed time schedule. A special meeting could be scheduled for 30 December to finalize bond plans. Public notices could be placed on 6, 13, and 20 January with an informational meeting on 20 January. The final public hearing would be on 27 January with the bond vote on 28 January. Mr. Dinklage asked members of the audience if they felt this was too aggressive a schedule. Lenore Budd asked if the bond issue could separate buying the land and development of the park facilities. Mr. Flaherty said that decision will have to be made. Ms. Coffin said a lot of people are asking what is happening with the park. People want to use it. She felt the two items could be coupled. After a brief discussion, Messrs. Cimonetti, Flaherty, Condos and Dinklage agreed there should be some development as well as land acquisition. Mr. Chittenden felt the city should just develop the land it already owns. Charles Scott congratulated the Council on pursuing the purchase of this land. He said it is rare in the city's history to be able to pick up a tract this size and that all existing residential developments will benefit from this purchase. He said there are beautiful spots on that tract of land for the recreation path. He encouraged the Council to think of adequate parking for people using the rec path. Mr. Schuele said this is the opportunity to get the land. Development can come along the way. He said he would hate to see the land lost if people turned down a joint bond issue. Members agreed to hold a special meeting on 30 December, at 7:30 in the High School. 6. Review of Comments on Solid Waste Management Plan: Mr. Hafter said there is nothing startling or new in the plan. He noted that to encourage waste reduction, the District wants haulers to charge on a tonnage basis. They also want to require mandatory recycling. This would require people to make two trips, one to the landfill and one to the recycling facility. Mr. Cimonetti said there is a question as to whether the District has authority to force municipalities to pass an ordinance on recycling. He felt they can ask but not require. Mr. Dinklage agreed. Mr. Hafter noted the District is establishing a construction and demolition debris dump. He felt the city should encourage the District to support the South Burlington facility for this use. Mr. Condos said he felt this will be done as the Manager doesn't see a problem with it. Mr. Hafter noted that the regular landfill can't be available until 1994 but Williston has one cell that could be opened. The district will propose a resolution that towns with existing landfills continue to use them till the regular facility opens. Mr. Hafter noted that District employees will be going from 7.5 to over 40. He felt these people should be chosen from employees elsewhere in the county where they are losing jobs due to closing of local landfills. Mr. Condos said he was told this would happen. He also noted that the 40 people are not all District staff. Mr. Cimonetti questioned the use of bonded money to employ people. Mr. Audette said the policy is that everything will be paid for by user fees. Mr. Hafter noted that the landfill would subsidize other aspects of the system (e.g. recycling). 7. Planning Commission Agenda for 17 December: No comments were made. 8. Minutes of 28 October and 18 November: Mr. Cimonetti noted on p.2, paragraph 3 of the 28 October Minutes he had a question on the use of the words "level funding." It was also noted there was no mention of the vote on the motion on page 3. It was agreed to hold these minutes for correction. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 18 November as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 10. Executive Session: Mr. Condos moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointment to committees and to resume regular session only to make such appointment or to adjourn. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Regular Session: The Council reconvened in regular session. Mr. Condos moved appointment of Bill Laliberte to the Natural Resources Committee to fill the unexpired term of Heidee Antram which runs until 1993. Bill Cimonetti seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Chittenden moved adjournment. Mr. Dinklage seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.