HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/26/1991CITY COUNCIL 26 AUGUST 1991 The City Council held a meeting on Monday, August 26, 1991 at 7:30 PM in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: John Dinklage, Acting Chairman; William Cimonetti, James Condos and Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Margaret (Peg) Strait, Assistant City Manager; Margaret A. Picard, City Clerk; Albert (Sonny) Audette, Superintendent of Highways; Steve Stitzel, City Attorney; Sidney Poger, The Other Paper; Al Barrett, A&G Investments; Gerry Milot, A&G Investments; Brad Merrit, Milot Real Estate; Don Sheets, Beauregard Equipment; Lance A. Llewellyn, Fitzpatrick-Llewellyn; D. Dale Kleppinger, Dorset Park Resident; Della Hertzberg, Dorset Park Resident; Donald Weaver, Dorset Park Resident; Patricia J. Kleppinger, Dorset Park Resident; Susan H. DuCharme, Dorset Park Resident; Doris Saville, Dorset Park Resident; Alexander A. DeCicco, Dorset Park Resident; Marjorie DeCicco, Dorset Park Resident; Nina Ryder, Dorset Park Resident; Pietro Lynn, Dorset Park Resident; Paul S. Zen, Dorset Park Resident; James Thibault, Dorset Park Resident; Patrick Orlando, Dorset Park Resident; Gary DuCharme, Dorset Park Resident; Heidi Kramer, Dorset Park Resident; Heidi Kramer, Dorset Park Resident; Stephen Kramer, Dorset Park Resident; Andrea Orlyk, Dorset Park Resident; Michael J. Orlyk, Dorset Park Resident; Jeanne Merrourk, Dorset Park Resident; Ed Meirowitz, Dorset Park Resident. 1. Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to the Agenda). Susan Ducharme requested that City Council support Dorset Park residents in requesting removal of construction trailers which are placed at the entrance of the neighborhood. The trailers are partially on private property and on City property. John Dinklage requested that this concern be included in the second item on the agenda. 2. Council Review of Sketch Plan of Amendment to Site Plan for the Village at Dorset Park. In answer to Susan Ducharme's concern over the construction trailers, Council requested that Chuck Hafter, City Manager, work with Dick Ward, City Zoning Administrator, to work on the removal of the trailers. John Dinklage asked Joe Weith if he had any background to share on behalf of the Planning Board in regards to the Village at Dorset Park. Joe suggested that Gerry Milot, A&G Investments begin the explaining the changes which will be a newly proposed plan for the Village at Dorset Park. John Dinklage, Acting Chairperson, noted that no final action will be taken at this time on this issue. This is strictly a time for sharing viewpoints and concerns. This proposed plan will be going on to the Planning Board for review and their decision will be brought back to City Council for warned public hearings before it can be approved. Both bodies have to approve the changes for this particular type of development. A&G Investments is having to take the Village at Dorset Park over due to bankruptcy. A&G Investments will be finishing up the project. The first thought in accommodating the real estate economy at this time was building a lower priced condominium and the second alternative and the one being presented tonight is converting the plan to 59 single-family lots with 60' x 100' being the smallest lot basically everything stays the same. Joe Weith explained that the Planning Commission, without any audience, saw no concerns with the updated plan presented by Mr. Milot. Mr. Cimonetti asked what type of construction is taking place at this time. Mr. Milot pointed out that Mr. Cimonetti is seeing the tennis court which is presently being built. Mr. Milot pointed out that any concerns or questions from the City will have to be answered by A&G Investments. The land that has been turned over to the City at this time is the City's responsibility. Mr. Cimonetti has asked that the City Attorney draw up a document to legally designate where the responsibilities lie. Single-family homes would be about a 1700' foot house in the $140,000 price range. Pools are in and one tennis court is being built now and the last tennis court will be built next year. The ponds have been completed. Mr. Dale Kleppinger, spokesman for Village at Dorset Park, and an owner of a single family home. There have been meetings of the home owners and also a homeowners meeting with Mr. Milot. Many opinions were expressed at this meeting. Two specific problems: 1.) Mr. Milot's plan would seriously reduce the common land designated for trails, open land, and nature area. 2.) Creation and maintenance of effective buffers around the neighborhood is very important. Mr. Kleppinger asked that Council not approve the present proposal presented by Mr. Milot. Mr. James Thibeault, a Village at Dorset Park condo owner, reinforced his concern for condo owner. The loss of common area will have a major impact on the condo owners. When these owners purchased their condos they were also purchasing use of an extensive common area. Mr. Dinklage stressed that this is not the appropriate forum for any negotiation. Mr. Milot stated that he could very easily step back to the original plan and proceed on with building condos. He felt that the single-family dwellings would be more appealing to the development. Donald Lieder, pointed out that it was represented to the land owners at the time of sale and the time of closing that they would become members of the Village at Dorset Park Community Association Incorporated which included the protective covenants, rights to common property, and immunities. Mr. Milot withdrew the sketch plan and; therefore, there was no need for further discussion. 3. Discussion of Policy on Investment of Public Funds, Peg Strait. Peg presented to Council the report that she had prepared which pointed out the reasons the City should be concerned about the collateralization of City equity, three (3) different structures in use throughout the Country for supervising and administering collateral, and several alternatives for collateralization which should be considered by Council. Bill Cimonetti asked Peg to contact VLCT, Steve Jeffrey, Administrator, and see if there is any way that VLCT could be of some assistance in putting a collateralization program in affect for the protection of all Vermont City and Towns. John Dinklage expressed the need for Peg to proceed with this project and stated that he felt that there is a need for immediate action. Peg in answer to Council explained that the State does not intend to do any more than they are presently doing. Councilman Jim Condos commended Peg for the report that was presented to Council and also expressed encouragement for Peg to continue on with her pursuit of some type of security for City equity. 4. Update on Solid Waste District; Jim Condos, Representative to CRSWMD Jim pointed out to Council that the Solid Waste District Fy'92 Budget had been defeated by an 8 to 8 vote. Placed before Council is a revised Fy'92 budget which is to be presented to the CRSWMD Board on Wednesday 8/28/91. Jim felt that a vote would be called for and was asking Council for their input and guidance. The "21 day clock" will not begin again until the board passes the revised Fy'92 budget. Jim pointed out the changes and significant reductions (legal fees, lobbying fees, etc.) in the budget and requested that Sonny Audette correct him in his review if necessary. Bill Cimonetti requested that Jim ask whether the District uses Strict Fund Accounting. If there is a need for transfer of monies what is the procedure? Who authorizes the practice? Jim expressed that his motive is to communicate the feelings and attitudes of Council and will vote accordingly regardless of his personal feelings. This is the reason for him asking for their guidance. 5. Approval of Financing for Purchase of a 4-Wheel drive Articulated Front-End Loader. Sonny Audette indicated that his choice is to go with the lowest bid and purchase the CASE loader which has had 20 hours of use but the dealer will fully guarantee the machine for one year and will guarantee the motor for 2 years. This is the same warranty which is granted to a new loader. Mr. Hafter stated his agreement with Mr. Audette's decision and requested that Council act on this request. Don Sheets, salesman for Beauregard Equipment, was present to answer any questions and pointed out that this was a repossessed machine and comparatively speaking a new machine. Mr. Cimonetti questioned whether it was a new machine or a used machine and needed clarification along these lines. Mr. Sheets also stated that if the equipment breaks down and is not able to be repaired within a 24-hour period of time Beauregard Equipment will provide a loaner for as long as it takes to repair the equipment. Mr. Cimonetti also questioned whether all the dealers that bid on the machine realized that we were looking for prices on new and used machines. Sonny pointed out that all dealers that bid on the machine were present for the bid opening and there were no protests. Mr. Cimonetti asked that all dealers be contacted and allowed the opportunity to submit a bid for "used machine." Mr. Hafter will proceed on with requesting these bids but does not want to reopen the bidding completely. Mr. Chittenden requested that Mr. Hafter also ask for prices on a quick coupler and a reverse angle plow, and also the cost of repairing the present loader so that it is reliable. Mr. Cimonetti asked Mr. Hafter if the needed financing was allowed for in the budget and Mr. Hafter said yes. Mr. Hafter suggested that $35,000 financing be with Chittenden Bank for 5 years with the first year at 5.75% interest with the remainder of the cost paid down from the appropriation in the budget. Sonny Audette stated that the reason he does not like to purchase equipment with unnecessary options is that the more moving parts that there are to break the more difficult the maintenance. It takes about 30 minutes for a mechanic to change the pins on a plow. Mr. Cimonetti also suggested that the City Staff look into leasing as well as purchasing when replacing equipment. The decision on purchasing the loader was tabled by Council until Mr. Hafter and Mr. Audette are able to follow up on Council requests. This item will be on the next Council agenda. 6. Setting Date for the next City Council Meeting. Mr. Condos made a motion that the next City Council Meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, September 3, 1991 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Conference Room. The change in date is due to the September 2, 1991 Labor Day holiday. Mr. Chittenden seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 7. Review Planning Commission Agenda for Tuesday, August 27, 1991 and Zoning Notice for Monday, September 9, 1991. Mr. Dinklage asked that the Zoning Board be sensitive to neighbors when granting the permission for a dance studio. 8. Minutes of July 1, 1991 and July 15, 1991. Jim Condos moved the minutes of July 1, 1991 and July 15, 1991 be approved as written. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Liquor Control Board Mr. Condos moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The following entertainment permits were present: a) W.F.W. C. Inc., for a wedding to be held at Knights Hall on August 31, 1991 from 2:00 PM. until 11:00 PM. b) Special Events Permit from Ramada Inn, for a 3-4 piece band in the Ramada Ball Room, on September 15 & 26 1991 and October 13 & 27, 1991 from 5:00 PM until 10:00 PM. c) Special Event Permit from Bambino's for Male Review Show on September 16, 1991 from 8:00 PM until 10:30 PM. Mr. Condos moved to approve the 3 entertainment permits as presented. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss Real property Acquisition, Contract Negotiations and Litigation. Mr. Cimonetti seconded this motion. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Condos moved adjournment, Mr. Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.