HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/19/1990CITY COUNCIL 19 NOVEMBER 1990 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 19 November 1990, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Stephen Stitzel, City Attorney, Joe Weith, City Planner; Catherine Peacock, William Burgess, Terry Sheahan, Mary-Barbara Maher, Planning Commission; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Bill Szymanski, City Engineer; Margaret picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Frank Murray, Regional Planning Representative; Herb Durfee, Regional Planning Commission; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Scott Barnier, Louis Rathi, Catherine & Karl Bushey 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda Items); No issues were raised. 2. Public Hearing on Ordinance to Control the Sanitary Landfill in South Burlington, Vermont; second reading: Mr. Condos noted that in the definitions portion, the landfill is erroneously sited on the western side of Patchen Rd. when it is on the eastern side. The City Attorney said this is a minor correction and won't require rewarning. Mr. Cimonetti noted that Burlington has mandated that whatever is collected in Burlington should go to their landfill and asked if S. Burlington has or should do the same. Mr. Farrar said S. Burlington perceives the situation differently from Burlington. They have to close their landfill irrespective of what the state says and thus want to fill it up. It is unlikely S. Burlington will have to do this, so it is incumbent on the city to have space beyond 1992. Mr. Flaherty noted there is no incentive for people in S. Burlington to want to take their trash elsewhere as the city's rates are lower than most places. Mr. Cimonetti asked the City Manager if he felt the ordinance is enforceable. Mr. Hafter said they would do their best. Mr. Dinklage moved to waive the second reading and to approve the Ordinance as presented with the change as noted. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of Bids on Lime Kiln Bridge and Recommendation to postpone work until spring: Mr. Farrar said there is a recommendation from the City Manager not to award a bid now because of cost. Mr. Szymanski said the State report said the deck isn't that bad but needs a new surface. Mr. Audette noted the State would do the work in a 3 year time frame, either a repair or rebuild. Mr. Dinklage noted it is in the Agency of Transportation's 5-year plan. Mr. Farrar asked if it could be accelerated to next summer. Mr. Dinklage felt it would have to get moved up in the Legislature first. Mr. Dinklage said if the city does the work very well, it might postpone the state work. Mr. Szymanski advised that to get the bridge work done in the winter months would cost an additional $28,000. Mr. Farrar asked the possibility of getting some state money. Mr. Hafter said this is very frustrating as there is no flexibility to get money which has been appropriated for a number of years. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the state would participate after work is done. Mr. Audette said no. Mr. Dinklage felt the work should be postponed till spring. Mr. Hafter said the Colchester City Manager felt the costs in the bids were not good costs, and Mr. Dinklage then suggested a re-bid, with one bid for winter work and one for spring/summer. Mr. Cimonetti asked what it would take to put the bridge in operation and do the deck in summer. Mr. Dinklage also suggested asking the MPO if they would assist. Mr. Hafter noted concern with the bridge closing from businesses on Ethan Allen Drive. 4. Proposed amendments to Chittenden Regional Solid Waste Management District Charter: Mr. Cimonetti felt the City Manager's proposals look like what the Council has been talking about. Mr. Farrar noted that to approve changes it takes 2/3 of the voting power but only a majority of district's bodies. Mr. Stitzel said that is the intent. Mr. Dinklage moved to instruct the City's representative to the Solid Waste District to present the proposed changes. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter recommended sending the list to other select boards. Members agreed. 5. Consideration of open issues on Williston Rd. Traffic Light (Econolodge/Ramada Inn): Mr. Weith said he didn't get costs for canter levered poles. Mr. Hafter noted the state says there is a big difference in cost. He also had not yet heard back from landowners on the sidewalk question. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the City Manager's recommendations as presented and authorization the securing of formal agreements from landowners. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Presentation from Recreation Dept: Mr. O'Neill presented a certificate recognizing the official Bicentennial Committee of the city. Mr. O'Neill cited expansion of programs for just boy's baseball to sports for everyone (girls, elderly, handicapped, etc.); also indoor sports. He said he was proud of the relationship with other agencies such as DARE, the Police, etc., particularly for youth at risk. There is now a "Exercise the Right Choice" program in the city tied in with physical fitness and alternatives to drugs. He said it is important to work with younger children. The Recreation Dept. has taken the initiative to get handicapped kids into programs. There is a summer afternoon program at JC Park for severely retarded youngsters. Mr. O'Neill cited the policy on competitive sports and said the department believes every youngster has a right to participate and this is written into every program for every activity. Mr. O'Neill thanked the former and present City Managers for the opportunity to participate in activities outside the city. He noted his participation on boards and committees and felt he could bring back to the city ideas for improved programs. Issues that Mr. O'Neill felt needed attention included working with the Planning Commission on park lands. Mr. Farrar said he felt it would be useful if the Council had at least some thoughts on each piece of land the city has (regarding how the department sees them being used). Mr. O'Neill said there is a problem when special interest groups change priorities (i.e., the hockey rink). Mr. Condos said he felt the O'Brien Center needed repair. Mr. Audette said this is true. Mr. Condos asked if it would be possible to get information on a municipal golf course. Mr. O'Neill said he has a brochure from the National Golf Foundation. He also noted at a meeting in Phoenix, it was mentioned that Vermont is the only state with not one municipal golf course. The Golf Foundation would be interested in working with the city on this. Mr. Dinklage recommended discussing this with the Steering Committee. 7. Discussion of legislative proposal for 2¢ increase in the gas tax to fund priority projects of the Regional Planning Commission: Mr. Farrar asked why the money can't be given directly to communities without a middle-man. Mr. Hogan noted the state set 2 parameters: a) it must be new money, and b) projects must be prioritized. Mr. Condos said he felt S. Burlington was penalized for being a "pass-through" community. Mr. Hogan said they don't have that information on a statewide basis. There had to be a method that applies to Bennington as well as S. Burlington. Mr. Cimonetti cited the "2-faced" nature of the system: You say to the state you want to get money based on the number of registrations. The state says to communities they will do it on a priority basis, so an intersection in Westford might be ahead of an intersection in S. Burlington. Mr. Hogan noted there is a capacity to do work at the local level for less money than the state can do it. Mr. Flaherty asked what chance there is of this passing the Legislature. Mr. Hogan felt there was potential for passage. Mr. Farrar still felt it was better for money to go directly to the communities. Mr. Audette noted that not one S. Burlington project has gotten through the MPO. Mr. Hogan noted Chittenden County hasn't gotten many. He felt the state does not have the ability to do projects on a timely basis. Mr. Dinklage felt the main problem is funds are not being spent anywhere in the County. He questioned the repaving of Rt. 116 when there are bridges closed and felt lack of flexibility in the Agency is a problem. He said the MPO is trying to put pressure on the Agency to change. He noted the rebuilding of Kennedy Dr. is on the T.I.P. but there is no money to fund it. Mr. Condos felt the Council should support the proposal as a beginning. Mr. Flaherty agreed. Mr. Cimonetti said he was not in favor of Regional Planning being repositories for funds. Mr. Farrar agreed but said half a loaf is better than none. 8. Presentation of Draft of Regional Plan: Representatives from Regional Planning presented a slide show introduction to the draft of the Regional Plan. Mr. Murray said the Council should have a chance now to review the plan and recommended on session with the Planning Commission and one for the Council. Mr. Weith suggested a joint meeting, and others agreed. Mr. Hogan said they would like comments by the end of December. Mr. Cimonetti asked about public input. Mr. Farrar felt the Council and Planning Commission should outline their concerns and then have a public meeting. Mr. Farrar asked how data was verified. Mr. Hogan said they checked with maps, town planners, etc. There may be errors, but they tried their best. 9. Solid Waste Report: Mr. Condos noted that in the vote on the hazardous waste bond issue, S. Burlington had the highest percentage of passage. Amendments to the hazardous waste proposal have been approved. There will be sunsetting if the state funds the program. Regarding the payment schedule for regular assessment, Mr. Condos said he told the members the city wouldn't have money up front and it was finally agreed to have quarterly payments. Mr. Farrar asked the City Manager to make a recommendation on how assessment will be made. Mr. Condos noted landfill sites have been prioritized as follows: 1) Williston; 2) Essex; 3) Milton. Interviews for a new General Manager are set for next week. 10. "Conflict of Interest" discussion: Mr. Cimonetti said he got a call on the question from a citizen. The request was made that the Council establish a detailed list of criteria for interest conflicts. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt it was inappropriate to do this but does feel the issue is important. Others agreed. Mrs. Maher noted that even when a Board member steps down from a discussion due to a conflict of interest, that person's presence is still felt, and it is uncomfortable for other members. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 12. Minutes of 22 October 1990: Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 22 October be approved as written. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.