HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/05/1990CITY COUNCIL 5 NOVEMBER 1990 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 5 November 1990, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti Also Present Charles Hafter, City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; James Goddette, Fire Department; Sonny Audette, Street Department; Stephen Crowley, Terry Sheahan, Tracey Keeler, Dan Toohy, Bob Chittenden; Sid Poger, The Other Paper 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items) No issues were raised. 2. Interview candidates for appointment to the Planning Commission a) Steve Crowley: Mr. Crowley said the Commission plays a very important role in the City as it makes decisions that stay for years or even forever. He felt there are a lot of positive things in the city: easy to get around, access to parks, a good mix of residential and commercial. He was very concerned with the transportation element of the master plan and how the city will deal with its growth and that of the towns surrounding it. He was also very concerned with how streams and wetlands are protected and cared for. Mr. Flaherty noted Mr. Crowley's background is environmental and asked if he felt he would have a bias against development. Mr. Crowley said he felt his background is diverse, noted he has been a cabinet maker (both on his own and with a company) and also a teacher. He felt he would bring a good awareness of how natural resource interest could be included in a development plan and would be an advocate for a balanced approach. Mr. Dinklage asked if there are any changes Mr. Crowley would like to see in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Crowley said he felt the ability to develop a planned unit development is good. He felt there might be a wetlands zoning ordinance which would give a land owner an amount of predictability. Mr. Condos asked how Mr. Crowley felt about the regional side of planning. Mr. Crowley replied that the city has to realize it is part of a regional pattern, for example, Shelburne Rd., which involves Burlington waterfront development. Mr. Crowley said he felt very positive about mixed use in the City Center. Mr. Cimonetti asked what Mr. Crowley would plan for the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Crowley said he liked a "village" concept. He favored mix use, a little commercial with residential. He would have more difficulty with heavier industrial. He felt that with mixed use screening is very important. Mr. Cimonetti asked if Mr. Crowley felt his current employment would create a conflict of interest. Mr. Crowley said his organization normally doesn't deal with the kinds of issues dealt with by the Commission. They do not get involved in reviewing local plans, etc. b) Terry Sheahan: Mr. Sheahan felt in the next 5 years the Commission will shape the future of the city and he would like to be involved in that. He said he would like to maintain the 50-50 balance of residential and industrial/commercial. He felt it is possible for a planned unit development to have mixed uses. Mr. Cimonetti asked if Mr. Sheahan favored mixed use (industrial) in the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Sheahan felt light industrial would be acceptable but the Commission would have to remember the abutting residential areas. Mr. Cimonetti asked about another interchange at Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Sheahan felt it makes sense to have an interchange there. Mr. Condos asked how Mr. Sheahan would get affordable housing in the city. Mr. Sheahan said unless densities in the Southeast Quadrant are dramatically changed it is unlikely it can happen there. He felt that with TDR's it is possible to do something there. Noting that the city is a "pass through" community, Mr. Condos asked if Mr. Sheahan had any recommendations regarding traffic. Mr. Sheahan said he would encourage private enterprise to initiate some form of mass transit. Mr. Dinklage asked why Mr. Sheahan wanted to change from the Zoning Board. Mr. Sheahan said when he was on the Southeast Quadrant that group was engrossed in plan details and he felt it was more of a challenge. Mr. Flaherty asked how Mr. Sheahan would prevent commercialization of Hinseburg Rd. if there is an interchange there. Mr. Sheahan said he would have the Zoning Ordinance and Planning Map in place and be sure it can stand the pressure. 3. Approval of plan to install traffic signal on Williston Rd. at the intersection of Ramada Inn/Econolodge entrances Mr. Weith said it would be an 8-phase light controller but only 2 of the phases would be used initially. Both approaches would be widened for better alignment. There is some new sidewalk and crosswalk possible, but the owners don't feel the need for these at this time. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like to know the difference in cost, and Mr. Dinklage said he wanted to see a pedestrian activated light there now. Mr. Cimonetti said this should be seriously considered in light of the bike path. Mr. Farrar suggested poles be designed with the future widening of Williston Rd. in mind. Mr. Weith noted they are discussing a 150 ft. right of way. The owners are receptive, but this is not final yet. Mr. Weith noted the Planning Commission had reviewed this. They are concerned with left turns into the properties, but did give the plan their general support. Mr. Dinklage asked if there is any possibility of a vehicle activated left turn phase. Mr. Poger noted this would stop traffic at the busiest times of day. Chief Goddette felt an emergency control of the light should be considered. Mr. Dinklage moved that staff be asked to prepare the necessary findings of fact to approve the proposed traffic signal on Williston Rd. to include the answers to questions raised. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Ordinance to amend the City Ordinance for the Care and Control of Dogs. Schedule Public Hearing. Mr. Dinklage moved to waive reading and to direct the City Manger to schedule a public hearing on 3 December. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage noted on p. 2 if no written complaint is filed the city can release the dog and charge the complainant for impoundment fees. He asked if this has been a problem in the past. Mr. Hafter said not to his knowledge. 5. Appropriation from Recreation Department Impact Fee to cover overrun on Overlook Park Mr. Hafter noted they are about $12,812.18 over budget due to installation of drain lines and the sundial. He is requesting an appropriation of up to $14,000. Mr. Cimonetti requested the City Manager look in other places to cover this appropriation. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve up to $14,000 to cover the overrun on Overlook Park and to direct the City Manager to try to find this money within the total city budget. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Fire Department Report Chief Goddette cited the hard work of volunteers in school programs and the recent open house. He said 2,000 people visited the station. He also thanked business people for their donations. The Chief noted he is getting a lot of calls from businesses on safety programs for their employees. The Chief said he will be requesting funds to replace 2 vehicles with one new vehicle after 1 July. With regard to the 2 trucks purchased from New York City, the company that makes the chasis is going out of business and there is a question of getting parts in the future. The Chief suggested the possible purchase of a small piece of land for the sub-station in the Southeast Quadrant so the city won't have to go looking for land when the station is needed. Mr. Dinklage said he was surprised by the number of calls handled by substation 2, noting that 38% of calls are handled by that station. Chief Goddette said this proves they are not spending money foolishly. Mr. Cimonetti asked if lights closest to the stations can be hand activated. The Chief said not yet, but they will have that capacity after the Dorset St. widening. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there should be a marine unit for Shelburne Bay. Chief Goddette felt the Coast Guard covers that. He also felt the Department could get its equipment to Red Rocks and use a citizen's boat, if needed. Mr. Cimonetti asked what the Chief worries most about in the city. Chief Goddette said condominiums are his biggest worry because of design problems, etc. He also noted problems in Queen City Park because of narrow roads and a poor water system. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the city has had an arson problem. The Chief said not in 20 years. Both Mr. Condos and Mr. Hafter commended the department for the open house. Mr. Hafter also noted the Fire Department's willingness to cooperate with other city departments. 6a. Accept Extension of Swift St. Mr. Audette said the street meets acceptance standards. Mr. Hafter noted 2400 ft. of the road is ready for acceptance. Mr. Condos raised the question of pavement breakup. Mr. Audette said this has been fixed. Mr. Cimonetti moved to accept the 2400 ft. of Swift St. Extension. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review Zoning Agenda 11/12 No issues were raised. 8. Report on Solid Waste District Meeting Mr. Condos said he suggested an amendment to the House Hazardous Waste program to sunset the program if the state ever funds a system. He noted there will be financial reporting changes which will bring the district into a municipal formal. There will be a traceable purchase order system. There will be a special meeting on 14 November at which time the District will announce the 3 possible sites and their ranking. The permitting process and time schedule will also be addressed. Mr. Condos noted he has been appointed to the Charter Review subcommittee. Mr. Cimonetti raised the question of the election and voting on the District issues tomorrow. He said he would like input on whatever is decided, based on the vote. Other Business There will be a meeting with the Planning Commission the last Monday in November (11/26). Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Executive Session Mr. Dinklage moved the Council meet in Executive to discuss contract negotiations and appointments to Boards and Commissions and to resume regular session only to make possible appointments to Boards and Commissions and approve a contract. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session The City Council returned to open session. John Dinklage moved the signing of the proposed contract between the City and the Water Pollution Control Employees Association for the two year period of July 1, 1990-June 30, 1992. Mike Flaherty seconded, the motion passed unanimously. Mike Flaherty moved to appoint Terry Sheahan to the unexpired term of John Belter in the Planning Commission. John Dinklage seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved adjournment, Mike Flaherty seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.