HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/05/1990CITY COUNCIL 5 MARCH 1990 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 5 March 1990, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Droset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, James Condos, William Cimonetti Also Present Charles Hafter, City Manager; Mary McKearin, Business Manager; James Goddette, Gary Rounds, Fire Dept; Brian Searles, Police Dept; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; sonny Audette, Street Dept; Stephen Stitzel, City Attorney; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Laurie Copans, Vanguard; Bobbe Maynes, Convention Bureau; Lauren Groff, Bob Fisher, Don Duell 1. Comments & Questions from the Public not related to items on the Agenda No issues were raised. 2. Public Hearing on an Ordinance to Amend the South Burlington Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations, second reading of Ordinance Amending Speed Limits Mr. Dinklage moved to waive reading of the ordinance. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the second reading of the Ordinance and to sign the Resolution amending the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Presentation of Proposal on MMA Position Classification/Pay Plan by Personnel Advisory Committee Ms. McKearin said the Committee has looked at the MMA plan and have reached a consensus recommendation. She briefly outlined the history of the issue. The existing plan was developed 10 years ago by personnel together with a consultant. Jobs were evaluated and graded and a pay plan was developed. The plan worked well for a number of years, but then things began to crop up: new jobs, and changes in existing positions. There was no way to put jobs into the system and to assign pay grades. Employees felt their responsibilities had changed, and in a few cases job openings couldn't be filled within the designated pay ranges. Ms. McKearin noted it is also hard to explain the system to employees and to other communities. She felt it was good to review the plan every 5 years and further felt that it could be done in house after this revision. The Committee agreed that the process for evaluation was sound and recommended approval of the system. The City Manager went through the appeals process and as a result one position change was made. The Committee recommended adding four more pay levels at the top of each level. They also recommended longevity payments beyond 20 years, but not with growth on the longevity payment. They were concerned that people below step 1 were put at step 1 and if they were above that they were just put in where their current salary was. That has also been dealt with. A promotion policy has been recommended with a percentage of pay increase specified, A hiring range is also specified. Ms. McKearin noted there have also been preliminary discussions with Dept. Heads regarding pay increases based on performance. The cost of implementing the plan is outlined. Total cost to the city would be $82,000, a one-time 3.7% adjustment to the payroll. This could be phased in. (Ms. McKearin noted the adjustment is 2.4% without the Police Dept included). There are no escalating costs in future years. Ms. McKearin said the advantages of the plan are that there would be a competitive starting salary range for all positions, there is the potential for a more uniform pay system in the City, and employees with similar jobs would get similar wages. Mr. Dinklage commended the committee for an excellent job. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there is anything that requires a plan to be ratified by bargaining units. Ms. McKearin said the plan does not usurp bargaining, but it does not have to be ratified by bargaining units. Mr. Farrar asked how one would go from one step to the next step. Ms. McKearin said it would be a yearly process. Mr. Audette, a member of the Committee, said the Committee felt it should continue as an on-going entity. 4. Continue Review of 1990-91 Budget Mr. Farrar noted that about $135,000 can be added to the budget as presented by the City Manager and still meet Charter limits. He also noted the process of handling "pass through" funds such as Act 200 money and money in grants to the Police Dept. Members then considered specific "wish list" requests: a) Social Responsibility (request of $7,794): Mr. Cimonetti felt the appropriation shouldn't exceed 10% more than last year. Mr. Dinklage said he would like to try to fund their full request and also the requests from the Convention Bureau and GBIC. Mr. Flaherty agreed with Mr. Dinklage and said that the small base from which Social Responsibility items was working made the 10% guideline invalid. Mr. Condos agreed with Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Dinklage. Mr. Farrar said he fell somewhere in the middle. He suggested $1,000 for the Convention Bureau and a reduction of some sort for Social Responsibility. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt the Council's ability to assess social responsibility needs is not fully developed and would like to see that area grow more slowly. He felt the same way about the Convention Bureau. He noted the City can tax only property and to do this at rates above the Charter is wrong, he felt. Mr. Dinklage agreed these things should be funded at State and Federal levels from income taxes, but with an absence of that funding, he recommended squeezing these things in where possible. Mr. Flaherty noted the City has been funding Social Services for 18 years at least. The difference now is a sudden explosion of need due to loss of State and Federal funds. b) Funding for implementation of MMA Study ($20,000 requested): Mr. Dinklage recommended at least that amount. Mr. Flaherty agreed. Mr. Farrar had no philosophical problem with this but said it was a question of money. Mr. Hafter said he would rather reduce funds in the City Manager's budget for compensation buydown time and keep the MMA implementation funding. Mr. Condos agreed with this. c) Planning Technician: Mr. Condos felt this was absolutely needed and all other members agreed. Mr. Farrar felt it should be a part of the regular budget so 1/2 isn't paid for with money outside the budget. Other members agreed. d) Fire Dept. request for 3 people to man the Southern Station: Mr. Farrar felt 2 people could be added at this time and reduce the request for about $30,000. Mr. Dinklage said he wasn't convinced yet of the need for this level of staffing, even for 2 people. Mr. Flaherty asked Chief Goddette if 2 people would be adequate. The Chief said yes, after vacation time. Mr. Cimonetti favored adding personnel and felt 2 was a comfortable compromise. He noted there is a lot of commercial expansion which brings in big taxes and which required added fire protection. Mr. Condos agreed and said in a crunch he would settle for 2 people. Mr. Flaherty agreed. e) Library: Members agreed to fund the $3,840 for computer equipment and not the $2,194 for the additional reference librarian time. f) Police: Mr. Dinklage favored the additional detective position ($13,250) but not the receptionist or modification of office space. Mr. Cimonetti agreed and didn't feel the receptionist and office renovations added police protection for the City. Mr. Condos emphatically supported the additional detective and felt the other items had to wait for another year. g) Highway: Members favored the inclusion of the $25,000 needed for the new Parks Division. h) Other: Mr. Farrar suggested adding $9,000 to the Highway budget for additional road work. After a discussion of available funds and priorities, Mr. Cimonetti moved that the following items be included in the 1990-1991 Budget: $13,250 for the 1/2 year Police Detective position, $3,840 for the Library Computer Equipment, $59,584 for Fire Dept personnel, $26,188 for the Planning Technician, $17,000 reserve to begin implementation of the MMA plan, $500 for GBIC, $1,000 for the Burlington Convention Bureau, $3,132 over what was budgeted for Social REsponsibility, $9,000 for Highway work, and $2,000 contingency for salaries. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage then moved to modify the income side of the budget to add $13,094 under item 12.05 and subtract and equal amount from item 22.60. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage then moved to increase the applied surplus under debt service income by $13,000. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Review of Proposed warning for May Ballot Items Mr. Farrar read the Warning and noted that Article VI had to be modified. In Section B, the $71,294 had to be changed to $58,200 and other language changed to reflect budget alterations just made. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the Warning as read. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Mr. Dinklage then proposed the following amendments: a) In Article IV, change the title to Highway/Recreation Path; b) in Article VI, change $71,294 to $58,200, and delete language as follows "... paying salary expenses within the City Planning Department ($13,094), paying for attendance at professional training courses and programs for the City Planning Department ($1,700), and adding the words "training and" between "for" and "services", changing ($15,000) to ($16,700), and in the NOTE at the bottom of Article VI changing $33,794 to $20,700; c) on p.4 add the word "Middle" before "School on Dorset Street"; d) change "Bartletts" Bay to "Bartlett Bay." Mr. Flaherty seconded. In the votes that followed, both the amendments and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage then moved to reconsider and modify the Warning as follows; In Article IV, change language to read "... for the following purposes; for repaving streets which include Dorset Street South, Newton Avenue, Patchen Road, other streets." Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. 7. Minutes of 19 and 22 February. Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 19 and 22 February be approved as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Other Business a) Status of Overlook Park: Mr. Hafter said the Committee has worked to design the park and have finalized plans. It goes to bid next week. Plans are in accordance with which was approved by the Council, and Mr. Hafter thought the project could be brought in within the budget. Mr. Cimonetti asked that the contractor be reminded the park abuts private property. b) Commerce Committee: Mr. Farrar read the proposed Resolution. Mr. Flaherty moved the Council sign the Resolution. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. c) Mr. Farrar noted the Public Hearing scheduled on 3/19 for the compact car space amendment has to be changed to 2 April. Mr. Dinklage moved that the Public Hearing on the compact car space amendment to the Zoning Regulations be changed from 19 March to 2 April. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Condos moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiation, personnel items, and Dorset Street litigation, and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Adjournment Council returned to regular session. Michael Flaherty moved adjournment, James Condos seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Council Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.