HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 04/19/2022Public Art Committee Approved Meeting Minutes April 19, 2022 In Attendance: Penne Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Trice Stratmann, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Jessica Manley, Ilona Blanchard (Staff) Penne called the meeting to order at 6:46 PM. Emergency procedures reviewed. No changes to the agenda. No public comment. Minutes Approval: Jean motioned to approve the draft minutes for December 2021 and January 2021. Trice seconded motion. Motion carried. Chair Report: None, updates for other agenda items. Staff Report: ● Katie Barritt O’Brien is coordinating with Department of Public Works to do a mural with students at the Hinesburg Road sewer pump house. ● Dave Wheeler, PWD Staff will be a non-voting member ● City Work Plan next cycle – need to review work plan at next meeting; identify if any new efforts. Finalized in June by City Council. ● Will have a second new member. Sophie was also appointed to the Committee and will be at the next meeting. ● Koleigh, UVM Anthropology Intern, has made progress on pieces of cultural assessment and aims to present at future meeting. May be continuing internship this summer. ● Illuminate VT Winter Festival continuing to move forward. Contact Ilona if interested in volunteering. CIP FY22 Art Funding: ● Committee discussion and minor edits to draft Citywide Permanent Art Call to Artists. o Ilona clarified the current CIP funds can be rolled over to next fiscal year. o Reviewed option of general call versus selecting a specific location. o Discussion point on locating art in a City Park or near a natural area. Jean offered to get input from the Natural Resources Committee and Ilona would like to communicate with City Staff to confer how this would align with park plans. o Amanda stated support to move forward with non-location call to get a sense of what could be proposed for art outdoors within budget. It will also provide more time for consideration of specific sites and distribution of art across the City. o Jessica suggested the option to request artists share ideas for locations in their submissions. o Timeline will be updated to allow 4-5 weeks for submissions. o First right of refusal, 2 years defined based on typical timeline for capital project to be implemented and align with budget cycles. Will add language that provides the timeframe the City has to response to a request from an artist in 3 months. Amanda motioned to approve the Citywide Permanent Art Call to Artists with the revisions discussed. Trice seconded motion. Motion carried. Public Art Gallery: Reviewed proposed show by Curator for next show. Trice motioned to approve Curator’s proposal. Jessica seconded motion. Motion carries. ● Need to determine current show takedown and scheduling next show. ● Staff requesting Committee support to Curator with promotion of next show. Areas of assistance include press release, artist narratives, calendar postings. Jessica volunteered. Season's Out of Time Dedication ● Proposal to schedule for 1-year anniversary of installation. Potential date Monday, June 6th. ● Date when library has evening hours and timed to target families and pre City Council meeting. ● Ilona reviewed areas for artwork signage and public engagement ideas (example a laminated card of "I spy"). Penne stated that the Friends of the Library were creating a clock related bookmark. ● Artwork highlights - Comet, Coronavirus, Planets, Mountain Range, review stars for features, roman numerals, The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. ● Signage locations include sign on top floor, vinyl sign on stair ground floor. Plaque for wall behind clock, mid stair. Railing signage. ● Budget for Food + Ad in newspaper. Food budget $500. Jean motioned to start planning for public art dedication in June 6th. Trice seconds. Motion carries. ARPA – Ilona reviewed the current commitments to ARPA and discussed how the Committee can provide input to the public input process. Cultural Plan timing wise has the potential to inform and be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan process. ● Committee members – Amanda, Jessica, Penne – volunteered to draft a letter for the Committee's May 17th meeting to describe a proposal to Council for ARPA funding. Website – Postponing topic; schedule a separate meeting on website. May 3rd at 6pm. Next meeting Tuesday May 17, 2022. Agenda items will include: work plan update, recommendations to City Council re ARPA funding and update on intern community asset work. Trice motioned to adjourn at 8:38pm.