HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Climate Action Plan Task Force - 03/30/2022SOUTH BURLINGTON CLIMATE ACTION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES 30 MARCH 2022 1 The South Burlington Climate Action Plan Task Force held a meeting on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, at 7:00 p.m., in person at 180 Market Street and online via Zoom remote technology. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Chalnick, Darrylin Peters, Donna Leban, Ethan Goldman, Michael Mittag, Sriram Srinivasan, Bill Wargo, Paul Conner (Ex-Officio Staff Liaison), H. Riehle (Ex-Officio Council liaison) ALSO PRESENT: Melanie Needle (CCRPC project consultant), Ann Janda (CCRPC Project Consultant), R. Greco, M. Murray, L. Bailey 1. Instructions on existing building in case of emergency and review of technology options P. Conner provided instructions for those attending in person. 2. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items No changes were made to the agenda 3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:04 pm) No comments unrelated to the agenda were provided 4. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:05 pm) M. Needle provided a brief update on the science-based targets from ICLEI. The building/thermal annual targets will likely increase as the first draft used 2015 as the start year. On the transportation side, the model will use 2019 as the base year for vehicle miles travelled. 2019 is the most up-to date year prior to the pandemic, which has thrown numbers off quite a bit. 5. *Continue review of pathways and actions by sector (7:10 pm) a. Building/Thermal Sector pathways and actions S. Srinivasan, D. Leban, and A. Chalnick presented a proposd way to organize the pathways and actions differently. They showed an example they had worked up for the buildings/thermal sector that categories actions in “policies, promotions, and investments” and aligns each to a pathway. D. Peters said she liked the updated format. Following discussion, the Task Force voted unanimously to support and use the updated format. A small subgroup of members will work to make sure that the Buildings/Thermal sector reflects the work of the Task Force and bring it back to the Task Force at the first meeting in April. b. Transportation Sector pathways and actions The Task Force began review of each potential action within the Transportation Sector. Members noted that while the transportation sector is a complex area and is heavily reliant on fuel emission standards, etc., there are numerous areas that the City and its partners can address. The Task Force reviewed and provided direction on Transportation Actions 1-22 and began item #23 before stopping for the evening. 2 For the next meeting, CCRPC staff will update the format to use the newly-approval style. R. Greco thanked the Task Force for their work, and asked them to consider that good actions may have unintended consequences. c. Next steps: remaining sectors; evaluation & organization of work To be discussed at the next meeting. 6. *Minutes: March 10, 2022 (8:55 pm) P. Conner said the minutes were not in the packet. 7. Other Business No other business. 8. Adjourn With no further business before the Task Force, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm. Minutes approved by the Task Force May 12, 2022