HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-04 - Supplemental - 0119 Tilley Drive (25) M E M O R A N D U M To: Marla Keene, City Planner Development Review Board members City of South Burlington, Department of Planning and Zoning From: Gail Henderson-King, Senior Project Manager Date: April 27, 2022 Re: University of Vermont Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing To follow up on the discussion at the DRB Sketch Plan hearing on April 5th for the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVM Medical Center) Outpatient Surgery Center project, we have prepared the following information in response to questions at the meeting and in the Staff Report dated March 25, 2022. Staff Report Comments 1. If the applicant wishes to conserve the remainder of the site as permanent open space, Staff considers a master plan may not be required, otherwise a master plan should be required. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant. As discussed at the DRB hearing, no further development is planned for the site. The UVM Medical Center agrees to conserve the northern portion of the site as permanent open space. 2. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant locating the site access to the east in order to eliminate natural resource impacts. As discussed at the DRB hearing, having the site access to the east does not physically work. The topography of the site combined with the existing 100 ft Green Mountain Power easement, dictates the site layout. Since zoning requires parking to be behind or beside the building, that necessarily means the parking must be on the northern portion of the site, north UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 2 | Page of the 100 ft GMP easement, and the building must be south of the GMP easement close to Tilley Drive. Patients arriving for surgery must have easy access the facility. This means parking must be in close proximity and have gentle slopes to the front entrance of the building. Due to the higher elevation of the northern portion of the site where the parking must be located, this limits how far downslope the main floor of the building can be. Due to the topography, the south and east sides of the building will be an entire floor level too low to allow the necessary relationship between the parking and the patient entrance. Thus, the entrance must be on the north or west side. Since zoning requires the entrance to face the front or corner the north side does not work as it would turn the back of the building to Tilley Drive. That results in the location of the entrance on the west side where it is at the corner of the building and will be easily seen by arriving patients. Here are some more details: - Patient centric criteria is of utmost importance for the Outpatient Surgery. - There needs to be an easily accessible drop off / pick up area for unloading and helping patients in and out as needed especially if they are using a wheelchair. - The building and entrance need to be easily seen and accessed from Tilley Drive for patients to they know where to go. - The building needs to be oriented to take advantage of natural daylight. - There needs to be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible walkways from the parking area to the building. - There needs to be a loading area that is separate from the entrance to the building and is located away from the residential neighbors. - MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) equipment associated with the building is needed in close proximity to the building: chillers, generator, fuel cell, oxygen farm. In addition, there are site restrictions that had to be considered for the layout of the project. - Easements: There is a 100’ Green Mountain Power ROW and 20’ Champlain Water District easement that crosses the middle of the site. An extremely limited grade change is allowed in these ROW and easement. - Topography: The site slopes from northwest to southeast. There is an approximately 26’ grade change from west to east, and approximately 19’ grade change from north to south. The site slopes from high point mid site both northeast and southeast with the lowest grades along east side of property. The lowest part of the site is on the east side where stormwater collection and treatment system need to be located. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 3 | Page - Wetlands: There are two Class III wetlands on site. These wetlands have been delineated and reviewed by Gilman & Briggs. They are isolated, are not connected to each other or to another water source and have minimal functions and values. - Ledge: Ledge exists throughout the site and is visible in the center of the site with exposed pieces. There is substantial ledge under the proposed building location and avoiding impacting it as much as possible is a high priority. - Zoning: The building oriented towards the road, cannot be located on the northern side of the site because parking required on side or rear of building. Setback requirements include an increased buffer from residential zoning district to the west and north. Limited Class III wetlands impacts are allowed. Must handle and treat stormwater on site. All of these factors were carefully considered in locating the building where it is located. The function of the building fits into and takes advantage of the topography of the site and meets patient centric criteria. The building is two story building with main floor operating rooms. The partial lower level is for sterilization, locker and changing rooms, materials handling and storage, shipping, and receiving/loading dock. The patient entrance is aligned with the most direct, level approach to building and visible from Tilley Drive. The building placed between GMP and CWD easements / ROW, wetlands, and setbacks, and is positioned to minimize wetland impacts, excavation, and existing ledge removal. The MEP equipment is located in close proximity to the northeast side of building. The drop off area at the front entrance has a canopy overhang for patients. Unlike the lower level, which is largely below ground with limited natural light, the patient level is above grade maximizing natural light. Flipping the building and entrance to occur on the eastern side of the site will not physically work. With the site restrictions: wetlands and topography, patient access and parking would not work. The parking lot would be significantly higher than the east entrance a floor level lower. This would require, at best, a circuitous pedestrian route from parking to entrance to achieve acceptable grades. It would also place the patient level largely below grade with little natural light. The entrance would not be readily visible to patients arriving at the site. Furthermore, there is not enough room to fit both the drop off area and stormwater ponds on east side without moving the building west which would place the building in the wetlands, which is not allowed under zoning. The service entrance and patient access would become intertwined and problematic, and the loading dock would be on upper level near neighbors’ residences and at a high grade at west. Based on this, it is not possible to have the access from the east due to the physical limitations and the functional requirements the UVM Medical Center has for this Outpatient Surgery Center. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 4 | Page 3. Staff considers discussion of minimizing these impacts is necessary if the Board entertains permitting a restricted infrastructure encroachment. We reexamined the design of the driveway entrance to the site in relation to the Class III wetlands impacts and provide the following information. - The Existing Wetlands Plan sheet W-1.0 prepared by Krebs & Lansing shows the two Class III wetlands located on the site. The wetlands were delineated by Gilman & Briggs Environmental, Inc. in 2019. Wetland A has 3,966 sq. ft. and wetland B has 10,249 sq. ft. on Lot 6. - Gilman & Briggs Environmental, Inc. prepared a wetlands analysis report. The report analyzes the wetland functions and values of these wetlands and concluded they have minimal functions and values. - We prepared a concept sketch titled Drive Design Original prepared by Krebs & Lansing showing the proposed plan layout with the Wetland B impacts. The proposed driveway bifurcates Wetland B in a manner which retains a wetland area to the west of the drive as well as a wetland area between the drive and the building. This is proposed to be enhanced with wetland conservation mix with plantings. The layout impacts approximately 5,640 sq. ft. - We prepared a concept sketch titled Drive Design Option #1 prepared by Krebs & Lansing showing a revised driveway layout with the Wetland B impacts. This concept sketch shows the driveway shifted to the east with a retaining wall and guard rail located along the west side. This design option #1 impacts 1,590 sq. ft. Below is a summary of the wetland impacts for each option. Class III Wetlands Impacts - Lot 6 Total Sq. Ft. on Lot 6 Proposed Sq. Ft. Impacts: Original Design Proposed Sq. Ft. Impacts: Design Option #1 Wetland A 3,996 0 0 Wetland B 10,249 5,640 1,590 While the Drive Design Original sketch is preferred as it functions best for the proposed Outpatient Surgery Center, the Drive Design Option #1 appears feasible. We still need the South Burlington fire chief to review the plans and provide input. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 5 | Page 4. The Board should direct the applicant to provide a wetland delineation on Lot 2 in the location of the planned future roadway in order to determine if any part of the future roadway must be accommodated on the subject property (again, in common ownership with Lot 2) or if it may be permitted on Lot 2. Provision of roadways on the official map is a requirement of LDR 15.A.11C and 15.A.14B. Whether the lands are developed or conserved, sufficient space for the future roadway must be retained if the future roadway cannot be accommodated on Lot 2. Lot 2 is not part of this project nor is part the Sketch Plan application for the UVM Medical Center Outpatient Surgery Center. The plan included on page 5 of the Staff Report for the April 5, 2022 DRB meeting includes a wetland map that appears to be the same or similar to what we know of regarding Lot 2. Furthermore, the City already has a 100 ft easement for the future road connection. It was included in a previous approval for Mountain View Business Park. When Pizzagalli Properties received approval for the Tilley II Subdivision, the DRB requested a 100 foot easement across Lots 1 and 2 and labeled as proposed future interstate off ramp. We have attached documents provided by Pizzagalli Properties that includes their engineer’s response to City comments regarding the Tilley II Subdivision permitting along with the official subdivision plan that shows this requested and approved 100 foot easement. Our understanding from Pizzagalli Properties is this is the only official reference to this easement. Nonetheless, as stated at the April 5, 2022 DRB meeting, UVMMC is willing to work with the City in the future to accommodate road connections to points A and/or B on the portion of Lot 6 located north of the proposed parking. 5. The Board should direct the applicant to provide a 50 or 60-ft ROW on the subject property (dimension to be determined based on development plan for the northern portion of the parcel) from the O’Brien roadway to the planned north south roadway in a location that is viable given the topography. If master plan is required, it should include the roadway connection. As stated at the April 5th DRB hearing, the UVM Medical Center is happy to work with the City and O’Brien Eastview development on the location of a future roadway A connection through the northern end of Lot 6. The exact location can be determined at a later date once it is decided whether the City wants to make the connection and where it should be located. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 6 | Page 6. Staff recommends the Board should direct the applicant to provide a driveway connection from the site to the north-south official map roadway. Staff notes that if the site were accessed via the east, this objective would be addressed. The UVM Medical Center is overly concerned if they provide a driveway connection to the future roadway B that vehicles from the residential neighborhoods and others will use it as a cut through. In addition, having vehicles entering the site from future roadway B could impact the entry to the Outpatient Surgery Center. 7. Further pursuant to access and circulation, Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant what the general traffic patterns will be for the site. The applicant has provided a loading dock. Does the applicant’s proposed site configuration minimize conflicts between passenger vehicles, larger vehicles, and pedestrians? The proposed layout and circulation of the site has been designed to avoid conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians, and delivery vehicles. Patient access to the main floor of the building is separate from the loading docks at lower level. The delivery area has been designed so trucks will not access the parking lot. Deliveries are planned to predominantly occur before or after operating hours. These deliveries mostly consist of loading supplies: clean and dirty linens, etc. 8. Since this is a large number of new trips, and since the applicant may instead opt to use site-specific studies to estimate trip generation, Staff recommends the Board invoke third- party technical review of the applicant’s traffic study, including traffic safety, at this time to enable it to be fully reviewed prior to the site plan hearing. The UVM Medical Center has retained a traffic engineer who is preparing a traffic study for the project. We will provide the traffic study as part of the site plan application and understand a third party technical review will be required. 9. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant what a setback and buffer containing a recreational path might look like were it designed in a way to meet the applicable regulations. We considered the option of a recreational path in the setback and buffer area to the west of the parking area. However, several issues came to light regarding grading and stormwater runoff in addition to the neighbors having concerns about a recreation path too close to their properties. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 7 | Page The UVM Medical Center will commit to working cooperatively with neighbors and City as to where a recreation path could be located. However, it is important to not hold up this project while a location and design is worked out. 10. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant what placement and screening would be considered adequate for the proposed equipment. We will provide appropriate landscape screening for the proposed MEP equipment along the eastern property line to include evergreen trees. 11. Staff recommends the Board direct the applicant to include a front or corner-facing entry, as the existing standards support this configuration, standards likely to be in effect at the time of application will state this more strongly, and the site configuration supports this layout. The proposed main patient entry of the building is corner facing, located as close to the southwest corner of the building as it can be. Moving it any further south would make the grade from Tilley Drive to the entry too steep. The south facing portion of the entrance has considerable glass helping address the street and allowing patients and visitors to see it clearly from a distance. On the north side of the canopy is the exit door for patients following surgery. The driveway leading to the main entry with the canopy extension allows patients to be dropped off and the driver to continue to the parking area. Patients can easily access the handicapped and patient parking. This layout meets the patient centric design criteria that the UVM Medical Center uses for its facilities. We looked at keeping the entry vestibule in its present location but moving the door from the west side to the south side of the vestibule. A concept sketch titled Partial Site Plan with south Entry Option shows this layout. The canopy would need to be extended with the front entry shifted to the south façade. It would involve the reduction of several handicapped parking spaces which are critical to have at the entry. There would be circulation and cuing issues at the drop off as vehicles would stop when they see the entry and possibly block circulation. After people park their cars to come into the Outpatient Surgery Center, they would see the exit door before seeing the entry causing wayfinding issues. This option is not patient centric and would create several potential conflicts with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 8 | Page We prefer the west facing entrance on the proposed illustrative site plan over this concept for the functionality of the site and building entry. Other  Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant whether the provided front parking represents the minimum necessary. The proposed handicapped parking spaces shown in the front yard represent the minimum necessary. The handicapped parking spaces shown on the plan are required to meet ADA and need to be located closest to the main entry of the building. The illustrative plan highlights the location of the patient parking on the site and there are only a few spaces located at the main entry. UVM Medical Center – Outpatient Surgery Center Memorandum: Sketch Plan Application Additional Information for May 4th DRB Hearing April 27, 2022 9 | Page Attachments The following attachments that are referred to above are included with this memorandum. 1. Tilley II Subdivision Overall Site Plan – Record Drawing prepared by Hamlin Engineering dated 05/26/2004 2. Tilley II Subdivision Hamlin Engineering letter to City of South Burlington dated 11/02/2004 3. UVMMC Lot 6 Tilley Drive Existing Wetland Plan Sheet W-1.0 prepared by Krebs & Lansing dated 08/02/2021 4. Gilman & Briggs Environmental, Inc. Wetlands Analysis dated 07/28/2021 5. Outpatient Surgery Center Drive Design Original sketch prepared by Krebs & Lansing dated 04/26/2022 6. Outpatient Surgery Center Drive Design Option #1 sketch prepared by Krebs & Lansing dated 04/26/2022 7. Outpatient Surgery Center Partial Site Plan with South Entry Option sketch prepared by e4h dated 04/13/2022 8. Outpatient Surgery Center Illustrative Site Plan 2.03 dated 04/26/2022 9. Outpatient Surgery Center Exterior View at Drop Off prepared by e4h dated 04/26/2022