HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-04 - Supplemental - 0119 Tilley Drive (17)Please Reply to: P.O. Box 9 Essex Junction Vermont 05453 November 2, 2004 Mr. Raymond J. Belair City of South Burlington 57 5 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Tilley II Subdivision Dear Mr. Belair: DONALD L. HAMLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 136 Pearl Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Tel. (802) 878-3956 (802) 878-5123 Fax (802) 878-2679 We are writing on behalf of Pizzagalli Properties to provide a summary of the revisions made to the plans for the above referenced project, in response to the comments and approval conditions received from the City of South Burlington. For your convenience, we have presented the City's numbered comment in italics, followed by a brief discussion in response to the comment. South Burlington Development Review Board Conditions of Approval, dated August 9. 2004 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in fall effect, except as amended herein. No response necessary. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plans submitted by the applicant, as amended by this decision, and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. No response necessary. 3. The plat plans shall be revised to show the following changes and shall require approval from the Administrative Officer. Four (4) copies of the approved revised plat plans shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording: 3a) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of South Burlington Water Department, as outlined in the memorandum from Jay Nadeau, dated July 14, 2004. See below. 3b) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer, as outlined in his memorandum dated July 8, 2004. See below. 3c) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Arborist, as outlined in his memorandum dated July 2 7, 2004. The requests of the City Arborist will be addressed by the landscaping consultant for this project. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBlITION SUBDIVISIONS SKILIFfS TRAFFIC STUDIES PERMITTING ASSISTANCE LAND SURVEYING WASTE WATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS AIRPORTS RECREATION AND INDUSTRIAL PLANNING SOIL BORINGS Engineering -"The link between what we have and what we need" SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Page2 3d) The plans shall be revised to account for the necessary traffic mitigation measures (left & right turn lanes on Hinesburg Road), as determined by the applicant's traffic engineer, the consulting firm performing the technical review, and staff, prior to recording of the final plat plans. A Preliminary Site Plan for the left and right turn lanes on Hinesburg Road have been submitted to your office. 3e) The plans shall be revised to depict the easement running north across the subject property, from I-89 to the property to the north, at a width of 100 '. The plans have been revised to increase the width of this easement from 80' to 100' throughout its length. 31) The survey plat shall be revised to depict an 80' wide access easement extending from Tilley Drive to the easterly property boundary. The plat has been revised in response to this comment. 3g) The plans shall be revised to show the location and details of the proposed street lights. The number and location of the street lights shall be approved by the City Engineer. The installation of street lights was discussed with the City Engineer at meeting on 07/22/04. At that time, the City Engineer concurred that the installation of street lights is not required as part of this approval. Power will be installed along the roadway as part of the construction, which will be available to support future street lights, as appropriate. 4. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. No plan revisions were required in response to this comment. We believe the project plans conform to the referenced standards of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. 5. Pursuant to Section 15. 13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All utilities related to this project will be underground. 6. The applicant shall post a landscape bond for $31, 000 for street trees prior to the start of road construction. This bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of surviving. The applicant will post the required landscape bond prior to the start of the road construction. 7. Pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, prior to issuance of the first zoning permit or start of utility or road construction, the applicant shall submit all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g. irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for proposed public roads, utility, sewer, drainage, water, and recreation paths, etc.) to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington Land Records. The appropriate legal documents will be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the land records prior to the start of construction. DONALD L. HAMLIN Page 3 8. Prior to the start of construction of the improvements described in condition #7 above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. The applicant will post a bond for the roadway improvements prior to the start of construction. 9. Pursuant to Section 15.14(£)(2) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, within 14 days of the completion of required improvements (e.g. roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, "as-built" construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. Record drawings will be submitted to the City Engineer upon completion of the roadway construction work. 10. Prior to recording the final plat plans and pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit a Certificate of Title showing the ownership of all property and easements to be dedicated or acquired by the City, and said Certificate of Title shall be approved by the City Attorney. A Certificate of Title will be submitted to the City for approval prior to recording of the final plat plans. 11. The left and right turn lanes on Hinesburg Road shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the first building constructed in this subdivision, unless the applicant can demonstrate, using traffic counts and projections, that the lanes are not warranted at that time. As part of the first building project, the turning lane warrant analysis will be updated to reflect current traffic counts and projections. If the turning lanes are warranted and the analysis approved by VTrans, construction of the turning lanes will be completed prior to occupancy of the first building project in this subdivision. 12. A trip generation and traffic impact analysis including turning movement analysis shall be conducted as part of the review of the fourth building in this development. This work will be performed as part of the fourth building project in this development. 13. The applicant shall comply with the requests of the South Burlington Natural Resources Committee, derived at their March 4, 2004 meeting, as follows: l 3a) The proposed parking spaces should be reduced to the greatest extent allowable by the Development Review Board, in order to minimize wetland impacts; This matter will be taken into consideration during the design of the individual lot developments. 13b) There should be no mowing in the wetlands or their associated buffers and the area should remain in a natural state; No response necessary. 13c) There should be no pesticides applied to the wetlands or their associated buffers; No response necessary. 13d) All disturbed earth shall be stabilized and seeded; AND No response necessary. 13e) Vegetation in the wetlands or their associated buffers shall not be removed, with the exception of a three (3) foot buffer along the interior fence-line for maintenance purposes. No response necessary. DONALD L. HAMLIN Page4 14. Any changes to the final plat plans shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. No response necessary. 15. The final plat plans (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording of the final plat plans, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plats in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. This information has previously been submitted to your office. South Burlington Water Department comments, dated July 14, 2004 1. At this time the City of South Burlington does not have sufficient water storage for any new project requiring more than 1,000 gallons per day (gpd) in this water service area. No construction shall be permitted that may restrict or encumber water supply and storage for the City's current customers until additional storage has been made available. No response necessary. 2. Please complete the Application for Water Allocation and return it to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. As your project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval, which will be contingent upon construction of additional water storage volume serving this section of the City. Final engineering and construction is underway and the estimate on line date for the new tank is November 2004. An Application for Water Allocation has been submitted to the South Burlington Water Department. 3. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backjlow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control OF Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City O[South Burlington. Please contact this department for more information on backjlow protection devices. This comment will be taken into consideration during the design of the individual buildings. 4. The City of South Burlington Water Ordinance states that the property owner shall be responsible for constructing the main to the property's farthest property line for continuation to adjoining properties. This City requirement must be considered in design of the proposed future connector road. At that time the owner may be required to install a water line extension to the farthest property line. If required, the extension of the water line to the furthest property line (to the east) will be incorporated into the design of a future road extension. 5. Typical Hydrant and Gate Valve Detail: All hydrant drains shall be plugged prior to installation. Mechanical joint restraints shall have twist off nuts (i.e. Mega-Lug) or approved grip rings. The Typical Hydrant and Gate Valve Detail has been revised in response to this comment. 6. Typical Trench Detail: A detectable underground marking tape is not required as the DI pipe shall have no less then three brass wedges installed at each pipe joint. The typical trench detail has been revised in response to this comment. DONALD L. HAMLIN Page 5 7. Eight-inch Ductile Iron (DI) water pipe shall have no less than three (3) brass wedges installed at each joint. Bury depth to the new main shall be six feet (6) to the top of the pipe. This comment has been addressed. 8. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned specifications, and a hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant. Hydrant drains shall have all drains plugged prior to installation. Waterous Pacer fire hydrants must be ordered with a "Boston " operating nut installed before placing the water line in service. The plans and specifications have been revised in response to this comment. 9. No underground utility lines or structures shall be installed within four feet from the water main on either side, from the top of the main to the finish grade, with the exception of storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines as stated in the above referenced Specifications. Trees shall not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of any appurtenance, including fire hydrants. Generally other underground utilities shall be placed on the opposite side of the road from proposed or existing water mains. No response necessary. 10. Separation between the water main and service line and nearby sanitary and storm sewer lines shall comply with the VT WSR requirements and the above referenced Specifications. No response necessary. 11. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City," and; All of the water lines and appurtenances located in the City right-of-way are intended to be publicly owned and maintained. 12. "The Department shall not maintain any water lines that have not formally been accepted by the City, except in subdivisions that are designed to Department specifications and are intended to be accepted,: and; See Item #11 above. 13. "All water lines and appurtenances located within an area so designated as restricted or private by the developer shall be considered private." See Item #11 above. 14. At this time private fire hydrants are assessed a $100 per hydrant annual fee. All hydrants installed as part of this project are intended to be publicly owned and maintained. 15. Prior to any building construction, the building contractor must contact this Department to discuss City requirements for meter sizing, meter settings, and backflow protection. No response necessary. 16. The SBWD shall be sent any future hard copy plans involving this project for review independent from those plans sent to the Planning and Zoning Department. A set of final plans will be submitted to the SBWD. DONALD L. HAMLIN Page6 17. The SBWD shall be notified prior to baclifilling to inspect all fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing. No response necessary. 18. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. The SB WD shall be provided a final plat for this project prior to recording for final review and approval. No response necessary. 19. A hard copy set of As-Bui/ts as well as one electronic copy in Auto-CAD.DWG Version 14 Format or newer shall be supplied to this department upon completion of the water system improvements. No response necessary. Citv Engineer comments, dated Julv 8, 2004 On July 22, 2004 we met with the City Engineer to review and address the comments. 1. Bike path shall be constructed one foot from the street north R. 0. W The plans have been revised to show the bike path one foot from the right-of-way on the north side of the roadway prior to the culvert crossing. At the box culvert crossing, the bike path is shown closer to the roadway, in order to minimize impacts to the wetlands. This concept was agreed upon at our meeting with the City Engineer. 2. Bench marks shall be noted on the plans. The plans have been revised to include a bench mark. 3. Roadway in vicinity of the box culvert shall have a guardrail on both sides of the street. The plans have been revised to include guardrail on both sides of the roadway in the vicinity of the box culvert. 4. Sewage pumping station design data shall be noted on the plans. The station will be owned and maintained by an association of users. The design of the station shall be reviewed and approved by City Water Pollution Control Superintendent. At our meeting, we indicated that, as the roadway is to be turned over to the City, we envision that the sewage forcernain and pump station will also be turned over to the City. The City Engineer was going to check on this matter with the Water Pollution Control Department and let us know ifthere is any further action required by the applicant. To date, we have not heard back from either the City Engineer or the Water Pollution Control Department regarding this matter. 5. Design data for the emergency sewage storage tank shall be noted on the plans. The plans have been revised to include this information. 6. Curb cuts to serve lots shall have depressed concrete curbs. The plans have been revised to show depressed concrete curbs at proposed curb cuts. 7. Barrier concrete curbing shall be continuous around the cul-de-sac. At our meeting, we indicated that we were proposing to install curbing around the inside of the cul-de-sac only. The pavement surface around the cul-de-sac is proposed to slope away from the center and therefore no curbing is proposed around the outside. The City Engineer found this to be acceptable. DONALD L. HAMLIN Page 7 8. Sewage pumping station controller shall be placed close to the wet well opening. The pump station specifications state that the pump controls are to be installed in a location adjacent to the pump station. South Burlington Water Department comments, dated September 14, 2004 l. This Department has received your Application for Water Allocation requesting 9, 990 gpd. A conditional water allocation letter is attached to this plan review. As your project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval, which will be contingent upon construction of additional water. storage volume serving this section of the City. Final engineering and construction is underway and the estimated on line date for the new tank is November 2004. No response necessary. 2. The proposed fire hydrants shall be spaced approximately 500' apart from the last existing fire hydrant in Phase 1, with the last hydrant located near the end of the proposed water main. The last hydrant shall be installed just prior to the last 8" gate valve with end cap and thrust block, and after the last 6" service line near station 28+ 70. After speaking with Mr. Nadeau on 10/15/04, we have made the following changes to the plans; the hydrant at station 21 +50 has been relocated to station 23+95, the hydrant at station 27+ 15 will remain, and a new blow-off has been provided at the end of the water line. 3. The 8" gate valve near station 25+20 can be removed, as there is a gate valve at station 24+00 and one at station 26+80. The plans have been revised in response to this comment. 4. All water mains shall be polyethylene encased. The Typical Trench Detail for Ductile Iron Waterline has been revised in response to this comment. 5. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control Of Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City of South Burlington. Pi ease contact this department for more information on backflow protection devices. This comment will be taken into consideration during the design of the individual buildings. 6. Typical Hydrant and Gate Valve Detail: All hydrants drains shall be plugged prior to installation. Mechanical joint restraints shall have twist off nuts (i.e. Mega-Lug) or approved grip rings. The Typical Hydrant and Gate Valve Detail has been revised in response to this comment. 7. Typical Trench Detail: A detectable underground marking tape is not required, as the DI pipe shall have no less then three brass wedges installed at each pipe joint. The typical trench detail has been revised in response to this comment. 8. Eight-inch Ductile Iron (DI) water pipe shall have no less than three (3) brass wedges installed at each joint. Bury depth to the new main shall be six feet (6 ') to the top of the pipe. This comment has been addressed. DONALD L. HAMLIN