HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-03 - Plans - Non-Record - 1170 1180 Dorset Street1SITEI-89HINESBURG ROADDORSET STREETSPEAR S T R E E T SWIFT STREETLOCATION PLAN N.T.S.CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comAPPLICANTCONSULTANTOWNERLEGEND SuCVeBVeBCvFsC2CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comLEGENDVeB CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com3ZONING INFORMATIONLEGEND 10+0011+0012+0012+7510+0011+0012+0012+934CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comPlanPlanPROFILE - PRIVATE ROAD 'A'PROFILE - PRIVATE ROAD 'B'LEGEND 5CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comLEGEND 6CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comW 7CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com”””””“”“”””’ 8CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com 9CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com 10CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com  11CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comA. “” ’§§§▪ ▪ • • ▪▪ ▪ ▪ • • ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ LEGEND N81° 21' 44"E535.09VermontGrid North Footprint LotUnit 112,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 122,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 132,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 142,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 52,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 62,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 82,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 72,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 42,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 32,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 21,928 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 11,920 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 92,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 102,347 sq.ft.L =1 1 7 .8 8 R = 2 0 7 . 9 5 C hord = S 5 6 ° 5 7' 4 8"WC h or d =1 1 6 .3 1 S16° 47' 25"E74.00S3 5 ° 0 8 ' 4 7 "W 75. 7 3S81° 34' 39"W16.25S11° 01' 09"E163.28S10° 10' 02"E148.40S83° 00' 34"W229.68S83° 00' 34"W108.23S83° 00' 34"W207.00N6° 16' 24"W134.69 N6° 16' 24"W 105.09 N81° 34' 34"E209.91L =1 8 6.7 2 R =2 7 9. 4 3Cho r d =N6 2 ° 2 7' 10" ECh o r d =1 8 3.2 7 N23° 17' 57"W68.00N79° 19' 04 "E148.97N79° 19' 04 "E148.97N79° 19' 04"E2.67N49° 14' 34"W66.23N40° 52' 27"E86.68N81° 33' 06"E140.69N40° 44' 00"E109.45L=12.75'R=280.00Chord=N42°01'50"EChord=12.75'L=140.42'R=280.01Chord=N55°14'25"EChord=138.95'L=47.46'R=280.01Chord=N74°27'44"EChord=47.40'L= 8 1 . 0 2 ' R = 2 7 4 . 5 1 ' Ch o r d = S 4 9 ° 1 3 ' 2 3 " W Ch o r d = 8 0 . 7 3 'N 707026.82E 1463828.42N 707380.66E 1464172.36N 707295.91E 1464009.87N81° 37' 02"E42.07N6° 53' 28"W59.85 I hereby certify that the information shown hereon is correct to the best of my knowledge andbelief and is based upon a collaboration of pertinent deeds, plats, parol, and other recordedevidence. This plat was prepared in accordance with and complies with Vermont Statute Title27, § 1403, (a) through (e).Joseph R. Flynn, L.S. 714 DatedGraphic Scale1 inch = 40 ft.Location Plan-n.t.s.13 Corporate DriveEssex JCT., VTPhone: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: obca@olearyburke.comCity of South Burlington Received for Record____________________________ A.D. _______at ____________o'clock ____________minutes___Mand recorded in ______________________________attest: ____________________________________ Town ClerkO'LEARY-BURKECIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCThis is an Original Mylar 1. The survey is based upon research performed in the City of South Burlington LandRecords and the following plats and plans:a. “Paul F. Heald, 6 Lot Subdivision Plat, Dorset Street”, prepared by Civil EngineeringAssociates, Inc., last revised December 4, 2001 and filed in slide 393 of the City of SouthBurlington Land Records.b.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of JAM Golf, LLC.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised January 10, 2000 and filed inslide 393 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.c.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of JAM Golf, LLC.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 2, 1999 and filed in slide341 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.d.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of J.A. McDonald.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 2, 1999 and filed in slide329 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.e.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Phase I-B, Residential Parcel 3 and 4, Property ofEconomou Farms, Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revisedSeptember 10, 1996 and filed in slide 297 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.f.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of Economou Farms,Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 1, 1996 and filedin slide 295 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.g.“Heald, 6 Lot Subdivision Site Grading & Utility Plan, Sheet C-2”, prepared by CivilEngineering Associates, Inc., last revised November 14, 2001 and filed in slide 393 of theCity of South Burlington Land Records.h.“Plan of Sewer Easement, Properties of Highland Residential Properties, L.P. and EZPGolf, L.P. to be conveyed to The City of South Burlington.”, prepared by Civil EngineeringAssociates, Inc., dated November 1997 and filed in slide 319 of the City of SouthBurlington Land Records.i. “Survey of Property to be Conveyed by Economou Farms, Inc.,-Henry Wortheim to PaulHeald”, last revised December 1969 and filed in slide 95 of the City of South BurlingtonLand Records.j."Survey of Land Exchange Between Vermont National Country Club and the City ofSouth Burlington, South Burlington, Vermont, Sheet P2", prepared by Timothy R. Cowan,L.S. 597, dated May 26, 2017, revised September 6, 2017 and filed in slide 610 of theCity of South Burlington Land Records.k. "Subdivision Survey Plat, City of South Burlington, Former Calkins Property", preparedby Summit Engineering, Inc., last revised September 27, 2002 and file in map book 495page 176 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.l. “Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Phase I-B, Residential Parcel 3 and 4, Property ofEconomou Farms, Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revisedDecember 3, 1997 and filed in slide 317 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.2. Bearings are based on Vermont Grid Zone 4400, computed from RTK GPSobservations made on June 4, 2021 from a Trimble R10 Unit with differential correctionsfrom CORS VRS Station. Datum utilized is NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.0, NAVD 88(geoid12b).3. Survey methods employed (total station) and the resulting error of closure/precisionratio, meet or exceed minimum precision requirements for Urban Surveys as outlined in,"Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying", adopted by the Vermont Board of LandSurveyors, effective 01/07/2013.4. There may be additional easements, restrictions, and/or reservations not shown hereonthat may or may not be found in the City of South Burlington Land Records.5. This survey depicts the property lines of the Highland Residential Properties, L.P basedupon record research conducted by Joseph R. Flynn, L.S.6. This plat is for the depiction of boundaries based upon V.S.A. Title 26 Chapter 45section 2502 (3) and (4). Any information identified graphically or noted on this plat whichis outside the scope and expertise of a Vermont Licensed Land Surveyor as outlined inthe statues herein referenced to, is not warranted to be correct and is not covered by thecertification contained hereon.7. This plat is for the identification of boundary lines of the Highland ResidentialProperties, L.P.. Other information is shown for both illustrative purposes and to offerassistance in the conclusions reached by this survey. Only the Boundary lines of theHighland Residential Properties, L.P are certified to, all others not warranted to be correctand are subject to revisions.8. Right of Way for Dorset Street is based on existing field evidence and layout in Townof Burlington Highway Book 1 Pages 12-13 on May 5, 1810. The Right of Way for ParkRoad is based on existing filed evidence and Book 429 Page 472 & Book 428 Page 78.9.Valid for recording only if stamped in the left margin with "This is an Original Mylar",signed, dated and stamped with blue ink containing the Licensed Land Surveyors Seal.10. Map reference 1e depicts a proposed 20' sewer easement to the City of SouthBurlington. An inactive pump station was located within the defined limits, but noconclusive easement deed was recovered in the City of South Burlington Land Records inregards to that distinct item.To ShelburneSiteVERMONTGRID NORTHDorset StreetParkSwift S treetHighland Development Company, LLCBook 428 Page 81Recorded May 8, 1998Parcel 0570-01170Parcel 0570-01180Total Area = 3.645 Acres(Overall)Area without Units=2.91 AcresSubject ParcelSurvey NotesPark Road / TH-218To South BurlingtonJanuary 25, 2022PL1Found Iron Pipe/ RebarUtility /GuywireSignLegendSet Iron RebarBoundary LineOverhead Utility LineEasement LineAbutter LineFound Concrete MonumentDissolved Line“Approved by the Development Review Board of the City of SouthBurlington, Vermont, on the __________ day of _________________, 20__,subject to all requirements and conditions of said approval. Signed this _____ day of ____________, 20__ by _______________________________ Chair”Dorset Street / TH-6Highlands Development Company, LLCBook 1221 Page 262Recorded June 26, 2014Parcel 0570-01200(Plat Ref 1a, Lot 6)James Rustad & Dana DisanoBook 1355 Page 122Recorded December 14, 2016Parcel 0679-00076(Plat Ref 1a Lot 5)JAM Golf LLCBook 428 Page 81Recorded May 8,1998Parcel 0570-01227(Golf Course Parcel D, Map Ref 1f)City of South BurlingtonBook 327 Page 363Recorded July 21,1992Parcel 08-021023-0000(Plat Ref 1k)Gary BergeronBook 1194 Page 178Recorded November 15, 2013Parcel 0679-00070(Plat Ref 1a, Lot 4)RoadPark RoadCommonsSubdivision Plat1170 & 1180 Dorset Street - So. Burlington, VT(AKA Residential Parcel 4)Wetland WetlandBuffer Limit sFound 4" x 4" ConcreteMonument disturbed.Found 14" Iron Rod, 3"below grade.N30°59'40"W, 18.22' toconcrete monument.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonument, 3"below grade.Found 58" rebar, 3" belowgrade. S84°29'58"W, 2.76'to set monument.Found 4" x 4" ConcreteMonument flush, w/ CEAcap.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonument 4"reveal, w/. CEA cap.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonumentdisturbed, flush.Found 58" rebar, flush, w/CEA cap. S79°09'51"W,35.31' to concretemonument.Found spike, 2"below grade.Found spike, 2"below grade.See Note #8See Note #8Proposed10' Wide WaterEasement to Cityof South BurlingtonApproximate location 20'Sewer Forcemain for theCity of South Burlington(centered along forcemain)Book 421 Page 382Setback LineExist ing Recreat iona l PathExisting Recreational PathSewer EasementWater EasementTypical Stamped Capson Set Monumentation(not to scale)5/8" X 30"rebar2" dia.aluminumcap1-3/4"City of South BurlingtonBook 758 Page 659Recorded August 21, 2006(Plat Ref. 1e)City of South BurlingtonBook 758 Page 659Book 758 Page 632Recorded August 21, 2006 (Plat Ref. 1l)ResolutionCity of South BurlingtontoHighlands Development Company, LLCBook 1390 Page 166Recorded September 8, 2017Area=0.34 acres(Map Ref. 1j)20' Wide SewerEasement City ofSouth BurlingtonSee Note 10. 1SITEI-89HINESBURG ROADDORSET STREETSPEAR S T R E E T SWIFT STREETLOCATION PLAN N.T.S.CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comAPPLICANTCONSULTANTOWNERLEGEND SuCVeBVeBCvFsC2CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comLEGENDVeB CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com3ZONING INFORMATIONLEGEND CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com3ZONING INFORMATIONLEGEND 10+0011+0012+0013+0013+1510+0011+0012+0013+0013+034CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comPlanPlanPROFILE - PRIVATE ROAD 'A'PROFILE - PRIVATE ROAD 'B'LEGEND 5CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comLEGEND 6CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comW 7CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com”””””“”“”””’ 8CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com 9CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com 10CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.com  11CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCO'LEARY-BURKE 13 CORPORATE DRIVEESSEX JCT., VTPHONE: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: poleary@olearyburke.comA. “” ’§§§▪ ▪ • • ▪▪ ▪ ▪ • • ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ LEGEND N81° 21' 44"E535.09VermontGrid North Footprint LotUnit 112,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 122,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 132,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 142,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 52,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 62,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 82,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 72,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 42,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 32,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 21,928 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 11,920 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 92,347 sq.ft. Footprint LotUnit 102,347 sq.ft.L =1 1 7 .8 8 R = 2 0 7 . 9 5 C hord = S 5 6 ° 5 7' 4 8"WC h or d =1 1 6 .3 1 S16° 47' 25"E74.00S3 5 ° 0 8 ' 4 7 "W 75. 7 3S81° 34' 39"W16.25S11° 01' 09"E163.28S10° 10' 02"E148.40S83° 00' 34"W229.68S83° 00' 34"W108.23S83° 00' 34"W207.00N6° 16' 24"W134.69 N6° 16' 24"W 105.09 N81° 34' 34"E209.91L =1 8 6.7 2 R =2 7 9. 4 3Cho r d =N6 2 ° 2 7' 10" ECh o r d =1 8 3.2 7 N23° 17' 57"W68.00N79° 19' 04 "E148.97N79° 19' 04 "E148.97N79° 19' 04"E2.67N49° 14' 34"W66.23N40° 52' 27"E86.68N81° 33' 06"E140.69N40° 44' 00"E109.45L=12.75'R=280.00Chord=N42°01'50"EChord=12.75'L=140.42'R=280.01Chord=N55°14'25"EChord=138.95'L=47.46'R=280.01Chord=N74°27'44"EChord=47.40'L= 8 1 . 0 2 ' R = 2 7 4 . 5 1 ' Ch o r d = S 4 9 ° 1 3 ' 2 3 " W Ch o r d = 8 0 . 7 3 'N 707026.82E 1463828.42N 707380.66E 1464172.36N 707295.91E 1464009.87N81° 37' 02"E42.07N6° 53' 28"W59.85 I hereby certify that the information shown hereon is correct to the best of my knowledge andbelief and is based upon a collaboration of pertinent deeds, plats, parol, and other recordedevidence. This plat was prepared in accordance with and complies with Vermont Statute Title27, § 1403, (a) through (e).Joseph R. Flynn, L.S. 714 DatedGraphic Scale1 inch = 40 ft.Location Plan-n.t.s.13 Corporate DriveEssex JCT., VTPhone: 878-9990FAX: 878-9989E-MAIL: obca@olearyburke.comCity of South Burlington Received for Record____________________________ A.D. _______at ____________o'clock ____________minutes___Mand recorded in ______________________________attest: ____________________________________ Town ClerkO'LEARY-BURKECIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLCThis is an Original Mylar 1. The survey is based upon research performed in the City of South Burlington LandRecords and the following plats and plans:a. “Paul F. Heald, 6 Lot Subdivision Plat, Dorset Street”, prepared by Civil EngineeringAssociates, Inc., last revised December 4, 2001 and filed in slide 393 of the City of SouthBurlington Land Records.b.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of JAM Golf, LLC.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised January 10, 2000 and filed inslide 393 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.c.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of JAM Golf, LLC.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 2, 1999 and filed in slide341 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.d.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of J.A. McDonald.”,prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 2, 1999 and filed in slide329 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.e.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Phase I-B, Residential Parcel 3 and 4, Property ofEconomou Farms, Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revisedSeptember 10, 1996 and filed in slide 297 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.f.“Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Southeast Parcel, Property of Economou Farms,Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revised June 1, 1996 and filedin slide 295 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.g.“Heald, 6 Lot Subdivision Site Grading & Utility Plan, Sheet C-2”, prepared by CivilEngineering Associates, Inc., last revised November 14, 2001 and filed in slide 393 of theCity of South Burlington Land Records.h.“Plan of Sewer Easement, Properties of Highland Residential Properties, L.P. and EZPGolf, L.P. to be conveyed to The City of South Burlington.”, prepared by Civil EngineeringAssociates, Inc., dated November 1997 and filed in slide 319 of the City of SouthBurlington Land Records.i. “Survey of Property to be Conveyed by Economou Farms, Inc.,-Henry Wortheim to PaulHeald”, last revised December 1969 and filed in slide 95 of the City of South BurlingtonLand Records.j."Survey of Land Exchange Between Vermont National Country Club and the City ofSouth Burlington, South Burlington, Vermont, Sheet P2", prepared by Timothy R. Cowan,L.S. 597, dated May 26, 2017, revised September 6, 2017 and filed in slide 610 of theCity of South Burlington Land Records.k. "Subdivision Survey Plat, City of South Burlington, Former Calkins Property", preparedby Summit Engineering, Inc., last revised September 27, 2002 and file in map book 495page 176 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.l. “Economou Farms Golf Course Plat, Phase I-B, Residential Parcel 3 and 4, Property ofEconomou Farms, Inc.”, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., last revisedDecember 3, 1997 and filed in slide 317 of the City of South Burlington Land Records.2. Bearings are based on Vermont Grid Zone 4400, computed from RTK GPSobservations made on June 4, 2021 from a Trimble R10 Unit with differential correctionsfrom CORS VRS Station. Datum utilized is NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.0, NAVD 88(geoid12b).3. Survey methods employed (total station) and the resulting error of closure/precisionratio, meet or exceed minimum precision requirements for Urban Surveys as outlined in,"Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying", adopted by the Vermont Board of LandSurveyors, effective 01/07/2013.4. There may be additional easements, restrictions, and/or reservations not shown hereonthat may or may not be found in the City of South Burlington Land Records.5. This survey depicts the property lines of the Highland Residential Properties, L.P basedupon record research conducted by Joseph R. Flynn, L.S.6. This plat is for the depiction of boundaries based upon V.S.A. Title 26 Chapter 45section 2502 (3) and (4). Any information identified graphically or noted on this plat whichis outside the scope and expertise of a Vermont Licensed Land Surveyor as outlined inthe statues herein referenced to, is not warranted to be correct and is not covered by thecertification contained hereon.7. This plat is for the identification of boundary lines of the Highland ResidentialProperties, L.P.. Other information is shown for both illustrative purposes and to offerassistance in the conclusions reached by this survey. Only the Boundary lines of theHighland Residential Properties, L.P are certified to, all others not warranted to be correctand are subject to revisions.8. Right of Way for Dorset Street is based on existing field evidence and layout in Townof Burlington Highway Book 1 Pages 12-13 on May 5, 1810. The Right of Way for ParkRoad is based on existing filed evidence and Book 429 Page 472 & Book 428 Page 78.9.Valid for recording only if stamped in the left margin with "This is an Original Mylar",signed, dated and stamped with blue ink containing the Licensed Land Surveyors Seal.10. Map reference 1e depicts a proposed 20' sewer easement to the City of SouthBurlington. An inactive pump station was located within the defined limits, but noconclusive easement deed was recovered in the City of South Burlington Land Records inregards to that distinct item.To ShelburneSiteVERMONTGRID NORTHDorset StreetParkSwift S treetHighland Development Company, LLCBook 428 Page 81Recorded May 8, 1998Parcel 0570-01170Parcel 0570-01180Total Area = 3.645 Acres(Overall)Area without Units=2.91 AcresSubject ParcelSurvey NotesPark Road / TH-218To South BurlingtonJanuary 25, 2022PL1Found Iron Pipe/ RebarUtility /GuywireSignLegendSet Iron RebarBoundary LineOverhead Utility LineEasement LineAbutter LineFound Concrete MonumentDissolved Line“Approved by the Development Review Board of the City of SouthBurlington, Vermont, on the __________ day of _________________, 20__,subject to all requirements and conditions of said approval. Signed this _____ day of ____________, 20__ by _______________________________ Chair”Dorset Street / TH-6Highlands Development Company, LLCBook 1221 Page 262Recorded June 26, 2014Parcel 0570-01200(Plat Ref 1a, Lot 6)James Rustad & Dana DisanoBook 1355 Page 122Recorded December 14, 2016Parcel 0679-00076(Plat Ref 1a Lot 5)JAM Golf LLCBook 428 Page 81Recorded May 8,1998Parcel 0570-01227(Golf Course Parcel D, Map Ref 1f)City of South BurlingtonBook 327 Page 363Recorded July 21,1992Parcel 08-021023-0000(Plat Ref 1k)Gary BergeronBook 1194 Page 178Recorded November 15, 2013Parcel 0679-00070(Plat Ref 1a, Lot 4)RoadPark RoadCommonsSubdivision Plat1170 & 1180 Dorset Street - So. Burlington, VT(AKA Residential Parcel 4)Wetland WetlandBuffer Limit sFound 4" x 4" ConcreteMonument disturbed.Found 14" Iron Rod, 3"below grade.N30°59'40"W, 18.22' toconcrete monument.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonument, 3"below grade.Found 58" rebar, 3" belowgrade. S84°29'58"W, 2.76'to set monument.Found 4" x 4" ConcreteMonument flush, w/ CEAcap.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonument 4"reveal, w/. CEA cap.Found 4" x 4"ConcreteMonumentdisturbed, flush.Found 58" rebar, flush, w/CEA cap. S79°09'51"W,35.31' to concretemonument.Found spike, 2"below grade.Found spike, 2"below grade.See Note #8See Note #8Proposed10' Wide WaterEasement to Cityof South BurlingtonApproximate location 20'Sewer Forcemain for theCity of South Burlington(centered along forcemain)Book 421 Page 382Setback LineExist ing Recreat iona l PathExisting Recreational PathSewer EasementWater EasementTypical Stamped Capson Set Monumentation(not to scale)5/8" X 30"rebar2" dia.aluminumcap1-3/4"City of South BurlingtonBook 758 Page 659Recorded August 21, 2006(Plat Ref. 1e)City of South BurlingtonBook 758 Page 659Book 758 Page 632Recorded August 21, 2006 (Plat Ref. 1l)ResolutionCity of South BurlingtontoHighlands Development Company, LLCBook 1390 Page 166Recorded September 8, 2017Area=0.34 acres(Map Ref. 1j)20' Wide SewerEasement City ofSouth BurlingtonSee Note 10.