HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-012 Taxiway A - Supplemental - 1200 Airport Drive (12)Version: 11/30/2020 Project Name: Discharge Point: Infiltration Practice # Practice Drainage Area For Permit Coverage Not for Permit Coverage Total to Practice 1 Total Area (acres)2.770 0.216 2.986 2 0.430 0.000 0.430 3 0.060 0.000 0.060 WQV for credit WQV not for credit Total WQV 4 WQV to practice 0.0518 0.0009 0.0527 87 5 0.3000 6 3 Response Attachment location 7 Soil Report 8*Soil Report 9 Soil Report 10 Soil Report 11 Plans 12 Soil Report 13* 0 1 Response Attachment location Redeveloped Impervious Design Volume for Infiltration (TV) Modified CN for WQ (1.0") storm Note: If the practice is designed to infiltrate the WQV, then TV = WQV. Designers may use the Practice Drainage Area Runoff Calculator (second tab) for calculation of practice-specific runoff volumes for other treatment standards. Sizing of the filter bed area/swale bottom need to consider the desired treatment volume (see treatment section). Some design requirements will change based on the size of storm the practice is designed to treat. ← Tv value to enter on the Standards Compliance Workbook for this practice Is the seasonal high groundwater table (SHGWT) separated at least three (3) feet vertically from the bottom of the practice? New Impervious (acres) Rehabilitate Taxiway A SN1 1Infiltration (4.3.3) Feasibility ( Has the infiltration rate (fc) of the underlying soil been confirmed to be at least 0.2 inches per hour by the soil testing requirements in Section Practice Type * Questions preceded by an asterix (*) may change based on previously entered values Has a groundwater mounding analysis been performed if the practice is designed to infiltrate >1 year storm and the SHGWT <4 feet? 1 Have the proper setback requirements for groundwater source protection been observed? (Section Has the practice been placed so that it will not cause intrusion problems for down-gradient structures? (Section Is the site free from subsurface contamination or prior approval obtained from the Agency? (If approval is required based on prior contamination, include Conveyance ( Yes No NoYes NoYes Infiltration Basin Infiltration Trench Infiltration Chambers Drywell(s) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Page 1 of 2 14 Hydrocad 15 Hydrocad 16 Response Attachment location 17 18 Hydrocad Calculations ≤ 2 in/hr > 2 in/hr 20*10% 21*Soil Report 2 TRUE Response Attachment location 22 Plans 23*Plans 24 (ac-ft)0.328 Enter this on the eNOI 25 TV (ac-ft)0.328 Hydrocad Calculations 0 Response Attachment location 26 19* Has an observation well been installed in every trench, drywell, or subsurface system? Treatment Volume (TV) for infiltration practices may be calculated using the equations provided as design guidance in Section OR by demonstrating infiltration of the TV using TR-20 or an approved equavalent. Soil Report What is the treatment volume provided by the STP? What is the physical storage volume up to the overflow? Pre-Treatment ( Has pretreatment been provided for non-rooftop runoff? Attachment location: Indicate the specific location (i.e. appendix, page, plan sheet) where the requisite support documentation has been provided within the application. Does the site plan specify a landscaping plan that ensures dense and vigorous vegetation over the contributing pervious drainage areas and the practice? Landscaping ( Treatment ( ↑ Enter this value on the Standards Has direct access been provided to the practice for maintenance and rehabilitation? Is the forebay separated at least three (3) feet from the SHGWT or located over impermeable soils? What type of pretreatment is being used? Is the infiltration rate (fc) greater than or less than 2 inches per hour? Is the forebay sized to hold at least 50% of the WQv? If the practice is designed to infiltrate <1 year storm and runoff is delivered by the main conveyance system, has it been designed as an off-line practice? Have the outfalls and the conveyance to the discharge point been designed/protected to avoid erosive velocities? Is the practice designed to completely dewater the treatment volume (TV) within 48 hours after the storm event? Swale Filter Strip Forebay Deep Sump Catch Basins Proprietary Yes No Yes No NoYes NoYes Yes No Yes No NoYes Yes No Yes No Page 2 of 2 Version: 4/28/2017 Project Name: Response Attachment location 1 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans 2 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans Attachment Location See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans Response Attachment location 5 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans BTV Rehabilitate Taxiway A Does the site layout retain the duff layer and native topsoil in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent practicable? 4 Feasibility (3.1) Have all areas that will not be disturbed and areas exempt from the Standard, including the reason for the exemtion, been identified on a plan sheet? Have all areas of disturbance within the site that are subject to the Post- Construction Soil Depth and Quality Standard been identified on a plan sheet? This includes all disturbed areas on slopes ≤ 33% which are not covered by an impervious surface, part of a structural stormwater treatment practice, or engineered as structural fill once development is complete. Which of the following methods are utilized to meet soil quality requirements for this site? Post-Construction Soil Depth and Quality Standard 3 Is the minimum topsoil depth specified as: 4 inches The depth of the 0 and A horizons on the NRCS Official Soil Series Description of the native mapped soils (provide documentation) Treatment (3.2) Option 1: Leave undisturbed native vegetation and soil, and protect from compaction during construction. Option 2: Amend existing site topsoil or subsoil in place. Option 3: Remove and stockpile existing topsoil during grading. Option 4: Import topsoil mix, or other materials for mixing, including compost, of sufficient organic content and depth. Yes No Yes No Yes No Page 1 of 2 6 Minimum 3% 7 N/A 8 N/A 9 N/A Response Attachment location 10 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans 11 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans 12 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans 13 N/A 14 N/A 15 See Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans Instructions that test holes shall be excavated using only a shoven driven soley by the inspector's weight and shall be at least 50 feet apart from each other? Is the organic matter content of the topsoil layer specified to be at least 4%? Attachment location: Indicate the specific location (i.e. appendix, page, plan sheet) where the requisite support documentation has been provided within the application. Includes construction details and notes on the various methods the contractor may use to meet he Standard? Instructions to establish dense an vigorous vegeative cover over turf areas? Is compost or other materials used to amend soils specified to have a C:N ratio below 25:1? Is it specified that compost shall meet the definition of "compost" or meet the contaminant standards in the Vermont Solid Waste Management Rules? If Exceptional Quality (EQ) biosolids are used as a soil amendment, do they comprise no more than 35% of the total volume of soil, and is it specifed that they be well mixed before or during application? Vegetation and Landscaping (3.3) Does the application include a site-specific plan for soil management that: Includes a statement that soil depth and quality shall be established towards the end of construction, and once established, be protected from compaction? Identifies all areas on the site subject to the standard? Includes instructions for contractor verification of the Standard, including a sampling scheme that includes nine 8-inch deep test holes per acre of area subject to the Standard? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Page 2 of 2