HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 12/14/2021Public Art Committee Approved Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021 In Attendance: Penne Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Trice Stratmann, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Michele Bailey, Ilona Blanchard (Staff), Daniel Zeese Penne called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. No changes to the agenda. No public comment. Minutes Approval: Jean motioned to approval the draft minutes for April 27th, May 4th , and November 16th from 2021. Trice seconded motion. Motion carried. Chair Report: • Penne contacted Phil Godenschwager’s to confirm the title of the clock and spelling. It does have the apostrophy. The New England Art Magazine had a piece of the work in the September 2021 edition. Dedication for the piece will be planned for the anniversay of the installation in June 2022. • The contract for Daniel Zeese as the public art gallery space curator is still ongoing. CIP Art Fund: • Current Fiscal Year - Committee reviewed the draft Call to Artist. o Committee provided feedback on the draft Call to Artists and areas that need further discussion.  Determine wether project location is defined or open.  Identify priorities for the siting of artwork such as areas with the greatest need.  Consider whether artwork could be an existing piece by artist or if require new works developed for a specific site.  Focus on outdoor installation as more opportunity for placement; locatoin focused on public park or streetscape. o The Committee discussed amount of funding to allocate; can fund a smaller project of $5,000-10,000 in one fiscal year or if larger ($20,000) would need to cross fiscal years. o Next step – Ilona and Michelle will look for more examples of processes for this scale and context of commission. Ilona will provide another draft in January. • Next Fiscal Year: Discuss request to City Council to increase Art CIP budget. o The budget ties into the call for artists and influences what and when the City can commission artwork. The following are the budgeted amounts in the draft CIP.  FY22 (current fiscal year), $5,000  FY23, $5,000  FY24, $37,000 o The Committee discussed requesting an increase in the Art budget line to enhance the comissioning of a public artwork. This request would need to go before City Council at their January 10th Public Hearing on the FY23 Budget. o Amanda motioned to request City Council increase the Public Art CIP budgeted amount to $20,000 for FY23 and authorize the Chair to submit a letter to City Council. Seconded by Trice. Motion carried. Public Art Gallery: • Current show planned to be taken down on Monday, January 10th by Curator (Daniel) and Committee member (Trice). o Proposed process is to communicate with artists on a date/time for pick-up of artwork. The Curator and identified volunteers will remove the artwork from the clip system; estimating 1.5 hours for take down process. Artists to pickup same day after a sett time with a end time of 7pm (when the library and building closes). • Review propsal for January show (Daniel Zeese, material provided) o Daniel presented the work of painter and sculptor Harlan Mack as the proposed artist for January’s gallery show. The show would focus on the artist’s paintings. Daniel would work with the artist to curate the show and create a narrative. o The January exhibit would be installed by January 20th with the goal to install it the week of the current show takedown. o Reception would be scheduled towards the closing of the show to increase the awareness of the event through marketing. o The Committee discussed options for an artist event and sharing informaiton about the show such as an Artist Talk at the reception, a recorded interview posted online and available via link (QR code) posted in the gallery. o Daniel will gather the artist narrative for the City’s newsletter and submit it to Ilona. Jean motioned to approve Harlan Mack as the next artist to be featured at the SB Art Gallery. Trice seconded. Motion carried. • For future shows, Daniel would like to release a call to artists to identify potential artists and themes for group shows. Daniel will work with Ilona to post the Call to Artists. • Need to communication with City’s Schools and teachers to determine scheduling a show of student artwork. Penne noted the South Burlington Friends of the Art Gala event and potential to utilize the student works selected as a gallery show. • Documentation of past shows should be provided on the webpage with a short blurb and sample of each person. Staff Report: Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge (Ilona) • Siting of the bridge will be on south of the overpass around clover leaf. Releasing RFQ for design. Awaiting federal contract, funding must be obligated by 2024. • Committee provided feedback as to whether the artist should be a part of the project (design) team or if artist develops a site specific standalone piece to be integrated into project. If the artist is a part of the design team the art objective could be met with landscaping or materials. • The Committee preferred to have the artist inegrated into the project team and would like to participate in the artist selection where feasible. The Committee felt this approach would lead to a stronger overall result and integration into the infrastructure. • The art budget for the project ($50,000) will go towards paying the artist for their time and participation on the team. Workplan Status Updates: • Ilona will report on the updates for our Work Plan at next meeting. • Amanda continuing work on content for website pages. Next meeting Tuesday January 18, 2022. Agenda items will include: work plan update, website content, CIP Call to Artists. Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm.