HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/20/1989CITY COUNCIL 20 MARCH 1989 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 20 March 1989, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Molly Lambert, John Dinklage, William Cimonetti Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Mary-Barbara Maher, Ann Pugh, Planning Commission; Lowell Krassner, Natural Resources Committee; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Lisa Scagliotti, Cynthia & Robert Hoehl, Geoffrey Fitz-Gerald, Victor Ratkus, Margaret O'Rourke, Ann Ratkus, James Dumont, Martha Campione, Barbara Bull, Kim & Sandra Hussels 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (Not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. 2. Continue Public Hearing on proposed amendments to City Zoning Regulations for the establishment of the Spear Street Scenic Overlook District in conformance with the Interim Zoning Regulations for the protection of the Spear Street Scenic Overlook District adopted by the City Council on April 4, 1988 Mr. Farrar asked if there was any new information to be presented. There was none. Mr. Flaherty moved to close the public hearing. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti then moved to table Item #2 until discussion had been held on Item #3. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Public Hearing on proposed amendments to the City Zoning Regulations to establish a Spear Street View Protection District which contains designated Zone A and Zone B. Mr. Flaherty moved to close the Public Hearing. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage read a prepared statement (attached). Mr. Cimonetti said he felt Spear Street has always been a residential street. The view constitute a major part of the value of the homes there. He said this ordinance will preserve Spear St. as residential and will protect the view from the Overlook Park. Mr. Flaherty agreed it was a reasonable and equitable attempt to strike a balance. Mrs. Lambert said she felt the effect of interim zoning had been accomplished in that the Council has taken a year to study the situation. Mr. Farrar noted that no solution can completely satisfy everyone. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the Zone A document as approved on 23 January 1989. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Mr. Farrar read the document. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the Zone B Section. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Mr. Farrar read the document and asked if the Council wished to make any amendments. He noted if amendments are made, the document would have to go back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Weith noted the Commission recommended that in Sect. 19.472 the 200 feet be changed to 50 feet. They also felt wording should be added that this zone could not extend any further north or south of the structure. Mr. Farrar said if the motion were not passed now, it could not become a ballot item in May. He added that it could be passed now and later amended by the same process. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar said he felt the voters were best served when the Council studies a matter and makes the best decision it can. He felt voters were not best served when they have to make a decision. He suggested the Interim Zoning Document be left on the table in the event there is a public referendum to upset the decision made by the Council. Mr. Dinklage felt this was sound strategy. Mr. Dumont said the effect of Mr. Cimonetti's motion was that a petition of 5% of the voters could not now make interim zoning permanent. Mr. Farrar said it was his understanding that one year from the date of the original petition a vote on the Interim Zoning proposal could be requested. He felt this gave "Save the View" the chance to make their case to the electorate. Mr. Dinklage said a unanimous opinion of the Council favored a compromise. Since there is so much public issue over this zoning, the Council would like to put their position first before the voters and see if this compromise position is sustained. If it is not, then the Council has to deal with the issue brought to them by petition at which time any problems with Interim Zoning could be dealt with. Mr. Dumont said this is not at all a compromise. He felt the Council was putting the burden on the citizens to do what he felt the Council was elected to do. Mrs. Lambert said it was a compromise in the eyes of the Council. If the voters sustain "Save the View's" point of view, there will be an opportunity to amend Interim Zoning. Mr. Cimonetti also felt it was a compromise and that it was important that the Council be judged on decisions they make. 4. Consider setting dates and issue a notice for public hearing on proposed amendments to the City Charter Mr. Farrar said there are several proposed amendments which are now with the City Charter Committee for consideration. After brief discussion, Mrs. Lambert moved to hold hearings for proposed amendments to the City Charter and to allow the Chairman to be authorized to sign the Warning for the Hearings. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. April 10 and May 1 were suggested as suitable dates for the hearings. 5. Planning & Zoning Agendas Mr. Dinklage noted a Zoning Board item on 27 March for an appeal by Wesco for a convenience store at the gas station on Williston Rd/Kennedy Drive. Mr. Dinklage moved to send the following statement to the Zoning Board: "In light of the concerns previously expressed by the City Council about expansion and uses at this non-conforming structure, the City Council recommends that any convenience store or minimart activity approved by the Zoning Board be limited in scale so that it is in the same proportion to the lot size as is the similar activity in the service station diagonally opposite in that intersection, and that traffic be a major consideration in any decision made. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review Minutes of 27 February, 6 March, and 13 March Mr. Dinklage moved the Minutes of 27 February, 6 and 13 March be approved as written. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Other Business Mr. Dinklage asked the City Planner for advice on protecting the view from the ridge on Spear St. He wanted to proceed toward a public hearing on 17 April. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like to see a planning exercise to consider views from the area including adding to the city's grid of streets including east-west traffic between Spear and Dorset Sts. and also a north-south roadway. He felt the Council should get control over the area while a planning study is being done and that such a study ought to at least include east of Spear St., north at least as far as the area across from the Ratkus lot #1. He felt there is a potential for a ridgeway roadline that could go north-south. Mr. Farrar said he felt there is a better chance to come up with a better solution than there was across the street. Mr. Dinklage moved to warn a public hearing on 17 April for proposed Interim Zoning concerning the area east of Spear Street, north of the Unsworth property and north to Swift Street and easterly to Dorset Street. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented catering permit requests from Halvorson's, Inc. to cater the Lake Champlain Yacht Club party at 9 Scotsdale Rd, 1 April, from 6:30-10 pm; and from Beem, Inc, to cater an anniversary party at K of C Hall, 1 April, from 5 pm to Midnight. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the 2 catering permits presented by the City Manager. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. ;%.ikc?:'. Raui~iq I:istanecl to ti-,+ inar;y liiju;-!;j t.p2-jtirr,nnc., ;sn.:j after i~avins '?!:.ad c~?n.;i.d!;!r.c~.\;l.e :.r:fn.rr;.gtj.~n prg~i~!~d !,!,I a:! ..p;:lrtiei; ir1vo1verl~ 1:. , ~.. . A, A - I I(.> CIIJC.:.'..~F ,=,L. in in 7i9 ngirid .i:ha:: rh;? I:~.~LI ha~j tile ac!thnrii!~ it; enact i:l-le tijpc. r.,F ;:nning wnvj.:;j,;:,i;ed iby kk~e i 71 ~E?I* s. 174 zun i ng.3 ric~!~~ i ri T. ,::;'fr.ct. -- :[ believe .tt--i'- ,A . i-L .. ,te :in-t~?n~I: of the interim zorie :i,-; .oi;;ii!:t~r.;t witl-~ -I:p,e res-tri.ci:i~,ris i.n~!nl c!.pa:i Cjovernmeriji i.5 a1 :owed ko ;,],ace cr; Qri~a?e ~ralwi-t!j .to =d.~an!:e :i.e:?ii:i.i.nale con.~rnuni.t!,; i,ni:err?sti?. :.iuu1evc.ry E~LIC~ :%~itl-~oi-:tg i!;, ii?:\.,(3i^ qrant:etl in an ab$;olu!:e :?en5e and must be ternpel-ed i.72 the r:.;:,eci[::ic cji-cl.~n\rs.tances sf ;:?acl::; i:ac,e. 'r:;e hi%<:ii-orical ciri:ulr,~si:.:~,ni::e:~ i.n .this -,case we -li n . .. ... i gn 7. 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