HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/13/1989CITY COUNCIL 13 MARCH 1989 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 13 March 1989, at 8:00 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage, Molly Lambert, William Cimonetti Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Steve Stitzel, City Attorney; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Free Press; Judy Rivers, John Larkin, Pat Brennan Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Brief Report by Councilman Bill Cimonetti on a recent meeting with University of Vermont officials Mr. Cimonetti said that UVM is evaluating all of its agricultural lands including those in S. Burlington. There is no immediate plan to diminish land use in S. Burlington but there is a long range plan to shift some of the uses to UVM land in Shelburne. A list of UVM property in the City and its present use was provided. Mr. Cimonetti said the City would like to participate in all planning while it is in the planning stage, but has heard nothing on that as yet. Mr. Lavigne of UVM will attend the Planning Commission meeting on 4 April. Mr. Cimonetti will also try to attend. Mr. Cimonetti told Mr. Lavigne the city would like to see planning in 2 areas: tax exempt property and private enterprise taxable property. He would like to see the city delineate appropriate and non-appropriate uses of specific UVM properties. Land might be rezoned before it comes back onto the tax roles. Mr. Cimonetti noted UVM was interested in Butler Farms land because of projects that could not be done in present facilities, but the Shelburne land may be used for this. There are no present plans for UVM to diminish the Ag School. Mr. Farrar noted that depending on how land is zoned, it becomes more or less valuable to UVM. He also noted the relationship between UVM and the State might change. He felt zoning changes were a good idea. Mr. Cimonetti said that in the background is always the "payment in lieu of taxes" questions which have not yet been discussed. Appoint Delegate to Special VLCT meeting 3/20/89 to consider amending the 1989 VLCT Municipal Policy dealing with solid waste Mr. Dinklage moved to appoint Sonny Audette as delegate to the 20 March 1989 meeting of VLCT. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review draft of City 1989-90 city capital improvement programs Members considered the 10-year capital budget. Mr. Szymanski noted the addition of a water storage facility in the Southeast Quadrant. The Water District is working on this with other communities. It would be funded by user fees. Mr. Farrar noted the over-funding of roads and suggested removing the $450,000 Highway Item (#9). After discussion, members agreed to combine the 2 highway items into one $600,000 item. Mr. Dinklage put in a plea for work to be done on Kennedy Drive soon. Mr. Farrar said that would depend on how high members wanted the tax rate to go. Mr. Cimonetti recommended some patching to the point of stabilization. Ms. Lambert noted that Mr. Audette had said patching was not recommended. Mr. Dinklage felt some other priorities would have to be changed so work could be done on Kennedy Dr. Mr. Cimonetti proposed a study to lay out a plan for that road. Mr. Farrar felt if Kennedy Drive has to be done, Item 11 will have to be moved forward. Mr. Farrar noted that starting this year there will have to be a capital budget under the Planning & Development Act. It will have to show projects that only a portion of city funds are expended for (e.g. Patchen Rd, where most of the money is from the State). Discussion also arose on acquisition of land for parks. Mr. Dinklage felt the money should be ready when the land becomes available because the city may have only a limited time in which to get it. Additions to City operating budget: Mr. Farrar felt the Fire Dept. personnel numbers are not high enough as overtime is not figured it. Mrs. Lambert felt it would be helpful to add to the sheet amounts in the operating budget for the various items. Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the 10-year capital budget as amended. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Other Business Mr. Larkin delivered a petition from business owners on Shelburne Road asking that the new Fire Station be manned. Executive Session Mr. Dinklage moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss: a) opinion of the City Attorney regarding the location of real property for city park purposes; b) litigation involving Dorset Street reconstruction; and c) litigation involving the Act 250 application of Maple Tree Place, and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session at 11:15 PM and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. The University of Vermont ASSISTANT VICE PRESIMNT FOR AOMINISTPATNE AN0 FPClLtTlES SEAVKXS im sourn PWCT STREET WRLINOTON. VERMONT 05405a016 (803 65&3208 February 28. 1989 / .+-%\ ,,! - Mr. William J. Cimonecti 1393 Spear Street L-4.. So. Burlington. VT 05403 - .~. . -.--.I-~ Dear Mr. Cimonetti: Enclosed please find, as earlier promised. a brief description and map outlining University of Vermont property located in South Burlington. A vast majority of this property is utilized by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the School of Natural Resources. 4s such it is currently being evaluated as part of the University's examination and analysis of the future real estate nee& of the College of Agriculture. This is an ongoing study, and one of great importance and significance to the University, and I will share with you interim reports on our progress. It has become very apparent to mt that the University needs to develop a much closer working relationship with the City of South Burlington concerning its plans for the future. For vhatever reasons, that relationship has noc developed in the past. Your appointment as the City liaison with the University is a clear indication South Burlington feels the same way. I would suggest the University submit a quarterly report to the City of South Burlington on developments both on and off campus, concentrating on issues involving or concerning the City. In addition. I would propose, along the same timetable, a discussion of areas of mutual concern and perhaps even regional issues take place. I am not sure of the best forum for that discussion and would leave chat to your judpenc. In addition. more frequent meetings between yourself and University officials should go a long way toward improving the comunication between "neighbors: The University will be attending the South Burlington Planning Cornmission meeting on April 4 to discuss the Campus Master Plan and specifically the Cutterson Hockey Arena project. This has been arranged thanks to Joe Ueith, City Planner. I hope you might attend that meeting and; if you would like, I vould be happy to preview that presentation with you prior to the meeting. UVM & SAC Property City of South Burlington February 28, 1989 6 - Deslauriers 1963 and 1980 Tract is 33 acres. Primarily open land located on the easterly side Or Spear Street, some of which is used for research. 7 - East Woods Natural Area - 48 acres. This wooded land is located on the northerly side of Swift Street and has been designated a natural area by the Board of Trustees. 8 - Edlund 1968 Tract - 33 acres. Wooded land located on the southerly side oE Spear Street. It is used by the School of Natural Resources for instruction and research. 9 - Whittlesey 1987 Tract - 18 acres. I Open land located on the easterly side Spear Street. It @ I is currently used for crop land. 10 - Wheelock 1978 Tract - 100 acres. Primarily open land, with several buildings, located on both sides of Spear Street and southerly of Swift Street. It is used for agriculture. The City of South Burlington has a license to use a portion of the property for its pedestrian trail system. 11 - Horticultural Farm Tract - 93 acres. Open and wooded land located off Green Mountain Drive, this property is used for horticultural research. 12 - H. Laurence Achilles ~atu;al Area - 3 acres. Primarily open and marshlands located westerly of Route 116 and adjoining Muddy rook, this parcel is a portion of the 625 acres H. Laurence Achilles Natural Area surrounding Shelburne Pond. The University of Vermont I\SSISTANl VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINIS~TIVE AND F*ULITIES SERYlCES 109 SOUTH PROSPECT STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT o5Ul5-0alB (W2) 656.3- February 28. 1989 1393 Spear Street '-1- So. Burlington. VT 05403 __._.. -. __ Dear Mr. Cimonetti: Enclosed please find, as earlier promised, a brief description and map outlining University of Vermont property located in South Burlington. A vast majority of this property is utilized by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the School of Natural Resources. As such it is CU~~~RC~Y bei~g evaluated as part of the University's examination and analysis of the future real estate needs of the College of Agriculture. This is an ongoing study. and one of great importance and significance to the University, and 1 will share with you interim reports on our progress. It has become very apparent to mt that the University needs to develop a much closer working relationship with the City of South Burlington concerning its plans for the future. For whatever reasons. that relationship has not developed in the past. Your appointment as the City liaison with the University is a clear indication South Burlington feels the same way. I would suggest the University submit a quarterly report to the City of South Burlington on developments both on and off campus, concentrating on issues involving or concerning the City. In addition, I would propose. along the same timetable, a discussion of areas of mutual concern and perhaps even regional issues take place. I am not sure of the best forum for that discussion and would leave that to your judgment. In addition. more frequent meetings between yourself and University officials should go a long way toward improving the communication between "neighbors." The University will be attending the South Burlington Planning Commission meeting on April & to discuss the Campus Uaster Plan and specifically the Cutterson Hockey Arena project. This has been arranged thanks to Joe Weith, City Planner. I hope you might attend that meeting and; if you would like, I would be happy to preview that presentation with you Prior to the meeting. Mr. William J. Cimonetti February 28. 1989 Page 2 In the meantime, if you have any questions about the enclosed information, please feel free to call me. I will await your suggestions as to how we might better improve our communications and mutual planning. R Llbs" ybur V. Lav ne ~ssistant Vice "President RVL/dv Enclosure cc: Lattie F. Coor cimonect The University of Vermont LAND RECORDS OFFICE WATERMAN 0UILDING.RM 339 ' BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05405-0160 I I University of Vermont & State ~qricultural College i Property ~ocated in City of South Burlington Chittenden County Vermont The University property located in the City of South Burlington has been plotted on a street map prepared by the South Burlington Planning Commission and revised by the University of Vermont Land Records office. The uses of the numbered parcels are as follows: 1 - Centennial Woods and Baxter Tracts - 87 acres. I This parcel contains a portion of the Centennial Woods Natural Area that is located in the City of South Burlington, former fields and open land, and drainage areas. At the northeasterly corner of the property on Patchen Road, the University leases a 5 acre parcel to the City of South Burlington for a recreation area. 2 - Main Campus - Located in Burlington. Encompasses Centennial Field, woodland, former fields, open lands, i I and drainage areas. i 3 - Main Campus - 15 acres. ! , , A small portion of the ~niversity's Main Campus located south of Main Street in the vicinity of the "Jug Handle" interchange and 200' westerly of and parallel to Spear Street is located in South Burlington. The property is primarily used for playing fields and parking lots to support the physical education complex and residence halls located in Burlington. 4 - Hoag 1944 Tract - 66 acres. Open land with several buildings located on the easterly side of Spear street. Thk tract contains the Miller Agricultural Research Complex, supporting crop lands, and open land not used for cultivation. 5 - Hoag Tract 1944 and Edlund Tracts - 61 acres. Open land and several buildings located on the westerly side of Spear Street. All buildings for the Bio Research Complex are located in the City of Burlington however they are accessed from Spear Street. The University leases 12 acres to the Federal Government which operates the Aiken Maple Research Laboratory. The balance of the property is open land. UVM & SAC Property City of South Burlington February 28, 1989 6 - Deslauriers 1963 and 1980 Tract is 33 acres. Primarily open land located on the easterly side of Spear Street, some of which is used for research. 7 - East Woods Natural Area - 48 acres. This wooded land is located on the northerly side of Swift Street and has been designated a natural area by the Board of Trustees. 8 - Edlund 1968 Tract - 33 acres. Wooded land located on the southerly side of Spear Street. It is used by the School of Natural Resources for instruction and research. 9 - Whittlesey 1987 Tract - 18 acres. Open land located on the easterly side Spear Street. It is currently used for crop land. 10 - Wheelock 1978 Tract - 100 acres. Primarily open land, with several buildings, located on both sides of Spear Street and southerly of Swift Street. It is used for agriculture. The City of South Burlington has a license to use a portion of the property for its pedestrian trail system. 11 - Horticultural Farm Tract - 93 acres. Open and wooded land located off Green Mountain Drive, this property is used for horticultural research. 12 - H. Laurence Achilles ~atu2al Area - 3 acres. Primarily open and marshlands located westerly of Route 116 and adjoining Muddy Brook, this parcel is a portion of the 625 acres H. Laurence Achilles Natural Area surrounding Shelburne Pond. lroll-soburl. March 11, 1989 TO: SOUTH RURLINGTON CITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT: HOLMES ROAD FIR2 STATION PETITION We, the followinp business concerns petition the Council to rive very serious consid.eration to manning the above referred. to Fire Station on a permanent basis. We feel that not only the residents in this area are entitled to such ~rotection at this time but also the many business concerns in this area. We d.0 not feel that this should. be delayed until the spring of 1990 but should, be put in effect as soon as possible. This year amears an Ideal time to d.o this as sour Grand. List is far creater than you had. planned. on and with good. planning would. not require any add.itiona1 taxes.. This we sugvest is the moper method. to finance such a project. Thank You for YOUP Consideration. At a recent City Council meeting, n~e~ilbers of Fire District #4, encompassing Swift Street to Allen Road. petitioned to have the South Burl ington Holntes Road Fire Station fully manned. Currently, it is staffed only by volunteers on call-- albeit we are fortunate to have this quality dedication. The business cormunity contributes a n~ajor portion of the substantial tax dollars that South Burlington receives. Nearly 756 of each tax dollar is pumped into the educational system, which is a great asset to the Town, but has little direct bearing on'the day to day operations of a business. Yes, every business requires Police protection, good roads, and appreciates the quality recreation our City affords. However, in the event of a fire, your entire livelihood and that of your employees is on the line. No other,single source of City sponsored assistance has such a dramatic impact on your business. As a result of the January presentation to the Council, the amount of $15.000. was suggested to be used in the late part of the next fiscal year to help support the beginning of the full time staffing of the Hol~nes Road Sub-station. That is-a dangerously late and paltry sum. Another suggestion was to have a study done by the new City Manager-- a complete stranger to our history and needs. Can you wait for a study by another conmi ttee? Respectfully, P.S. Please call at least one member of the Council and express your opinion! am CITY COUNCIL PZEMOERS AND PHONE NUMBERS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Paul A. Farrar, Chairman telephone: work 769-8962 home 658-4549 Michael Flaherty telephone : home 864-5251 Molly Lan~bert telephone: work A.M. only 863-1175 tio~ne 864-4128 John Dinklage telephone: work 769-7519 home 658-2172 William Cimonetti telephone : honle 863-4905