HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/05/1989CITY COUNCIL 5 JUNE 1989 The South Burlington city Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 5 June 1989, at 7:30 p.m, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, James Condos, Also Present Charles Hafter, City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Peter Jacob, William Craig, Ann Pugh, Planning Commission; James Thibault, Fred Blais, Zoning Board; Peter Rowan, Sue Pritchard, Marcel Beaudin, Robert Cooper, Greg Dicovitsky, Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Jen Fu, Liz Robitaille, Dennis Snyder Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Public Hearing: Proposed Amendments to Article IVII & Table III of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations to establish a City Center Traffic Overlay (Zone 6) Mr. Farrar noted these amendments allocate traffic by the amount of area a particular development might use. Mr. Flaherty moved to waive reading of the amendments. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the proposed amendment to Article XVII and Table III of the Zoning Regulations to establish a City Center Traffic Overlay (Zone 6). Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dicovitsky said he thought this was a good idea in that it doesn't create a "first come first served" basis. But he felt the study on which the figures are based may be outdated and thought the city might want to have it updated. Application of Jen Fu & Lucia Chiu of 65 East Terrace for authorization to construct a 15x6x22 ft. addition and convert an existing garage into living area at 1560 Spear St. within interim zoning area. Peter Jacob, representing the owners, said the property is on the east side of Spear St. The lot has been purchased and the owner wants to add a garage with a bedroom above it. Mr. Jacob reviewed the criteria as follows: a) the property is on city water and sewer; b) it conforms with existing patterns of development in the area; c) there are no environmental limitations on the lot and no significant natural resources being competed with; d) there are no view corridors; e) there is no conflict with existing by-laws and ordinances. Mr. Jacob noted the height will be the same as that of the existing structure. Setbacks are all met. Mr. Farrar said the Council will need the actual height of the proposed structure and Mr. Jacob will provide this. Mr. Flaherty moved to close the hearing with the understanding that the applicant will provide requested information. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Renewed discussion of proposed amendments to establish Spear Street View Protection District on the west side of Spear Street Mr. Flaherty moved to remove the item from table for discussion. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar explained that this is the original petition to make interim zoning permanent. Since the language has been substantially altered, a public hearing will have to be warned no less than 15 days from today. He stressed that the intent of the amendment is not to change dramatically what the citizens voted on. Mr. Flaherty moved to substitute lawyer's Exhibit C for the language of the Interim Zoning proposed amendment. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to set the public hearing on 26 June, 7 PM prior to the joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of possible easement to provide access to Central Elementary School via Corporate Way Mr. Farrar said there have been long discussion trying to do this. He outlined the terms of the agreement (attached). School Board members reviewed the maps. Mr. Farrar noted this is a 10 year agreement. Mr. Flaherty moved to empower the Chairman to sign the agreement when it is retyped. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Liz Robitaille thanked the Council on behalf of the PTO. Interview Incumbent Candidates for Boards and Commissions Mr. Craig said he had enjoyed his time on the Planning Commission and thought they've done a good job of getting through the work. There have been encouraging improvements in procedures, improved stipulations, etc. He saw a lot to be done yet, particularly with regard to the traffic model and planning issue (Comprehensive Plan). He also wanted to deal with administrative issues. Mr. Flaherty asked if Mr. Craig had any philosophy on the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Craig said he didn't want to see Hinesburg Rd. go into strip development. He said there will be radical changes in the next few years and some anguish. He is against leapfrog development and would definitely favor a TDR policy. Mr. Condos asked how. Mr. Craig felt about proceeding with the City Center. Mr. Craig said the first thing is to get a handle on traffic capability. Ms. Pugh said her goals included strengthening the Commission team. She saw the Comprehensive Plan and citizen participation in it as a significant issue, also affordable housing, scenic vistas, and recreation areas in the Southeast Quadrant. She looked forward to the completion of an official City Map. She felt there should be more linkages with the Council, Zoning, and Natural Resources. She also looked forward to better lighting and a better bulletin board. Mr. Flaherty asked how the city can help in affordable housing. Ms. Pugh said an expert has been asked to sit in on the Southeast Quadrant Committee. She felt the city's needs had to be assessed. She particularly felt it was unfortunate that people who work in the city and for the city can't afford to live there. She felt the plans and accomplishments of other cities should be looked at such as reserving a percentage of housing units in all developments for affordable housing. With regard to the City Center, she felt it was important for the city to have a "heart." She also agreed that traffic has to be reassessed. Dan King of the Zoning Board said he was concerned about a good mix of residential and commercial and that the Board has to abide by the 5 criteria. He also felt there had to be some logic and common sense. He would like to work more closely with the Planning Commission, especially on the Southeast Quadrant question. Mr. Blais felt the Zoning Board is doing a good job, He liked the idea of removing obstacles in Queen City Park which he felt would never conform by present zoning. He noted that dimensional issues in that part of town take up a lot of time on the Board. Mr. Condos said he felt it was good that appellants are being informed on what they have to prove to the Zoning Board. He asked if there are other ways City Hall can help speed up and make the Board's work easier. Mr. Blais said he didn't think so. He felt the time was coming soon when looking at the by-laws and making Charter or Legislative changes would be in order, particularly with regard to dimensional questions such as setbacks, garages, etc. Meet with residents of east Woods area: update on traffic problems Mr. Hafter said stop signs are up as are "no thru traffic" signs. Mr. Rowan said the situation has not improved and there is still high volume and high speed of traffic in the area. He felt it will get worse with continued development in the City. Mr. Flaherty asked if stop signs are being obeyed. Mr. Rowan said to different degrees. Mr. Flaherty noted another traffic count is planned this month. Mr. Rowan suggested also taking counts when Rice is back in session. Ms. Pritchard noted East Woods is one of the last affordable housing neighborhoods and asked what the Council can do to protect them. Mr. Rowan suggested making a section of Farrell Rd. from Hadley Rd. to Joy Dr. one way toward Swift St. Mr. Audette noted this might cause an increase in speeds Traffic count figures were requested by the residents. These will be provided. Set 1989-90 City-School Tax Rate (City .704 + School 1.883 = 2.587 Mr. Condos moved to set the 1989-90 City-School Tax Rate at City .704, School 1.883, for a total of 2.587. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review and accept list of Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the list of tax penalties and interest waivers. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion of Design of Overlook Park on Spear Street Mr. Beaudin said he and Mr. Szymanski will place stakes there to help anyone understand how high the park will appear from the street. Mr. Farrar said it is a question of whether the fill will block the view from the road. Mr. Beaudin said any view driving north will be obstructed. It is a philosophical question of whether the view from the road or the park is important. Mr. Farrar suggested 5 ft. less fill but moving the fill toward the Jamieson house. Mr. Condos said you would still have the heights of parked cars to see over. Mr. Cooper encouraged the Council to consider the view from the park and not the road. Consideration of Revised Interim Zoning Bylaws Mr. Condos moved to waive the reading. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to approved the Revised Interim Zoning By-Laws. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider Club New England's entertainment permit Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Club New England representative said they would like a regular club night from 9 p.m to 2 a.m plus the country bands from 5 p.m to 9:30 p.m on Sunday nights. Entertainment would all be inside and he felt the country bands would make less noise than the rock bands. He noted there have been no noise complaints for at least a year. He did not feel traffic would be a problem on Sunday nights as they usually have only 25 cars for the regular rock & roll bands. Mr. Condos suggested just having the country night from 8 p.m to 2 a.m. The Club New England rep said they want to keep their regular clientele and they are still making a profit on the night. Mr. Flaherty suggested a 3-month approval as a trial period. Mr. Condos moved to approve the request of Club New England to operate a country entertainment from 5 p.m to 9:30 p.m on Sunday nights for a period of 3 months at which time the Board will review the decision. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn as Liquor Control Board and reconvene as City Council. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept Lime Kiln Bridge Report Mr. Audette said they will try to get the project into the State plan. They have to come up with a design plan that both communities agree on. He noted that a 50-year old bridge is an historical site and that will have to be considered. Regional Planning is doing a study on the Airport Parkway/Shamrock Rd. intersection. This should give a better idea of traffic figures. There must be agreement on which proposed alignment should be used. Mr. Farrar said the City should schedule a meeting with Colchester to get that answer. Mr. Condos moved to accept and sign the report. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appointment of Constables Mr. Hafter will find out which of the incumbents want to be reappointed. Consider appointment of Assistant Zoning Administrator Mr. Flaherty moved that Charles Hafter be appointed Assistant Zoning Administrator. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Information Items Mr. Flaherty asked the status of Dorset St. Mr. Farrar said there may be underground work late this fall and the project may be done by the end of next year. Nothing can be done while necessity hearings are unsettled. The hearings are closed but the Judge's ruling is not yet issued. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Minutes of 15 May, Regular Meeting, 5/22/89 Organizational, 5/22, Special. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the Minutes of 15 May, Regular, Organizational and the special meeting of 22 May as written. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Bond Application Mr. Condos moved to sign the Bond Application for $1,000,000. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and meet in Executive Session to discuss the City Hall Employment Contract. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session, and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.