HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-21-19 - Supplemental - 0600 Spear Street (14)478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture March 18, 2022 Marla Keene, Development Review Coordinator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset St. South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Proposed Development at 600 Spear Street, South Burlington DRB Prevised Preliminary Plat Review Dear Ms. Keene: Trudell Consulting Engineers hereby submits the enclosed revised plans on behalf of 600 Spear FJT, LLC and 600 Spear EBT, LLC (together, the "Applicant") for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on land located at 600 Spear Street in South Burlington. This letter addresses the issues prescribed in Appendix E Submission Requirements of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations that includes: (a) a narrative description of the project; (b) demonstration of compliance with applicable review standards; (c) a list of submission elements; and (d) changes from previous submittals. This project required and received approval from the City Council to pursue Development Review Board (DRB) review, as it located in an area currently under Interim Zoning Bylaws initiated in November of 2018 that have been extended as of November 2, 2020. The City Council approved the application (#IZ-20-02) on December 10, 2020. The Development Review Board heard this application at their July 20, 2021 meeting at which time they requested additional information. A revised site layout was submitted to the City in November 2021 to, in part, address staff and DRB comments, which was reviewed on December 7, 2021 and was generally favorable toward the concept, pending further design for a Preliminary Plat review. This current submission of plans provides additional engineering detail at a Preliminary Plat level for review and consideration by the DRB. Similar to the prior layout, the project proposes to retain the existing structures and construct thirty-two (32) new dwelling units in eight (8) 4-plex buildings located to the east of the existing commercial building. The proposed new city street remains located within a 50’ right-of-way (ROW) with street trees, sidewalks, on-street parallel parking and curbs on the north-south leg. The proposed plans show possible future public/private access to the UVM parcels located to the north and south, which connections have been discussed with the university. The new city streets will be built to meet City of South Burlington requirements and regulations. 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 2 of 7 A. Project Narrative and Description Existing buildings include a large single-family home (located on Spear St.) and business space located in a ±7,000 square feet steel building behind and east of the existing house. The house contains two dwelling units and the steel commercial building is currently being used for general storage. The land behind the commercial building is mostly vacant, except for a small outbuilding and some remaining materials stored from the previous owner. The eastern portion of the parcel is an open field. The proposed new city street would be located within a 50’ right-of-way (ROW) with parallel parking, street trees, sidewalks and curbs on the north-south leg. The proposed plans show possible future public/private access to the UVM parcels located to the north and south, which connections have been discussed at a conceptual level with the university. The new city streets will be built to meet City of South Burlington requirements and regulations. The parcel is in the R4 district (4 du/acre) and allows for a total of 34.64 dwelling units on the property. The PUD parcel will be bisected by the new city street, with the existing house and commercial building to the west of the road and the new residences on the east side of the road. The PUD is proposed as a continuous parcel and no lot subdivision is proposed. It is anticipated that fill may be imported to the site and quantities will be finalized for final plat submission. The design concept consists of four-unit buildings connected by an open-air breezeway with stairs to the second-floor apartments. This design allows each living space to have direct access to the outside through separate entrances in the first-floor apartments and via the covered stairway for the second-floor units. The entry layout eliminates the need for any interior hallways which can often present problematic maintenance and management problems. Most occupants in buildings of this size prefer the ability to come and go directly to the outside of the building without having to transit through common spaces. The other distinct advantage to the design is that it allows us to easily incorporate fully accessible ADA compliant units. Older residents who would prefer the comfort and convenience of a ground-floor flat style apartment will be able to be accommodated in the project configured with sixteen (16) ground floor units. All of the apartments will have covered porches (second floor) or patios (first floor) providing access to fresh air, and, for the first-floor units, direct access to the backyard areas around the buildings. The layout of the project creates semi-private yard areas behind the buildings where residents can enjoy greenspace areas with their immediate neighbors. Second floor units can access the rear yards from the breezeways. In the center of the development is a common open space area where neighbors can meet and interact. This space is separated from the neighboring residences by sidewalk and plantings. The common space is kept simple and open that allow for a variety of different uses, while the pergola serves as an anchor to the green and a meeting space. Several benches are placed around the open space and there is a connection to a walking path that goes around the proposed solar field. All utilities serving the development will be underground. Wastewater will be disposed of using the City of South Burlington municipal system. A proposed sewer collection network, municipal pump station and 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 3 of 7 forcemain will convey waste to the east via directional drilling beneath I-89 to an existing municipal sewer main under Oakwood Drive. Municipal water is available on Spear Street and is proposed to be brought into the project along with two new fire hydrants. Stormwater management treatment is provided through a series of bioretention areas that will be well planted. Given the proximity of the site to UVM and the hospital, it is expected that many residents will either walk or bike to work. A total of 75 parking spaces have been provided to accommodate residents and visitors, while limiting any extra or unnecessary impervious surface on the site. Multimodal transportation methods like walking and biking will be encouraged and it is anticipated residents and visitors will utilize the bike path, which can be accessed through the proposed connection. Street trees are proposed on the city streets to create a unified streetscape environment. Another notable aspect of the project is the rehabilitation of the existing commercial building that includes an updated exterior, lighting, landscaping, and paved parking. In addition to other uses allowed by the City, the building will provide storage lockers for residents and, also, a heated bike/gear shop that will allow residents to repair and maintain bikes and sports equipment. Bike parking will be provided undercover in the breezeway areas in each building. B. Demonstration of Compliance The proposed PUD meets the requirements and goals set forward in the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project is in communication with the adjacent landowner to the north and south, UVM, to coordinate the connection between parcels for future development or connectivity. The proposed streets will be built to City standards as required by the DPW. Access to the site uses an existing curb cut entrance, with no request for additional or new entrances to the site. The project is consistent with the draft PUD typology that clusters development into a development envelope, while preserving areas of undeveloped land. The layout is organized so that the residences have a unified street-front feel, with street trees, sidewalks, and access to outdoor open space. The project open space area is centrally located within the development and will further the sense of community in the neighborhood and serve as a gathering place for residents and visitors, offering a nearby and accessible green space. 1.Water The design flow for the project is 4,980 gallons per day (GPD) for thirty-two (32) one-bedroom apartments, one (1) five-bedroom apartment and a 5,000 SF warehouse with fifteen (15) employees. The flow rate was established using the 2019 Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1 Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules. Although the water design flow value in the Chapter 22 Water Supply Rule differs from the Chapter 1 values, a request has been made to the State of Vermont to use the same flow values for water and sewer. Allocation has been sought for water and sewer design flows as indicated herein and approval is currently pending. 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 4 of 7 A new 8” Blue Brute PVC pressure water pipe will be tapped into the existing water main on Spear Street and brought into the project. The 8” water main shall conform with AWWA C900, ANSI/NSF 61 meeting pressure Class 305. There is one existing fire hydrant at the entrance of the project at Spear Street and one new fire hydrant are proposed to serve the project. One hydrant is located at the north of the project near Building 4 at the end of the water extension, anotheris on the southern side of the project site near Building 5, and a third at the bend in the New City Street 2.Sewer One sewer conveyance pipe will carry wastewater from each 4-plex building to the sewer collection system in the street. Sewer services for each 4-plex will be 4” SDR 35 and each service will connect to a sewer manhole. Sewer mains will be either 6” or 8” SDR 35 and will gravity convey wastewater to the municipal pump station located at the northwestern portion of the development. The new pump station will be duplex, containing two explosion proof submersible vortex impeller sewage pumps capable of exceeding the peak inflow rate by at least four times the minimum requirement. A valve pit is proposed adjacent to the pump station where check valves and gate valves will be located. A new control panel that meets City standards is proposed near the pump station. The pump station is located adjacent to the road for ease of maintenance. The pumps will be installed on stainless steel guide rails. Electrical connections will be made outside of the wet well to minimize the need for confined space entries. Class 1 D1 compliance will be met. 3.Stormwater The proposed means of stormwater treatment will be via bioretention basins. A Stormwater Design Narrative is attached. 4.Wetlands As requested in the Preliminary Plat application, additional information about wetland impact is provided below, as well as the relevant question from the Preliminary Plat application. Preliminary Plat Application: 9. Wetland Information (c.) 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) While not mapped on the Vermont State Wetland Inventory or City of South Burlington Wetland Map, palustrine emergent wetlands have been delineated on the property and boundaries were confirmed by the State Wetlands Program. A small Class III wetland exists near the center of the property east of the existing garage and is dominated by the invasive common reed (phragmites australis). This wetland, which is isolated and only 0.03 ac is likely the result of prior site disturbance. A second Class III wetland, 0.06 ac, exists along the northern property boundary within a wider portion of a farm ditch running east to west. Non-wetland portions of the ditch 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 5 of 7 exhibited dry, non-hydric soils and were lacking wetland vegetation. Additionally, two Class II wetlands were identified in the northwest and southeast corners of the property, both extending off-site. These wetlands were identified as Class II wetlands due to their off-site size and vegetative composition. The project proposes fill in the Class III wetlands, however, no impact to the Class II wetlands or wetland buffers is proposed. As Class III wetlands, the two areas proposed for impact do not provide significant flood or stormwater storage, surface or groundwater protection or erosion control on the property. Both areas proposed to be impacted have been previously disturbed as the 0.03 ac wetland is within existing fill and the 0.06 ac wetland is within a man-made farm ditch, and either are dominated by or contain invasive species. As Class III wetlands are non- jurisdictional at the state level, no state wetland impact permit will be required for this project. 5.Landscape The proposed landscape plan creates a sense of place for the new PUD, utilizing street trees, residential plantings, and stormwater treatment areas around the site that will treat runoff. The landscaping has been designed to reinforce the neighborhood feel of the new development and includes a strong street tree presence. A mix of tree species has been specified to promote diversity and resilience. The tree species have also been selected to focus on primarily native, hardy species that promote a mix of spring flowers and fall color display. The planting and landscape materials include classic Vermont plants like sugar maples, birches, serviceberry, rhododendron, serviceberry and hydrangea to elicit and relate to the historic agricultural land use of the area, including the UVM agricultural parcels to the north and south. Individual tree and shrub plantings also contribute to promoting water quality and treatment in accordance with the State’s Stormwater Rules. Stormwater treatment basins are located strategically around the development to catch and treat stormwater runoff in a localized system. These areas will be planted with rain garden compatible plants suitable for stormwater treatment areas. 6.Lighting Proposed site lighting consists of pole-mounted LED street lights of a style equal to the Invue EPIC Modern mounted at 20’ high on a traditional single pole mount arm. Building-mounted fixtures would include a barn-style fixture on the building exterior at the shared sidewalk entry for the second-floor units of similar style to the Avalon LED Gooseneck light, mounted at a 12’ height. Fixture specifications are attached. A Lighting Plan is also included with this submission to illustrate the distribution and light intensity at ground level. 7.Traffic The project is expected to generated approximately 25 PM Peak Hour trips, as calculated using ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition, for 32-unit Low Rise Multi-Family Housing Units and one duplex. 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 6 of 7 This does not represent a significant increase in traffic to the Spear Street Corridor. A Traffic Brief was included in the initial submittal. C. Submission Elements The submission elements included in this project package include the following: 1.Cover letter and narrative (this document) 2.Opinion of Landscape Costs 3.Local Stormwater Management Package 4.Lighting Specifications 5.Plans: Sheet Number Sheet Name Date Last Revised A1 Proposed First Floor Plan 11/18/2020 A2 Proposed Secord Floor Plan 11/18/2020 A3 Proposed Elevations 11/18/2020 A4 Proposed Elevations 11/18/2020 C0-00 Cover 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C1-00 Legend & Notes 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C1-01 Existing Conditions 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C2-00 Overall Site Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C2-01 Entrance Plans 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C2-02 Layout & Materials Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C2-03 Grading Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C3-01 Utility Plan Overview 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C3-02 Wastewater and Water Utility Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C3-03 Stormwater Utility Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C4-01 Pre-Construction Stormwater Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C4-02 Proposed Stormwater Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 C5-01 Overall EPSC Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 LA1-01 Landscape Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 LA1-02 Landscape Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 LI1-01 Lighting Plan 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 S1-02 P.U.D. Plat 5/14/2021 3/18/2022 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Revised Preliminary Plat Application 600 Spear Street TCE Project#: 19-268 March 2022 Page 7 of 7 D. Changes From Previous Submittals Changes to the plans since the previous Preliminary Plat submittal have been generally summarized below. •Revised layout of streets, parking areas, greenspace, and residential structures, and updated supporting information; •Updated Stormwater Treatment System consisting of bioretention basins designed in accordance with the State of Vermont and the City of Burlington stormwater regulations; •Illustration of solar panels for which a Certificate of Public Good has been received from the Public Utility Commission. Request for Waivers As part of the PUD, we are requesting the following waiver: 1.Reduced Front Yard Setback: The front setback in the R4 district is 30 feet, the Applicant requests a front yard setback of 10 feet for the PUD. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (802) 879-6331 x108 or by email at lucy.thayer@tcevt.com. Sincerely, Lucy Thayer, PLA Trudell Consulting Engineers 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495