HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/21/1989CITY COUNCIL 21 AUGUST, 1989 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 August, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman: (arrived at 8:05 p.m.),; James Condos, William Cimonetti, John Dinklage, (served as Acting Chair until arrival of Chairman Farrar) Also Present Charles Hafter, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; City Atty. Steve Stitzel; Solid Waste Committee; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Terry Boyle, Laurie Porter, Chris Cavin; Cynthia Hoell, Stephen Crowley, Chris Dunn, Robin Worn, Terry Sheahan, Albert Audette, David Raphael, Faith Ingulsrud, Tim Jamison. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised Final Report of the Interim Zoning Area Planning Study John Steele, representing T. J. Boyle & Associates presented the results of a comprehensive study of an approximate 1000 acre area bordered by Swift Street, Dorset Street, Spear Street and the City Line. Current studies being conducted in surrounding quadrants, were reviewed in relation to this study. Mr. Steele provided many slides of topographical, land use and physical features maps, as well as, scenic photographs. Mr. Steele emphasized that development would have to be carefully planned, in order to preserve and appreciate the views and natural beauty of the area. Three plans of development were presented. The total developable space is approximately 500 acres of the 1000. 1. The Development Based Plan represents approximately 900 units on 435 acres of land and encompasses a portion of current agricultural land. Transportation would be alleviated by developing an east/west corridor. 2. The Resource Based Plan represents preservation of views would accommodate approximately 400 units on 230 acres. The east/west corridor is recommended. 3. Conservation Based Plan represents 100 to 150 acres and utilizes the transfer of development rights to increase the density several fold in order to preserve open space. The plan tucks the development into pockets where it would have the least visual impact. Mr. Cimonetti stated that housing densities do not necessarily follow in the same relationships. With the use of transfer of development rights, the number of housing units could be substantially different. He said the next step was to send the study to the Planning Commission and the public process, but he expressed his hope for planned residential and unit development to preserve parts of the land. Mr. Farrar expressed a concern about creating an undesirable place for people to live in relation to all three plans. He stated that the total density could be reduced, that the total density remain constant and increase the local density or to move some of the development to someplace else. Mr. Farrar indicated the need to know about the current and potential traffic patterns and problems in the area. Mr. Cimonetti agreed that the relief of vehicular traffic is a priority. Mr. Dinklage encouraged the idea of a diagonal east/west connector. Mr. Cimonetti stated an immediate need of a Council meeting to determine actions that need to be directed to the City Manager and the City Planner, in order to move the process. He also suggested that sufficient copies be available. Mr. Dinklage agreed. Design Alternatives to Overlook Park T.J. Boyle and Associates presented a street-level elevation hexagonal shaped plan utilizing trees to eliminate undesirable views of the area homes, handicapped accessibility and the ability to view the scenery from a lower level walkway or from a car. Dunn and Associates presented a traditional shaped plan at the same grade as Spear Street, that incorporated views from the park and the street. Vegetation would be used to screen the area homes. He emphasized the neighborhood "feel". LandWorks presented a curvilinear plan which capitalized on the natural contours of the land. Vegetation was de-emphasized and minimal. A small handicapped accessible, spiral at increased elevation was proposed to look over the area homes. Mr. Cimonetti stated that he remained disappointed that the whole land area was not utilized for public access. Recreation Path Land Acquisition Policy The notification of property owners within 150 of the path was an issue as the Recreation Path Committee felt it caused undue burden and would prefer only the notification of adjoining property owners. Mr. Dinklage noted that all citizens that might be affected by the bike path had a right to know and that he wished to learn a lesson from the problems that Burlington had. He indicated that the burden of notification and cost would be a city burden. Mr. Dinklage offered that notification of property owners of 100, measured from the easement, would suffice. He questioned that policy statement regarding "Easement shall be solely obtained through voluntary dedication, except as allowed by subdivision process", which eliminates the possibility of procurement or the process of emminent domain. Ms. Cavin and Ms. Parlan of the Recreation Task Force suggested more open language. The language was changed to read "Easement shall be obtained through voluntary dedication, city procurement and by provision as allowed by the subdivision process described below." Mr. Dinklage moved the Council to adopt the policy on land acquisition with the change indicated above. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Support for the Robert W. Johnson Foundation Grant Application Mr. Farrar stated that the plan was not complete and wish to see a completed one, but agreed that South Burlington should participate in the planning process. Mr. Condos disagreed with a reference in the plan that the University of Vermont was the main source of the area drug problem. Mr. Hafter will be the representative for the City. Mr. Dinklage moved to accept the City Manager recommendation that South Burlington take an active part in the planning process to insure that County wide goals are established and that South Burlington's interests are represented. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Condos. Motion passed unanimously. Awarding Contracts for Ethan Allen Drive & Meadowood Drive Sanitary Sewers Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Hafter how the bids of $63,983.30 and 86,374.15 respectively, compared with the initial estimates of the cost. Mr. Hafter responded that the original estimate for Ethan Allan Drive was $97,000.00 and the initial estimate for Meadowood Drive $107,000. Mr. Dinklage moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager with regards to the sewer contracts. Mr. Condos seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Solid Waste Study Committee The City has been given the options to approve a solid waste charter already approved by the State Legislature or to leave the Solid Waste district. A number of the current changes were approved by the legislature before review by the district members. Mr. Cimonetti stated that he could not support the by-laws as they stand. He would like to propose changes and asked how. Mr. Farrar stated that it was up to the Council to act in the public interest and expressed disbelief that changes, such as those that the legislature approved, did not go to the voting public for input. Mr. Hafter suggested that the Council meet and determine a unified position regarding the problems and concerns that they have with the charter, and sent it to the Legislature before the next session. The process for changing the charter is that the Board has to vote the changes and these have to be approved by the majority or 3/4 of the Legislature. Mr. Condos asked if there was any deadline for the charter approval. The response was negative except that there was concern about whether the district could start taking options on sites without a charter. Mr. Cimonetti suggested to ask the local state representatives of their participation in the charter changes. The Council asked Mr. Stitzel to review what was added by the Legislature, what was added by the District and how were voluntary local responsibilities altered. It is Mr. Stitzel's belief that a vote of the community is required to withdraw from the solid waste district. Mr. Cimonetti stated that a fundamental decision has to be reached as to whether the public should be advised to continue to belong to the solid waste district. A special City Council meeting on Wednesday, August 30, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. to review the charter. Appointment of delegate to VLCT Annual Meeting. Mr. Dinklage moved to appoint Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer as the VLCT delegate. Seconded by Mr. Condos. Motion passed unanimously. Program to Treat Gypsy Moth Infestation. The Council agreed that the Gypsy Moths were a problem and that something should be done. Mr. Hafter stated that by participating in the review process now, it will alleviate the problem next year. Mr. Dinklage moved to request the Tree Warden to notify the State that the City of South Burlington wishes to be included in the Gypsy Moth Suppression Program, but that the City is not committing funds until the extent of the problem is known. Seconded by Mr. Cimonetti. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas Mr. Dinklage asked what was being proposed for the Bagel and coffee shop. He was informed by Mr. Hafter that it involved installation of posts. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the Associates in Radiology Zoning Proposal would be contributing to traffic signalization. Mr. Hafter was asked to research the issue. Minutes of Regular Meeting, 8/7/89 Motion was made to approve the minutes by Mr. Dinklage. Mr. Condos seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Items for Information There were no questions on the traffic count data, although Mr. Condos stated that although the count was reduced, it was still a substantial amount of traffic in a residential area. Training in the traffic model is still necessary. Other Business or Old Business Mr. Cimonetti asked if there was any interest in participating in or organizing any Bi-Centennial celebration activities. He volunteered to check with local groups. Mr. Hafter will have a press release prepared for local newspapers. Mr. Dinklage informed the Council of a citizen complaint regarding dog barking. A policeman informed the citizen that the "dog ordinance is unenforceable." The acting Chief of Police will be asked to respond to the statement. Mr. Dinklage moved to adjourn the City Council and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Seconded by Mr. Condos and the motion passed unanimously. Review catering permit authorized by Charles Hafter, City Manager for Wedding Reception by Wetherbee's at K of C Hall, South Burlington on Saturday, 8/19/89 from 12 noon-8:00 p.m. Catering permit for Wedding Reception by Wetherbee's at K of C Hall, South Burlington on Saturday, 10/21/89 from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Motion to approve the above by Mr. Dinklage, seconded by Mr. Condos. Motion carried unanimously. Catering permit by Sneakers for August 31, 1989 at Dorset Park. There was some question as to the location of the function. Mr. Dinklage moved to give Mr. Hafter power to approve the catering permit after investigation. Seconded by Mr. Condos. The motion passed unanimously. Continuation of temporary entertainment permit for Club New England. Mr. Dinklage moved to extend for 90 days. Seconded by Mr. Condos and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved to adjourn the Liquor Control Board and to reconvene as City Council. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti moved to enter Executive Session for discussion of land acquisition and legal matters. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council reconvened in open session. Motion to adjourn passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 12:15 A.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.