HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/07/1989CITY COUNCIL 7 AUGUST 1989 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 August 1989, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; James Condos, William Cimonetti, John Dinklage, Michael Flaherty Also Present Charles Hafter, City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Gerald Milot, Dick Underwood, John Belter, John Larkin, Pete Crevier Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Southeast Summit PRD - Milot Properties Mr. Milot said he met with the Planning Commission a few weeks ago and felt his proposal was well received there. He is looking to the Council for a feeling as to the direction he should go. He said that a few years ago he purchased about 200 acres on Dorset St. near the Shelburne line. He had thought to put an affordable housing project there, but the Planning Commission was concerned about leapfrog development. He then thought that the Commission's concerns were best addressed by trying to do a TDR. He subsequently agreed to purchase a half interest in the Nowland property, about 1/2 of 130 acres. He would propose to put 350 units on 67 acres of that property, a density of about 5/acre. This would leave the land near the Shelburne line open forever. He would make that land available to the city for a permanent sludge site and would try to find a farmer who would farm the land. He noted it is prime ag soil and there is a $1MM barn already there. Some limited development rights for that land could be given to the city, and these could be a bargaining chip for acquiring more park land. Mr. Milot said he is considering an affordable housing development for the Nowland land, renting condo units for $700-$800/month for about 10-15 years, then selling the units. He felt this would create a meaningful piece of property to be left open forever and would answer the affordable housing need. Mr. Cimonetti said there is a question of whether the State will still allow sludge to be spread on ag soil. Mr. Milot said it may have to be treated differently. Mr. Llewellyn said there are new guidelines for sludge disposal and there are a number of restrictions that can be monitored. Mr. Hafter noted there are a number of new Federal regulations as well. Mr. Farrar asked how the proposal fits in with Mr. Boyle's presentation. Mr. Milot said it would be easy for them to comply with requests for bike paths, scenic overlooks, rights of way, etc. They can weave their project in with what the consultant says. He felt the north/south corridor was a good idea. He added they would not plan to build all at once, possible 50 units/year. They would build the city street to their boundary lines. This is what they usually do anyway. Mr. Cimonetti said it is hard to say whether they would be in harmony with the Interim Zoning study. The report will come to the Council on 21 August and more will be known then. Mr. Milot said they do not plan to argue the grandfathering question. Mr. Dinklage said he appreciated the imagination of the plan. He added that the Planning Commission should insist on phasing. He did question the juxtaposition of the affordable housing development across the street from single family homes on Spear St. He also noted the Interim Zoning study is looking to identify areas on the Nowland property for views. An arrangement of houses could help accomplish this. Mr.Condos liked the thought process and urged Mr. Milot to continue looking in this direction. He felt TDR's will be very valuable to the city in the future. Mr. Flaherty said he would like more information on affordable housing and how to maintain it as affordable. Mr. Cimonetti noted the Southeast Quadrant Committee is having a speaker on affordable housing this Thursday night. Mr. Condos raised the question of public transportation in the area and felt this was important for an area of affordable housing. Mr. Weith noted CCTA has been considering a connection between Shelburne Rd. and Dorset St. Consideration of options on Shelburne Rd. Resurfacing Mr. Dinklage noted that the MPO opposed the possibility of doing work on Shelburne Rd. that might postpone the widening. He said he would like the Council to do the same. Mr. Farrar suggested telling the State to take the resurfacing money and use it to start the widening process. Mr. Dinklage moved the Council pass a Resolution opposing the resurfacing of Shelburne Rd. as proposed by the State and rather to request the State use the same funds to begin the widening of Shelburne Rd. as soon as possible since that is the ultimate objective. The Council does not oppose minimum necessary maintenance to keep Shelburne Rd. safe for travel. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos felt a left turn lane at Allen Road is a necessity as there is almost no way to turn left now. Approval for Engineering Technician position The money is in the budget for this position. The person hired will start at pay grade 10. Mr. Hafter felt this person could support Zoning and Planning people in certain technical areas. Mr. Dinklage asked who does this work now. Mr. Hafter said he feared many inspections are not done now though Mr. Audette and Mr. Szymanski do some of it. Mr. Condos moved to approve the position as presented. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti said he wanted to be sure the stipulation for a 2-year technical degree or higher is required. Set date for regular meeting in September Members agreed to hold the meeting usually scheduled for 4 September (Labor Day) on 11 September. Consideration of Official name for Andrews Ave/Stonehedge Park After some discussion, Mr. Flaherty moved to make the official name of the Andrews Avenue/Stonehedge Park the William Szymanski Park. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning Agenda Mr. Dinklage noted that item 5 involves expansion of a non-conforming use in a residential zone and felt the Council should ask the Planning Commission to look at this request very carefully. Mr. Condos noted the loading dock would be between the building and a residence which might lead to anotheer Martin's-type situation as far as noise is concerned. Mr. Cimonetti cautioned against creating a problem that isn't there. He said the city will some day have to face the reality that Williston Road is a commercial street. Mr. Dinklage moved to have the City Manager advise the Planning Commission that the Council is against expansion of a non-conforming use in a residential zone and that the Council asks the Planning Commission to be sensitive to the possible visual and noise generating aspects of locating a loading dock adjacent to a residence. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti noted item 3 on the Planning Agenda is a presentation by Terry Boyle on the Interim Zoning study and suggested Council members attend. Minutes of 7/17 and 7/31 Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the Minutes of 7/17 and 7/31 as printed. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Information Items Mr. Cimonetti said that Mr. Jacob had told him there was a problem getting the traffic model working and that Commission work was being hampered. Mr. Hafter said they are waiting for Craig Leiner to finish the work. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Hafter to find out the status for the next meeting. He said this should be a top priority. Mr. Condos said he has had inquiries as to whether the sidewalk will be put back after the University Mall widening of Dorset St. is complete. Mr. Hafter will check on this. Other Business Mr. Dinklage said at a meeting to which the Burlington mayor invited the City's attendance, Mr. Clavelle mentioned a grant Burlington is applying for from the Robert Wood Johnson Fund for communities with drug and alcohol problems. Mr. Dinklage asked the City Manager to look into this further. He noted Burlington is going ahead with this and he felt all area communities should be actively involved. As there was no further business to come before the Council the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.