HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/21/1988CITY COUNCIL 21 SEPTEMBER 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Wednesday, 21 September 1988, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; John Dinklage, Molly Lambert, Michael Flaherty Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager, Mary McKearin, Business Manager, Mike Donoghue, Burlington Free Press, Mariefrance Morselli, and Robert LaClair Comments and questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda). Ms. Morselli inquired about the possibility of making the position of Mayor an elected officer of the City of South Burlington. Continue interviewing applicants to fill the vacancy on the City Council. Mr. LaClair, a life-long resident of the City of South Burlington, stated that he is interested in joining the school board at some time in the future. When asked if he would be interested in becoming a member of the Williston Road Study Committee he replied in the affirmative. Set date of Hearing on the Spear Street Scenic Preservation zoning amendments. Mr. Dinklage moved that the date of October 17, 1988 be set for the Hearing on the Spear Street Scenic Preservation Zoning Amendments. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. (Note - Changed to Nov. 7, 88) Consider appointment to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Ms. Lambert reported that Mr. Szymanski and she had attended the last meeting. Because of her schedule, she would like to continue as an Alternate to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Discussion followed. Mr. Flaherty moved that Mr. Dinklage serve as a Representative of the Metropolitan Planning Organization and that Ms. Lambert serve as an Alternate. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Consider items to be on the ballot at the November 8, 1988 Elections. Mr. Farrar read the Notice of Public Hearings, City of South Burlington, to be held on Wednesday October 5, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, October 26, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the following proposed amendment to the Charter for the City of South Burlington: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Chapter 1, section 103(b) of the Charter of the City of South Burlington (Powers of the City) shall be amended to state as follows: (b) The City may acquire real and personal property within or without its corporate limits for any City purpose, including, without limitation, storm water collection and disposal, waste water collection and disposal, solid waste collection and disposal, provision of public water supply, provision of public parks and recreation facilities, provision of municipal facilities for office, fire protection and police protection, provision of public libraries, provision of public parking areas, provision of sidewalks, bicycle paths and green strips, provision of public road ways, provision of public view zones and open spaces, and such other purposes as are addressed under the general laws of the State of Vermont. The City may acquire such property in fee simple or any lesser interest or estate by purchase, gift, devise, lease or condemnation and may sell, lease, mortgage, hold, manage and control such property as its interest may require. (New text added to this section is underlined.) After Mr. Farrar read the Warning, City of South Burlington Special Meeting, 8 November to vote by Australian ballot on the proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of South Burlington, discussion followed. Ms. Morselli asked if provisions exist to protect environmentally important pieces of property. Mr. Farrar stated that they are already protected by existing provisions. This proposed change to the City Charter is being made to make it very clear that City Council has the power to acquire public property and to make certain there will be no problems in the future. Mr. Dinklage moved that City Council approve and sign the Resolution and Notice of Public Hearings and Warning to put the proposed amendment on the November 8, 1988 ballot. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas (9/20/88 & 9/26/88). Mr. Dinklage moved that the City Council send to the Zoning board the following Resolution relative to Appeal #1 seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Non- conforming uses and non-complying structures, sub section 19.003 extension of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a 5100 square-foot second story addition, and occupy 10,800 square-foot building for general office use, on a lot containing 37,880 square feet located within a residential district, at 1510 Williston Road. Resolution: The City Council strongly opposes any use variances or extensions of non-conforming uses in the residential zone of Williston Road. Discussion followed. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Read Minutes of Regular Meeting September 7, 1988 & Special Meeting September 12, 1988. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting September 7, 1988 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting September 12, 1988 be approved. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders. Mr. Szymanski explained the resolution and Chittenden Bank Notes regarding fire equipment. One note is for $45,000, the other for $50,000; both at 6.5% interest. Discussion followed regarding a mistake on one of the notes and the best way to handle it. The hand-written correction was made and initialed by each Council Member present. Mr. Flaherty moved that the corrected notes be signed. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Any Other or Old Business. Ms. Lambert noted that during the 12 September City Council Meeting, Mr. Farrar had read a memo from City Manager William Szymanski indicating his intention to retire at approximately the end of 1988. Mr. Farrar at that time had asked that the next Agenda include an item on how to fill the position. That item was not included in the Agenda for the 21 September meeting. Discussion followed. Mr. Farrar suggested that the procedure used in the past, that of appointing a committee would be used now. The committee would consist of members of the City Council, outside citizens. The City Council would make the final decision. A suggestion was made that information from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns could help. Discussion followed regarding placement of the recruitment ad. Mr. Farrar noted that a formal agenda item re this recruitment will be on the next Agenda. Ms. Morselli suggested that an item for the next Meeting Agenda include the updating of the position of City Manager. Discussion also followed regarding the possibility of adding the position of Mayor of the City of South Burlington. Mr. Dinklage inquired about the possibility of a reduction of paperwork for the City Council, i.e., expense reporting. Discussion followed. Coding for certain reports was also discussed. Ms. Lambert mentioned a memo from City Planner Joe Weith regarding the formation of a special committee to conduct a city-wide scenic view professional study. He does ask for feedback. The committee will be made up of citizens, himself and members of the natural resources committee. Discussion followed. Mr. Farrar suggested waiting until after the joint meeting with the planning commission and the natural resources committee before offering feedback. Ms. Lambert read a list of appointments to be made to the South Burlington Social Awareness Committee, established by the City Council June 20, 1988: Discussion followed regarding the various backgrounds of the appointees. Ms. Lambert moved that the list of appointments be approved. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion unanimously approved. Ms. Lambert stated that she and Mr. Szymanski attended the Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting. Discussion followed regarding the urban systems map. Discussion also followed re how to use the Act 200 money ($22,000). Liquor Control Board Ms. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented an application for a Second Class Liquor License for L & K One Stop (was Pantry Pride) 1041 Shelburne Road. He said everything is in order with the application. Mr. Flaherty moved the Board approve the second class liquor license for L & K as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented catering permit requests from Wetherbees for a wedding at K of C Hall, South Burlington on 1/14/89 and for two Christmas Parties; 12/10/88 and 12/17/88 at K of C Hall, South Burlington. Mr. Flaherty moved the Board approve the catering permits as presented by the City Manager. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved the Liquor control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in executive session for the purpose of reviewing applicants for appointment to the City Council and the Williston Road Study Committee. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately with no further action, by motion of Mr. Flaherty, seconded by Mr. Dinklage. Motion passed unanimously. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CITY COUNCIL 21 SEFTWER 1988 PAGE 4 &. Lambert read a list of appointments to be made to the South Burlington Social Awareness Conunittee, established by the City Council June 20, 1988: Jean McCandless 1410 Hinesburg Road 862-8665 David Jambowitz 9 Andrews Ave. 658-6536 Linda Rodd 7 Andrews Ave. 658-6536 Merle Edwards-Orr 25 Gilbert St. 658-2357 Ed Levin 137 Sunset Ave. 864-3943 Mary Scollins 214 Meadow Wood Dr. 658-2330 Discussion followed regarding the various backgrounds of the appointees. Ms. Lambert moved that the list of apmintments be apprwed. MI. Flaherty seconded. Motion unanimously approved. Ks. Lambert staked that she and Mr. Szymanski attended the Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting. Discussion followed regarding the urban systems - Discussion also followed re haw to use the Act 200 money ($22,000). Liwr Control Board Ms. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented an application for a Second Class Liquor License for L & K he Stop (was Pantry Pride) 1041 Shelburne Road. He said everything is in order with the application. Mr. Flaherty moved the bard approve the second class liquor license for L 6 K as presented by the City Elanaqer. Mr. Dinklaqe seconded. Motion passed ~manimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented catering permit requests from Wetherbees for a wedding at K of C Hall, South Burlington on 1/14/89 and for two Christmas Parties; 12/10/88 and 12/17/88 at K of C Hall, South Burlington. Mr. Flaherty moved the Board apDrove the caterinq penttits as presented by the City Manaaer. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously.